Waiting For Superstorms - Alternative View

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Waiting For Superstorms - Alternative View
Waiting For Superstorms - Alternative View

Video: Waiting For Superstorms - Alternative View

Video: Waiting For Superstorms - Alternative View
Video: The opportunity they were waiting for 2024, July

The date of fulfillment of the Mayan prophecy is behind. According to the chronology of the ancient Indians, the modern era began on August 12, 3114 BC. e. and was supposed to end on December 21, 2012. The peculiarity of this prediction is that the exact date is indicated, but there is no description of what will happen.

The era will end, but what next? If the prophecy is true, then the coming event, as a rule, is mentioned in other predictions. Moreover, the seeds from which the future grows are always in the present. They are small and very difficult to see, but possible.

Fire bible

The Mayan doctrine is consistent with the doctrine of the evolutionary cycle of races (its disseminators - Helena Blavatsky, Nicholas and Helena Roerich), replacing each other. According to this concept, four changes of races (apocalypses) have already taken place on Earth. During this time, there were five races of intelligent beings (angel-like people, ghost-like people, Lemurians, Atlanteans, Aryans, i.e. we are with you). The time of the 6th race and the 5th apocalypse is approaching. What is very important, the upcoming event, unlike the previous four, is not the end of the world, but only a good shake-up for humanity. The future 6th race - the same people, but with a different consciousness.

A similar vision of the future, but using a different terminology, we find in the Mayan teachings. There were already four races of intelligent beings on Earth before modern humans appeared. They all died during the great cataclysms. The "Fifth Sun" that shines on us today is called by them as the "Sun of Motion".

The time of the "Sixth Sun" and the 5th "change of Suns" are approaching. Such a coincidence cannot be a mere coincidence, behind this some very deep knowledge is hidden, the origin of which, by and large, is unknown to us.

The truth and significance of the doctrine of the cycle of races will be appreciated only by our descendants. Wanga said about this: “There is an ancient Indian teaching. It will spread throughout the world. New books will be published about him, and they will be read everywhere on earth. This will be the Fire Bible. It will cover the earth like white, and thanks to it people will be saved. New teaching will come from Russia. She will be the first to cleanse herself."

Promotional video:

Holy devil

Among the many prophecies about the near future, one stands out. Grigory Rasputin predicted a "terrible storm" that would break out on 23 August 2013. This day almost coincides with the Mayan date, the difference in eight months is insignificant. In the world of predictions, exact dates are extremely rare, and the coincidence of two is almost the only case.

Rasputin's prophecy only at first glance seems to be something insignificant and accidental. He spoke about his own death, the death of the royal family, revolution, the Second and Third World Wars. However, the exact date is only given in the prediction of the storm. The author hardly knew about the Beaufort scale (adopted by the World Meteorological Association for assessing wind speed), and, probably, we are talking not about a storm, but about a super-powerful hurricane.

Great hurricanes

Today, about 17 predictions are known that in the near future there will be

rage heavy-duty hurricanes. Their strength can be judged by the prediction of the American seer Valdez (the Younger): -I saw huge buildings tumbled to the ground, mighty and huge trees were uprooted and lifted into the air. I saw large concrete and steel structures of buildings that were twisted and ripped apart like tiny toys. I saw human beings lifted into the air and animals and birds in the air. I saw them smashed by blows to buildings and their bodies flattened. I saw human torsos, no arms or legs, no heads."

Events will develop gradually. According to Ruth Montgomery (1913-2001), “At the beginning of the next century, the poles of the Earth will change their position. Fierce and incredible hurricanes will sweep away everything in their path … In the west, the remnants of California will disappear into the boiling sea. The displacement will be preceded by warnings. Change will take place slowly, not suddenly, during the last years of the 20th century. The hurricanes will get more and more violent …"

Boiling sea

A hurricane is a wind speed of more than 120 km / h that is caused by changes in atmospheric pressure. The seers say that the cause of super-powerful hurricanes will be volcanoes, and above all underwater ones, which will make the seas literally boil. Monstrous temperature changes will dramatically change the usual circulation of air and water in the oceans.

Ellen White from the USA (1827-1915): “The storm is coming … Masses of molten rock will fall into the water, shaking will occur from the insides hidden in the ground. The water will boil."

ST. Tsvelev (Oris): “And thousands of volcanoes will revive, and an unbearable rumble will fill the earth with tremors. And a terrible hurricane will begin. The strongest and unprecedented in your power hurricane winds will uproot trees and destroy houses, like toys."

Richard Kaninger: “There will be more intense earthquakes than have ever been recorded by scientists. All volcanoes in the world will explode, and many new ones will join them. Due to volcanic eruptions, huge amounts of heavy gases such as carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide will spread into the atmosphere. The gases will cool in the high layers of the atmosphere and then fall to the surface of the Earth.

There will be air currents of such magnitude that a hurricane wind will howl over the face of the world. The sky will be filled with dust and suffocating vapors, so that even the sun will not be visible at all for several months. Walls of water thousands of feet deep will roar, sweep away everything in front of them and flood the earth. Marine and land animals, vegetation, silt and sand will be mixed and ground into mud."

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519): -It will be seen how the eastern parts run to the western, and the southern to the north, spinning throughout the Universe in a great crackle and fury … parts will mix with the running of the winds, will follow it in many countries. And they will carry a great crowd of people through the air. Aquatic animals will die in the boiling sea."

Bottom pranks

Already now you can see signs of future cataclysms (Hurricane Sandy, weakening of the ocean current of the Gulf Stream, etc.), something has begun to happen on the seabed. Meteorologists note these anomalies, but do not attach importance to them, referring them to background fluctuations. Thus, Viktor Kornienko, a specialist at the leading research institution of Roshydromet, NPO Typhoon, writes: “Hurricane Sandy, which recently swept over the eastern regions of the United States, can rightfully be called the most significant meteorological event of 2012. In its origin, it was genetically related to a powerful tropical cyclone that badly battered many islands in the Caribbean.

A unique feature was its trajectory: being in the ocean at the latitude of New York, it did not go east into the ocean according to the classics, but turned sharply westward to coastal cities, receiving support there from the temperature difference between the already cooling continent and the still very warm ocean. As a result, this led to such devastating consequences. The primary reason for this behavior of the cyclone was the unusual spatial distribution of temperature over the ocean surface - anomalously warm along the east coast of America, while the Atlantic is relatively cool in the northeast.

And so we all know that so far the ancient prophecies have not come true. Which, by the way, is very pleasing.


"Secrets of the twentieth century" January 2012