Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Were Hybrid Aliens - New Research - Alternative View

Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Were Hybrid Aliens - New Research - Alternative View
Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Were Hybrid Aliens - New Research - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Were Hybrid Aliens - New Research - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Were Hybrid Aliens - New Research - Alternative View
Video: King Tut's Shocking Origins + Other Amazing Secrets of Ancient Egypt 😱 Smithsonian Channel 2024, June

New genetic research suggests that a number of generations of Egyptian pharaohs were subjected to voluntary genetic manipulation by a technologically advanced civilization.

Some will consider this convincing proof that the builders of the pyramids were closely associated with creatures from some other corner of the universe.

Stuart Fleischmann, assistant professor of comparative genomics at the University of Switzerland in Cairo, and his team recently published the results of seven years of work to map the genomes of nine pharaohs of ancient Egypt. If the correctness of the results obtained is confirmed, their discoveries will be able to change history textbooks around the world.

Fleischmann and colleagues subjected samples of ancient DNA to a process called polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In molecular biology, this technique is often used to copy and amplify a single copy of a piece of DNA, allowing researchers to get an accurate picture of someone's gene fingerprint.


Eight out of nine samples gave interesting but typical results. The ninth sample belonged to Akhenaten, a mysterious ruler who lived in the 14th century BC, the father of Tutankhamun.

The DNA source was a small piece of dried brain tissue, then the analysis was repeated using bone tissue with the same results.

One of the culprits was the CXPAC-5 gene, which is responsible for the growth of the cerebral cortex. The anomaly is visible in the picture below.

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This increased activity in Akhenaten's genome suggests that he possessed a larger cranial volume due to the need to accommodate a brain with a larger cortex.

Could this evidence, which is 3,300 years old, indicate genetic manipulation in antiquity? Was this the intervention of advanced extraterrestrial beings?

So perhaps the mythology of Ancient Egypt is more than a collection of allegorical tales? Associate Professor Fleischmann explains:

“Telomerase [enzyme] is completely used up only in two cases: very deep old age and extreme mutations. According to genetic and archaeological evidence, Amenhotep IV Akhenaten lived for about 45 years. This is very little to use up the entire chromosomal telomerase, so we are left with only one, but not entirely convenient explanation.

This hypothesis is confirmed by electron microscopy - a nucleotide scar is visible, which is a sure sign of the healing of the DNA helix after exposure to strong mutagens.


It turns out that Akhenaten, one of the most mysterious pharaohs, was genetically modified during his lifetime? This is quite consistent with the theory that in ancient times the civilization on the banks of the Nile was visited by aliens.

This hypothesis is supported by another interesting piece of evidence: the following picture shows photographs under a microscope of bone tissue from Akhenaten's skull and another mummy from the same period.


The bone on the left is much denser and fundamentally different when viewed at the nanometer scale. Could this increased strength of the skull bones indicate a more developed brain?

"This is an exciting discovery, without any exaggeration," Fleischmann told the press, "my colleagues and I submitted the papers for peer review, and we repeated and repeated the analyzes so many times that now we are completely confident in their accuracy."

"I may not know the full implications of our findings, but I do believe they will at least give the scientific community a direction that would have been immediately rejected just a few decades ago."

If the research is correct, it will trigger an unprecedented paradigm shift. If a few thousand years ago aliens were actively involved in the lives of the most powerful people in the world, does this mean that they can return? Or they never left us.

But the most important aspect will be that among us today there are people who are direct descendants of the clan of ancient Egyptian kings, who still carry genes that were introduced by aliens into their distant ancestors.

Based on materials from "Locklip"