Exotic Fruits That I Would Like To Try - Alternative View

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Exotic Fruits That I Would Like To Try - Alternative View
Exotic Fruits That I Would Like To Try - Alternative View

Video: Exotic Fruits That I Would Like To Try - Alternative View

Video: Exotic Fruits That I Would Like To Try - Alternative View
Video: The Most Unique Tropical Fruits You Need To Try Before You Die 2024, October

How amazing and diverse our world is. It's a shame that much is not something that you won't have time to go around and find out, and you won't even be able to take a bite:-(

Bananas, oranges, kiwis and pineapples have long ceased to seem exotic to us. They are exported all over the world and are part of the diet of almost every fruit lover. But there is a wider list of tropical delicacies that are rarely found in our supermarkets.

Below is a list of exotic fruits that I would certainly like to try.

1. Melon Kiwano

Melon Kiwano is perhaps the most beautiful tropical exotic fruit (Cucumis metuliferus) This exotic is also called African horned cucumber, Antillean cucumber, horned melon, and anguria. The homeland of Kiwano melon is the African continent.


The exotic fruit of Kiwano is cultivated in New Zealand, California, in the semi-arid regions of southern and central Africa.

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The taste of the fruit of medium ripeness is fresh, lemon-cucumber. Ripens well at room temperature. Ripe and overripe Antilles cucumber combines the flavors of melon, cucumber, banana. The exotic is not cleaned from the crust; cut into slices lengthwise or across and suck out the juicy pulp along with unripe seeds. The pulp of the Antilles cucumber is saturated with B vitamins, vitamin C. Kiwano melon refreshes and has a tonic effect. The wild fruits of the horned cucumber are bitter because they contain saponin.

The exotic fruit is used in the design of cocktails, desserts, cakes. Drops-capsules can float freely on the surface of the drink. If you cut an exotic horned fruit across, you will get a decorative glass, the contents of which are complemented by whipped cream, cookies, ripe mango pieces … Kiwano Melon fruit is 12 cm long, weighs 300 gr.

2. Romanescu, or Romanesque broccoli, cauliflower

Romanescu is a close relative of broccoli and cauliflower. If you love kale, then this fantastic vegetable is sure to please. Plus, this amazing vegetable is packed full of antioxidants.


Designers and 3D artists admire its exotic fractal-like shapes. Cabbage buds grow in a logarithmic spiral. The first mentions of Romanescu cabbage came from Italy in the 16th century.

Romanesque broccoli has the finest flavor a cabbage can have. Romanescu is not crumbly, tastier than broccoli, sweetish with a nutty, not sulphurous, flavor. A fresh head of Romanescu cabbage should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days. Since the cabbage is hard, the head is cut into pieces with a toothed knife.


A casserole is prepared with slices of Romanescu cabbage, served with béchamel sauce and Roquefort cheese. Romanescu cabbage is rich in antioxidants carotenoids, vitamin C. This exotic vegetable is easy to grow for those who have experience growing broccoli, as the agricultural technology is identical.

3. Exotic citron "Buddha's hand

The exotic citron "Buddha's Hand" in China is called "fu shou", "bushukon" in Japan, "Liamau Yari", "Jerec tangan", "Liamau lingtang kerat" in Malaysia, "Dhiruk tangan" in Indonesia, "som-mu" in Thailand, "Fat-Chu" in Vietnam.


The fragrant exotic fruit is divided into several lobes, similar to swimmers, with a small amount of pulp and undeveloped seeds, there are varieties without seeds.

Citron is the oldest citrus native to Western India, Western Asia, and the Mediterranean. It was not widely used in cultivation and cultivation, since shrubs freeze under -3 ° C. With a tree height of up to 3 m, the fruits reach a length of up to 40 cm, and up to 28 in diameter. All parts of the plant are fragrant. Large white or purple flowers are just as showy as the fruit.

Perennial plant of the Rutaceae family, genus Citrus. The variety of Citron is represented by varieties. Other names: 'Corsican' Corsican lemon, 'Diamond' Sicilian citron, 'Ethrog' Israeli spindle-like citron, and, finally, Buddha's fingers (or hand).

English gardeners specializing in exotic plants grow Citron Buddha's Hand in greenhouses.


In India, several varieties of citron of the exotic form "Buddha's Hand" are cultivated. 'Bajoura' is a miniature juicy fruit with a thin skin. 'Chhangura' is a wild variety with small, rough fruits without pulp. 'Madhankri' or 'Madhkunkur' is a large fruit with a sweetish pulp. 'Turunj'- The fruit is large, with a thick skin, white inside and edible sweet, but poor in juice. Wild 'Chhangura' fruits are pickled in India. Exotic lemon is eaten whole and used in refreshing drinks with ice.

4. Durian

Durian is an evergreen tree with dark leaves and spreading branches, reaching a height of 40 m. Durian fruits are a five-leafed egg-shaped or round-shaped capsule, its length is 15-30 cm, weight is up to 8 kg. The capsule hangs on a stalk 10–20 cm long. The shells, green on the outside, have a coarse fibrous structure and a thick skin; their surface is densely covered with pyramidal 3-7-sided spines. In each of the 5 chambers of the fetus, there is one shiny seed from 2 to 6 cm in size, having a color from pale yellow to red-brown. The seed is surrounded by a thick pudding consistency (aryllus) with a cream to dark yellow color. This edible arillus has a sweet nutty cheesy flavor and an incomparable aroma. Ripe fruit has a peculiar, very corrosive, sweetish-putrid smell.


Durian grows in the tropical rain forests of Southeast Asia, it is often grown in the Malacca Peninsula and Indonesia, less often in South India, Sri Lanka, southern Thailand, Indochina and southern Philippines. The species is also cultivated in East Africa, very rarely in Latin and South America.


Durian fruits contain vitamins of group B, C, carotene (provitamin A), trace elements - iron, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur; nicotinic acid, antioxidants, amino acids, etc.

The uniqueness of this fruit is that it contains a large amount of organic sulfur. It is because of the volatile sulfur compounds that this exotic fruit has an unpleasant odor. Durian is the only edible fruit in the world that contains organic sulfur.

The characteristic unpleasant odor of durian is due to the presence of indole, a chemical compound with an unpleasant odor, which, however, when diluted strongly, gives a delicate jasmine note. Indole is very bactericidal and extremely useful, therefore the use of durian in food contributes to the return of health to sick people and animals.

In the twenties of the twentieth century, a pharmacological drug appeared in pharmacies, tablets, which were called "Dur-India", it was offered as a constant use for three months. These tablets contained durian and a rare variety of Indian onions, rich in vitamin E. The course of such a preparation ensured the intake of concentrated vital energy in the body, bringing the body strength and tirelessness, and the spirit - clarity and mental youth.


But perhaps the most remarkable property of this amazing plant is its ability to increase potency.

A decoction of the leaves and roots of durian is used as an antipyretic agent, and the pulp is used as an anthelmintic. The juice of the leaves is applied to the head of a feverish patient. Healing baths with durian leaves are prescribed when bile is spilled, and a decoction of the leaves and fruits is applied to the inflamed skin. The ash of the burnt bark is used after childbirth. Durian leaves contain hydroxytryptamine and mustard oil.

In the West, durian is of great interest to scientists. Studies have shown that it has a wide range of nutrients, unmatched in antioxidants, vitamins, proteins, amino acids, essential fatty acids (EFA), organic sulfur. It is the presence of volatile sulfur compounds that gives durian its specific smell. The healing properties of bioactive sulfur can hardly be overestimated. Durian is the only edible fruit in nature with a high content of organic sulfur!

Biologically active sulfur is easily absorbed, is included in the body in proteins, some hormones, such as insulin, thereby ensuring the balance of blood sugar. Sulfur is an essential part of the molecules of important antioxidants that fight aging in the body. It also participates in slag removal and many biochemical reactions in the cell.


Durian contains an excellent set of minerals, including potassium, calcium, magnesium and zinc. These are vital elements for the work of the cardiovascular, nervous, immune and other systems of the body.

6. "Poor Man's Banana", aka "Prairie Banana" or Paw-Paw. This is Asimina triloba

Few people know that there is a North American Paw-paw banana (prairie banana). This banana grows in the southeast of America. Outwardly, it is very similar to an ordinary banana, only slightly shorter and has a more aromatic smell.


It is believed that the name Paw-Paw may be a distortion of the Spanish word for papaya, due to the association of the appearance of the asimina fruit with these fruits. Historical documents have survived, which mention that the fruits of the asimina were a favorite dessert of George Washington, these trees also grew in the garden of Thomas Jefferson, in Monticello.


In recent years, interest in asimina has increased, because this tree is resistant to diseases, it does not require the use of pesticides to grow it. Asimina fruit contains a lot of protein, it is a delicate and nutritious fruit that has not received well-deserved fame and widespread distribution due to its poor transportability.

It is the only plant in the Annonaceae family that does not live in tropical areas. Trees growing in the north have falling foliage, and those growing in more southern latitudes, it is evergreen. The height of the asymina ranges from two to twelve meters. Asymina branches are red-brown in color, rather strong, the bark is brown, smooth at a young age, as it grows, it becomes covered with shallow cracks and a spotted gray pattern. When kneading, asimina leaves emit a rather pungent smell.

Asimina flowers smell unpleasant. They are collected in bunches of 6-8 flowers, however, there are also single flowers. Asymina flowers are quite large - up to 6 cm in diameter with six sepals and six petals. The flowers are white at first, but as they mature, their colors gradually change, gradually becoming red-brown; typing full color, the flowers fall off. Pollination of asymina is produced by meat flies and scavengers, which are attracted by a nasty smell. During the flowering period on large plantations, the Asimines are specially laid out rotten meat to attract the largest number of insects.

Asimina fruits are very similar to small plump bananas, which, like flowers, change their color as they ripen, turning from green, first yellowish, and then brown. The fruits fully ripen by autumn, they are very juicy and taste like, depending on the area where the tree, bananas or mango grew.

7. Dragon fruit or Pitaya

The dragon fruit is a very sweet and delicious fruit with white flesh covered with small edible seeds like kiwi.


Many who have visited Thailand have already "tasted" the pitaya. Currently, this fruit is rapidly gaining popularity in the Western world. It is possible that it will soon appear on our shelves.


An interesting fact is that these plants belong to the cactus family. The fruit has not only an exotic name, but also an appearance. Its color is bright pink, the size of a pitahaya is similar to a large apple, only more elongated. The fruit is covered with large scales, the tips of which are painted in bright light green or green. The pulp of the pitahaya is white or purple in color, it contains a lot of small seeds that are distributed throughout the fruit.

Eastern legends say that the fruits of the pitahaya appeared as a result of battles with dragons. When the monster could no longer release flames, a dragon fruit flew out of its mouth. It was believed that it is placed deep in the dragon's body, where the most delicious meat is. Love for this fruit led to the fact that all dragons were exterminated. So it turns out that the dragons became extinct, and the fruits of a bizarre shape and color, resembling in their appearance the scales of monsters from legends, are growing to this day.


However, the real homeland of pitahaya is America. Since the fruit is very easy to pick and does not need to be cooked, it was very popular with the Indians. So the Aztecs ate the pulp of pitahaya. And the roasted and ground seeds served as a kind of seasoning for the stew. Now this plant is cultivated in countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Malaysia, Japan, Taiwan, China, Israel, USA, Mexico and Australia. Of course, the conditions for the growth of a dragon fruit must be special, because in fact it is a cactus. A dry tropical climate with moderate rainfall suits it. The plant on which these exotic fruits grow twists like a liana, and beautiful white flowers bloom at night during the flowering period. After 30-50 days, the fruits are tied. 5-6 harvests of pitahaya are harvested per year.


In fact, pitahaya is of different types. They differ in the color of the skin and pulp, in shape and size, in taste and in the presence of lamellae or growths on the skin. Usually there are three types - red (it was her in Vietnam for its bizarre shape and color was nicknamed "dragon fruit"), Costa Rican and yellow. Accordingly, the red pitahaya has a red-pink skin and white flesh, the Costa Rican has a red rind and flesh, and the yellow pitahaya has a yellow rind, and inside it is white. It is the yellow fruits that are considered the sweetest; they also have a rather strong smell. Red pitaya has a milder taste and a light herbaceous aroma. The most popular type of this exotic fruit is red, it is it that can most often be found on store shelves. Although it is called that, in fact, the scales that make up the rind arehave a deep pink color, and their tips are colored light green or green. In appearance, the "dragon fruit" looks like a small pineapple, its weight can be from 150 to 700 g. The shell of the fruit is quite soft, easily cut with a knife, and inside it is white pulp, similar in consistency to sour cream and having a delicate aroma. The pitahaya tastes like banana and kiwi.

8. Jabotacaba

At first glance, these fruits can be mistaken for parasitic tree fungi. In fact, it is a sweet fruit that tastes somewhat like a plum.


9. Carambola or Star Fruit

The homeland of carambola is Southeast Asia. There, this exotic fruit is eaten in the same way as we eat apples or cucumbers. And it tastes like a cross between an apple, a gooseberry and a cucumber. In Europe, carambola is also quite popular due to its unusual shape. The fact is that this yellow-green ribbed fruit has the shape of a star in cross-section. Therefore, carambola is also called star fruit. It is enough to cut it across, and the decoration for any table is ready.


Carambola has a sweet and sour refreshing taste and is high in liquid, making it an excellent thirst quencher.

In different countries, carambola has different names, among them "carambole", "starfruit", "gherkin", "fifth corner" and "star apple". This fruit grows in India, Ghana. Indonesia, Polynesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and other countries. Carambola is also grown in the South of America, in Florida and the Hawaiian Islands. It is brought to Russia from Brazil, Israel and Thailand.


One of the advantages of starfruit is its low calorie content, there are only 34-35 kcal per 100 g of fruit. The fruits are quite high in calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, magnesium and potassium. It also contains a lot of vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, beta-carotene and pantothenic acid. Not much is known about the health benefits of carambola. However, the composition of the fruit speaks for itself - it is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.


In Asia, carambola is used for weak immunity, vitamin deficiency, headaches, fever, colic and constipation. Quite a lot in starfruit and oxalic acid. It is, of course, also useful for humans, but people with kidney or digestive system diseases are better off not getting carried away with this fruit. But in Sri Lanka, for example, people are very successful in using the acid contained in carambola to remove stains from clothes. Copper and brass are also polished with starfruit.

How to choose the right carambola

Asians value the not quite ripe sour fruits most of all, the narrow ribs of which are clearly divided. But lovers of sweet fruits need to look for a light yellow or yellow-green carambola, which has fleshy side ribs and a dark brown strip on them. In such fruits there is a very small acidity, and in smell they a little resemble jasmine flowers. It is almost impossible to describe the taste of carambola, someone compares it with cucumber and gooseberries, someone with grapes and plums, and some clearly feel the taste of orange and apple. Of course, it's best to try this amazing fruit and find something of your own in its taste. Unfortunately, in Russian stores you cannot find a starfruit that is fully ripe on a tree. Like many other fruits, it is picked and sent to us still immature, and it ripens on the way. But otherwise the carambola simply cannot be delivered. But it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.


How to eat carambola

We already know that star fruit can be used to decorate salads, cocktails or ice cream and that it tastes good on its own. However, these are not all of its advantages. In different countries, this fruit is used to prepare a variety of dishes. The most common food of carambola will give a mysterious exotic taste and aroma. In Sri Lanka, carambola is eaten raw, right with the skin. But the Chinese are very fond of cooking fish with starfruit. In Hawaii, they make delicious sherbet by mixing carambola and lemon juice and adding gelatin to it. In general, carambola juice can be added to cocktails, mixed with sapels, pineapple or mango juice.

You can make a carambola sauce that goes well with meat. To prepare it, you need to mix chopped starfruit with horseradish, celery, vinegar and spices. Or you can shift the pieces of stew into thin slices of carambola. She will at the same time give an unusual taste to the dish and decorate it.

Unripe carambola is used as a vegetable. It can be stewed with other vegetables for a delicious stew. It is also pickled and salted. All kinds of mashed potatoes, puddings, jellies, juices and other dishes are made from sweet fruits. In South Asia, sour carambola flowers are also used in food, adding them to salads.

10. Goat's beard (aka salsifi, aka goatbeard, aka oat root, aka winter asparagus

Goat beard is a Tragopogon porrifolius herb that is bred in the Mediterranean for its edible thick white roots with a delicate, pleasant, subtle oyster flavor. Very popular in Europe and the South of the USA.


It is sometimes called “oyster plant” for its pungent taste, reminiscent of oysters.

It is commonly used as an additive to various dishes, from soups to stews.

Like all root vegetables, the root of a goat's beard can be boiled and mashed.


Vegetarians in the 19th century even made the so-called “mock-oyster soup” out of it. Young goat root is eaten raw in many European countries (especially in Italy, Spain and Greece), and is also used as a filling for spices and added to soups. The goatbeard (meadow salsify) is a related plant of the T. Pratensis species, common in meadows and forest glades of Europe and acclimatized in North America. Sweetish juicy leaves, flowers and roots of this species are quite suitable for salads, soups and side dishes. True, the term black salsify in English is called a completely different plant with edible roots - scorzonera.

11. Herring or snake fruit

Baltic herring is an exotic fruit. Its fruits are brown or red-brown in color, and their surface looks like snake skin.


Therefore, they are otherwise called snake fruits. Herring grows on palm trees, so it can be attributed to the palm family. The height of herring palms does not exceed two meters. A feature of these trees is that they have feathery leaves, the upper surface of which is dark green and the lower one is light. Herring grows in clusters starting at the base of the trunk, close to the ground and throughout the tree.


Outwardly, the fruits of herring resemble bulbs, covered with scales and rough to the touch. The fruit is covered with small thorns and is often difficult to peel. The herring pulp has a beige-yellow color, sweet taste and aromatic odor. Baltic herring grows in Southeast Asia, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia. Herring comes in two varieties: crayfish, with a characteristic reddish color and oblong fruits, crayfish flesh - watery fibrous (grown in Thailand) and herring, whose fruits resemble an onion, and inside there are juicy crunchy slices.

12. Mangosteen

The fruit tastes like a combination of pineapple, grapes and strawberries.


Only the inside of the fruit, which looks like garlic, is edible.


The white segments of the mangosteen fruit are edible fresh, sometimes canned. Freshly squeezed mangosteen juice is also popular. A decoction of leaves and bark is used for dysentery, diarrhea and to reduce fever. The bark contains antioxidants. Due to the abundance of xanthones, it is used in the production of cosmetics.

13. Rambutan

Rambutan is a tropical fruit tree of the sapindaceae family. Rambutan fruits - small, the size of a hazelnut - grow in clusters of up to 30 pieces and are rounded "balls" with an elastic skin of yellow or red color, covered with fleshy hairs 4-5 cm long. Rambutan pulp covering the bone (edible, but resembling an acorn), is a transparent white gelatinous mass with a pleasant sweet taste.


Rambutan is one of the most popular trees in Southeast Asia, where it is grown commercially in small gardens. But rambutan is also widespread throughout the tropical belt: it is bred in Africa, Central America, the Caribbean and Australia. There are extensive rambutan plantations in Cambodia, India, Indonesia, the Philippines and Sri Lanka.


Rambutan is sometimes referred to as the hairy fruit. When buying rambutans, pay attention to the fact that the fruits are deep red and the tips of the "hair" are greenish. Rambutan is poorly stored; it can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

The fruit has a short shelf life after being picked.

Well, a little more briefly …

Morinda citrus (noni). The fruit exudes a fetid aroma, reminiscent of the smell of spoiled moldy cheese; the taste is slightly bitter. (Scot Nelson):


Psidium. The fruit exudes a pleasant aroma reminiscent of lemon peel; the taste is sweetish sour. (Chetan Kolluri):


Jackfruit. The pulp of the fruit exudes a pleasant aroma, reminiscent of the smell of banana and pineapple, while the peel has the smell of rotten onions; it tastes like pineapple. (Mikhail Esteves):


Wooden apple. The edible fruit pulp has an astringent texture and a sweetish taste. (Hafiz Issadeen):


Lychee. It tastes like grapes. (RachelF2SEA):


Santol. The pulp of the fruit is juicy and sweet. (whologwhy):


Longan. The pulp of the fruit has a specific sweet taste, with a distinct hint of musk. (Qwan718):


Kafir lime. Has a sour taste. (Scott Ashkenaz):


Sugar apple. The fruit exudes a pleasant aroma reminiscent of the smell of apricot; the taste is sweet. (I likE plants!):


We recommend reading the article: "Exotic fruits you never knew existed."