Brothers In Mind - Or Sisters? - Alternative View

Brothers In Mind - Or Sisters? - Alternative View
Brothers In Mind - Or Sisters? - Alternative View

Video: Brothers In Mind - Or Sisters? - Alternative View

Video: Brothers In Mind - Or Sisters? - Alternative View
Video: Brother vs Sister! When Siblings COMPETE Against Each Other! 2024, October

The appearance of the UFO inhabitants is incredibly diverse. It seems that we are visited by absolutely all types and subspecies of intelligent entities in the Universe.

Most often they are simply referred to as "gray". These creatures are from 90 to 120 cm tall, with gray skin, a disproportionately large bald head, outwardly poorly developed limbs and a slender torso. They have large dark eyes, the corners of which are slightly curved upward. There are differences of opinion about other details of their appearance, but it can be argued that the "classic gray humanoid" has either a very small nose, or does not have one at all, he has a small mouth, devoid of lips, thin fingers. According to a number of descriptions, the fingers can end in claws or something like suckers. Their tight clothing and body structure made the humanoids look like human fetuses.

Stories about hybrids - "half-human-half-gray", allegedly bred by means of genetic engineering, are not uncommon in popular ufological literature. They have also been associated with stories of sexual encounters between earthlings and alleged aliens. The number of myths about the "gray" is very large and is distinguished by an abundance of details. Human contact with gray humanoids has been reported primarily in the United States of America. For some reason, reports of encounters with such aliens from other regions of the world were much less frequent.

Often, in the descriptions of those who allegedly had encounters with them, "aliens" were credited with features that make them in many respects similar to humans: a more or less cylindrical torso crowned with a head, two arms with shoulders and two legs with hips. The hands could have a wide variety of shapes. This basic description had various variations, sometimes extremely exotic. In some descriptions (for example, by George Adamski) "aliens" appeared to be virtually indistinguishable from ordinary people.

Sometimes the aliens, according to the testimony of contactees, had an exceptionally beautiful appearance, close to the so-called Nordic ideal: blond hair, attractive facial features, impressive physical characteristics. Other guests from space were dark-skinned and were even compared with typical Italians and gypsies (you can recall, for example, the case of Truman Beturum). Humanoids could also appear to humans as extraordinarily beautiful women.

The height of the alleged aliens varied over a fairly wide range: from gigantic (up to 3 meters) to tiny - a few centimeters in size. In a number of stories, earthlings who met humanoids noticed clothes with a metallic sheen on the latter. Other aliens wore robes and even some sort of armor. Humanoids could have some kind of tentacles instead of hands. There are stories in which extraterrestrials were credited with incredibly long arms. Even with regard to the number of eyes, there is no agreement: sometimes one, but in most cases still two, often dark, with corners curving upward. In a number of descriptions, the aliens had glowing eyes, as, for example, the guests of the famous contactee Albert Vendor. The variety of facial and skull features is also quite wide. Humanoids could have ears or lack them. Sometimes in those places on the headwhere a normal person has ears, humanoids have antennae sticking out. We saw noseless and long-nosed (and even very long-nosed) visitors from space, without mouths and with small, narrow, lipless mouths. Although in the vast majority of descriptions humanoids had legs, they were far from always used for movement, since it was often claimed that aliens were capable of flying. Nevertheless, the legs usually ended in feet, although there were exceptions to this rule (for example, in the rather famous case of Kelly - Hopkinsville, the legs of a humanoid ended in some kind of disc-shaped formations). Occasionally, although not very often, the aliens have been spotted wings. Although in the vast majority of descriptions humanoids had legs, they were far from always used for movement, since it was often claimed that aliens were capable of flying. Nevertheless, the legs usually ended in feet, although there were exceptions to this rule (for example, in the rather famous case of Kelly - Hopkinsville, the legs of a humanoid ended in some kind of disc-shaped formations). Occasionally, although not very often, the aliens have been spotted wings. Although in the vast majority of descriptions humanoids had legs, they were far from always used for movement, since it was often claimed that aliens were capable of flying. Nevertheless, the legs usually ended in feet, although there were exceptions to this rule (for example, in the rather famous case of Kelly - Hopkinsville, the legs of a humanoid ended in some kind of disc-shaped formations). Occasionally, although not very often, the aliens have been spotted the rather famous case of Kelly-Hopkinsville, the legs of the humanoid ended in some kind of disc-shaped formations). Occasionally, although not very often, the aliens have been spotted the rather famous case of Kelly-Hopkinsville, the legs of the humanoid ended in some kind of disc-shaped formations). Occasionally, although not very often, the aliens have been spotted wings.

Most often, people who met the aliens considered them either male or hermaphrodites. However, there are exceptions: for example, the famous "Captain Aura Ranes" is a beautiful alien who took an active part in contacts with Truman Beturum. Some of the humanoids were quite tolerant of earthly food. There were reports of small, furry creatures and furry giants. The latter were sometimes called "Big Foot" - a name more familiar to Bigfoot (Yeti). In the ufological literature, you can find many descriptions related to the physiology and anatomy of aliens. According to rumors, an autopsy performed on the bodies of aliens who died in the crash of an alien spacecraft in one of the deserts in the southwestern United States showedthat their hands and fingers were much like the hands and fingers of ordinary people, but there were tiny suction-like formations on their fingertips. According to the same rumors, the teeth of the aliens were in good condition, and the digestive system was completely absent (for more details, see the chapter “How the alien was dissected”). However, it should be noted that different stories contradict each other and generally contain a lot of dubious information.

Interestingly, in different countries, humanoids were described in different ways. In some countries, people allegedly saw huge aliens resembling robots (such as near Voronezh), or creatures that looked like goblins.

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A curious species of humanoids who supposedly arrived on Earth in UFOs are the so-called "Men in Black" - sinister male figures that appeared after seeing a UFO somewhere nearby, and terrified those who happened to meet them. The Men in Black were described as ordinary earthlings in dark clothing. However, their unusualness lay in awkward movements, pompous expressions used in conversation, and sometimes an unusual pallor of the face. “Men in Black” usually appeared in groups (two or three) and every now and then uttered all sorts of threats in conversations with earthlings. One of the evidence on this topic belongs to the notorious contactee Albert Bender, who claimed that he was visited by creatures in black, apparently due to his interest in UFOs.

Establishing contact with representatives of other worlds who arrived on Earth in their spaceships could take a variety of forms. The aliens spoke to people verbally or conveyed written messages. They sometimes resorted to telepathy or direct reading of thoughts from the contactee's head. It should be noted that for the most part, messages to humanity attributed to aliens are meaningless, inconsistent and implausible.

The humanoids that figure in the stories of our time show a strong interest in the human reproductive and excretory systems. Many stories describe how the earthlings they abducted were subjected to painful research and some kind of surgical procedures performed on the aforementioned systems. In the bodies of the abducted, for example, in the nasal passage or other parts, all kinds of implants were left (most often small metal or ceramic spheres).

Often, descriptions of humanoids that appeared in front of people involuntarily suggest their resemblance to ghosts and, in general, make you remember about demonic forces. Such stories contain references to a sudden feeling of cold, unpleasant odors, deception of sight, the ability of mysterious creatures to change their form, appear in the form of luminous figures, or even take on the appearance of famous people. These same features are usually attributed to ghosts and demons, which allows us to attribute the UFO phenomenon to the realm of the paranormal.

"Secrets of UFOs", A. Varakin and others.