The Giza Plateau As The Geographical Center Of The Earth - Alternative View

The Giza Plateau As The Geographical Center Of The Earth - Alternative View
The Giza Plateau As The Geographical Center Of The Earth - Alternative View

Video: The Giza Plateau As The Geographical Center Of The Earth - Alternative View

Video: The Giza Plateau As The Geographical Center Of The Earth - Alternative View
Video: 360° Travel inside the Great Pyramid of Giza - BBC 2024, July

The Great Pyramid of Giza continues to ignore time, as well as the opinion of those who believe in the official reasons for its existence. Contrary to the obvious facts, this belief, based, like religion on dogmas, claims that the Great Pyramid is a burial place, i.e. cemetery.

Perhaps this is really a burial place, not only of the pharaohs, but of that particular fantastic construction known as Egyptology. The reason for this judgment is the undoubted fact that the creators of the pyramids possessed such knowledge that today no Egyptologist can note.

The Great Pyramid is erected at the thirtieth parallel north of the equator, at a point on the surface, the distance from which to the center of the Earth will be equal to the distance to the north pole.

This fact can be illustrated by an equilateral triangle within the globe, apex of which is the Great Pyramid of Giza. The other two peaks are located respectively in the center of the globe and at the north pole of the Earth.


The exact position of the pyramid in latitude is determined by the coordinate 30 ° 58'51 north latitude, which is only 1.5 kilometers south of the true 30th parallel.

It is possible that in this way, the creators of the pyramid tried to compensate for the angular displacements caused by atmospheric refraction of light, which leads to inaccurate observations of the stars.


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In 1864, Astronomer Royal of Scotland, Charles Piazzi Smith, published in his work Our Heritage in the Great Pyramid, one of the first discoveries related to deciphering the exact geographical knowledge of our planet encoded in the pyramid.

He calculated that the Giza plateau is located approximately in the place where the geographic center of the Earth is located. Whether he was the discoverer of this point, or his contemporaries Joseph Zeiss or John Taylor, today it is no longer known, and it does not matter. In any case, the map from the aforementioned book shows Egypt as the location of the Geographic Center of all land on earth.

To explain the term Geographic Center, we will conduct the following thought experiment: Distribute the population of the Earth evenly over the entire land area and imagine that each person can make a non-stop flight in a single plane to any point on the earth's surface, of course, on land. Now we will find a place to accommodate a large football stadium capable of accommodating ALL of the mentioned single-engine aircraft.

The criterion for choosing a seat is the smallest possible flight distance for each aircraft from the take-off point to the stadium. In this case, the average distance (from the averaged take-off point) to the stadium should be minimal. The point on the earth's surface for which the above distance will be minimal is the Geographic Center of the Earth's land surface. In other words, there is a point on Earth that will require minimal effort from every pilot, wherever he is.

Scientists of the nineteenth century did not have access to detailed maps of the world, created using radar data obtained from Earth satellites. Nor did they have high-speed computers capable of calculating the coordinates of the Geographic Center.

That was until 1973, when San Diego physicist Andrew Woods made new calculations. Machine time, expensive for those times, was paid for by the Institute for the Study of the Universe.

The new calculation gave the following coordinates of the Geographic Center of the Earth: 39 ° north latitude and 34 ° east longitude - which is not far from the Turkish capital Ankara and 500 kilometers from the Giza plateau in Egypt. Thus, the Giza plateau lost its status as the location of the Geographic Center, although mathematically, the deviation was only about one percent in relation to the circumference of the globe. This new fixation of the Geographic Center has caused surprise …


Today, on a modern computer, using a simple numerical method, it is possible to calculate the position of the Geographic Center in a few minutes.

The new Geographic Center calculation was based on a 3D terrain map ETOPO2, rendered at 2 'resolution, which is equivalent to 3.7 kilometers per pixel on the earth's surface. Thanks to modern maps, it was possible to check and refine the result obtained by Wood. The calculation gave the following coordinates of the Geographical Center: 40 ° 52'00 "north latitude and 34 ° 34'00" east longitude.

The latitude value obtained as a result of the calculation with a step of 3.7 km, by the way, is determined using two fundamental mathematical constants: the number π and the number e (the base of natural logarithms)! The resulting angular value is the smallest angle in a right-angled triangle with an aspect ratio of e / π. The relationship between the two fundamental mathematical constants is represented by Euler's identity: eiπ + 1 = 0.

It is also interesting that at the same latitude, but only on Mars, the Sidonium plateau is located, on which they found a rock, so similar to a man-made sculpture, 1.5 kilometers in size, called the Face on Mars, as well as several more pentahedral pyramids of huge sizes. In the famous film by Stanley Kubrick "A Space Odyssey, Year 200" this place is also mentioned, only on the Moon. One match does not appear alone, so another one will be revealed …


The electronic three-dimensional map ETOPO2, taken as the source of the initial data, shows not only the contours of the continents, but also the height of each pixel above sea level. Therefore, we can calculate how the location of the Earth's Geographic Center will change with increasing sea levels.


The amazing results from this study can be seen in the animation on the left. The geographic center shifts along a curve, towards the Giza plateau, and with a further rise in ocean level, it moves in a straight line to the south. The animation illustrates the rise of water in 10-meter increments, from today's sea level to 300 meters higher.

With a world ocean level 178 meters higher than the current one, the geographic center will be located at a point with coordinates 30 ° 0'0 "north latitude and 31 ° 10'0" east longitude - which is only two kilometers from the pyramid complex on the Giza plateau (with a raster map resolution 3.7 km).

Perhaps one more of the secrets of the Great Pyramid is revealed - under certain conditions it really is located in the geographic center of the earth's surface. But a new mystery arises related to the rise in the level of the world ocean at 178 meters above the current one. According to classical geology, this was the level of the ocean millions of years ago. But the most amazing thing is that this level - 178 meters, is directly related to one of the three pyramids on the Giza plateau …


On the pyramid of Khafre, the second largest on the Giza plateau, the upper part stands out sharply, with a partially preserved limestone cladding.

Amazingly, this clearly visible border marks sea level at 178 meters above today's level!

In addition, the shape of the lower parts of the pyramid and the Sphinx bears traces reminiscent of the effects of water erosion, produced by waves that have rolled over the surface of the pyramid for centuries. Of course, this is only circumstantial evidence, since so far no one can refute the assertion that this form was deliberately given to the pyramids and the Sphinx.

However, there is one reference in written history that the pyramids were surrounded by water. The Greek historian Herodotus in his book "Inquiries, book 2, chapter 13" writes: "… and the sea level was so high that only two large pyramids of Giza protruded from the water about 33 meters." The coastline from which these artificial islands could be observed was well within sight, just a few kilometers southwest of the pyramids.


In this three-dimensional terrain map, areas of the earth's surface are submerged at 178 meters above sea level in dark blue. The Giza Plateau sits at the center of a white-painted square outline, just a few kilometers from the "new" coastline.

It is noteworthy that in the places where the current Greece, Turkey and Italy are located, the changes in the coastline are relatively small. The territories where Iraq is now located and the areas of ancient settlements in Mesopotamia are completely flooded. Even today, traces of this flood can be seen in the form of layers of dried silt over the historic ruins.

The cause and, most importantly, the source of such a large-scale flood is still unknown. In case of melting of the Antarctic ice, the increase in the level of the world ocean will be only 80 meters. The melting of the rest of the world's ice reserves will add another 5 meters to the ocean level.

The image below shows a map corresponding to the level of the world ocean 178 meters above the current level, the flooded areas of land are colored light blue.