Some Of The Features Of The Famous Piri Reis Map - Alternative View

Some Of The Features Of The Famous Piri Reis Map - Alternative View
Some Of The Features Of The Famous Piri Reis Map - Alternative View

Video: Some Of The Features Of The Famous Piri Reis Map - Alternative View

Video: Some Of The Features Of The Famous Piri Reis Map - Alternative View
Video: Maps and History: Constructing Images of the Past 2024, October

You've probably heard of the famous Piri Reis map. How it was created is a mystery for official science. There are many versions and hypotheses on this account.

Let's talk about some very strange features of this artifact. Do you know how long our planet's equator is? About 40,000 kilometers.

So - the Piri Reis map also shows the equator of about the same length, with a small error of one hundred kilometers. And this is the first unique feature of this card. How did the ancient cartographers know about the existence of the equator and were able to measure it very accurately?


As I see it, there are several answer options here:

1) They possessed some kind of technological apparatus comparable to modern ones.

2) They could simply take and write off a card from much older ancient cards, but in this case, see paragraph 1.

As for Piri Reis himself, it follows from his records that he compiled his map on the basis of a much more ancient source, using the developments of the era of the famous Alexander the Great, and this, I recall, was the fourth century BC.

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But where did such accurate information come from? Is this not an allusion to the fact that the history of human development repeats itself in a spiral and the knowledge that is "being discovered" now was already known in ancient times?


Remember when Columbus "discovered" America? It seems it was in 1492. But then he did not swim to America, and only collided with the Caribbean islands.

He reached the continent itself ten years later. If you look at the map of Piri Reis, you will see both American continents and the Andes in South America. And now attention - the Andes were "discovered" by official science only in the MID-16th century.

And the Piri Reis map is officially dated at the BEGINNING of the 16th century. Those. Piri Reis dreamed of these mountains in a dream, how did Mendeleev have his table? It turns out that Columbus did not discover anything - he knew perfectly well where and why he was sailing, perhaps for the first time he simply did not have enough provisions in order to achieve the desired goal.


Available on the map of Piri Reis and Antarctica. And about her image, the most heated debates arise. And she is drawn there just fine. Especially when you consider that the "discovery" of this continent happened only at the beginning of the 19th century.

And the reason for this is very simple - the ships of that time were simply not able to pass through the northern seas. And by 1820 it turned out to be done. How could Antarctica be drawn so accurately, with its many islands and peninsulas? Personally, several solutions come to my mind:

1) Look at satellite images of this area, but it is unlikely that satellites existed then, although who knows.

2) Go to Antarctica and draw up its map at a time when it was warm enough there and there was no snow and ice.


Indeed, some researchers believe that in the past, Antarctica could have been much warmer than it is now. But scientists believe that this was in ancient times.

What happened to our planet that caused Antarctica to become covered with ice so quickly? Of course, this map has its own errors - official science claims that Piri Reis did not mark the strait between South America and Antarctica.


But there is another explanation - perhaps at the time of the compilation of this map, such a bay did not exist?