About Portals And Mirrors - Alternative View

About Portals And Mirrors - Alternative View
About Portals And Mirrors - Alternative View

Video: About Portals And Mirrors - Alternative View

Video: About Portals And Mirrors - Alternative View
Video: Portal to the mirror world 2024, October

Many interesting topics in science and esotericism often start with simple questions. A simple question: why curtain the mirrors when someone died in the house? We all saw this, we were all told something that the mirror must be closed so that the deceased does not recognize himself, does not come out, and has not done something there yet. Or maybe they didn't even say anything, they just dismissed that this is a tradition. Many are also interested in the mystical properties of mirrors and run into outright nonsense about what "our ancestors" allegedly believed there. So why and why? …

I have two curious orders at the moment related to mirrors and portals, I can tell you interesting things about this topic, although it is already pretty well covered. This also applies to those where devilry begins to happen in the house, and nightmares that torment the residents (especially children), and much more that is inexplicable from the point of view of rationality.

We all know the word "portal", someone from games, someone from movies and books, someone heard from practitioners. And what is a subtle portal and how can it form in an apartment or house? The portal is a doorway, but not on the physical level, rather the astral level here (although I hate this word). It can be at the exit or at the entrance, it can be static or mobile, in any case, it is an opening through which someone walks somewhere. Any portal works through the Shadow, through the element of the Shadow, this is a failure in reality, a crack in it, which on a thin plane looks like a rift or opening. And if the portal is not static, then it is just a piece of floating reality, from which from time to time from other layers someone comes on their own, some kind of entity. They dive into the Shadow in one place, and dive in another, where it is more convenient for them, and this place is rarely repeated,so there is no point in worrying.

Static portals are another matter. If you watched the movie Interstellar, there at the end the hero finds himself in a kind of tesseract of endless lines of reality, where at each intersection there is an exit in a certain period of time, a separate door.


From the point of view of entities (and people who have gotten used to quickly leaving the body), the portals look almost identical: long networks of paths-corridors, where there are a lot of doors and you can get from point A to point B by cutting through the Shadow. This is if there is a goal. If the entity does not have a goal, it can simply wander along these branches, looking through all the doors and looking for food or entertainment. And the mirrors in your house are one of the varieties of such exits. The mirror is a colored shadow, so it becomes the ideal gateway for anything and anyone to enter and exit from the “other side”. Moreover, the mirrors work much less frequently at the entrance than at the exit. Simply put, entities usually leave the mirrors, and they can leave as they please. Why curtain mirrors when someone is dead? Because the deceased will wander for some time in his usual area, and it is from the other side,where mirrors look like doors. And he can come to you and stay.

And if the mirror lies peacefully with its face down or is closed by the cabinet doors, then the larva running past or the deceased will not see anything interesting and will run further. For them, this is another dark rectangle. What if your bed is reflected in the mirror and you are asleep? And if your child? … And how fashionable are mirrored wardrobes all over the wall! Well, so that the door for the dead and others was immediately large, wide and comfortable. In a dream, you do not have even a minimal opportunity to control what happens to your reflection in the mirror, who sees you, what he thinks at the same time, and whether he has any intention of crawling out of the mirror to your room. Something crawling out of a mirror on a dark night is a hackneyed shot from a horror movie, but it may well become your reality. A special chic is when two mirrors are hung opposite each other. It turns out a portal to the nth degree,right at the intersection of a bunch of roads and lines. And you go to bed in the middle of a crowded street, essentially. And then we have settlers and larvae, nightmares, loss of strength and health, poltergeists and something wandering around the house … Doctor, help.


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And in the old days (well, if we talk about what the ancestors really believed in there), in the mirror they could even deliberately hold an entity that would guard the room. And on this subject there is even a very useful horror film on this subject, called "The Oculus". About how such a mirror accidentally fell into the wrong hands and then went to wander among different people who were not aware of the new tenant.

Natural portals, which appear in residential buildings or areas where a person lives, stand apart. When they say that somewhere there is a bad place or a bad apartment, this also appears out of the blue.

The Thin Plan is a fairly developed structure with its own roads, paths, and even tracks. All these Qi Men activations and Feng Shui walks are an attempt to calculate the walking of spirits in your area. Natural spirits really have their own routes, their own well-trodden paths and their own landscape that they understand. Roughly speaking, this brigade of spirits is used to walking around 10 pm at this angle and at this height, and the fact that you erected a high-rise there will not embarrass them at all. They will break through the wall in the area of the 8th floor and will continue to walk in the usual way. But for the inhabitants of the floor, everything can begin to happen, from an innocent paranormal draft from a blank wall, to a chaotic wandering home of anyone. You just have constantly open doors THERE. And if the mirror can be removed, taken away, broken, then the portal that the spirits dug is incurable. They will not change their campaign algorithm for the next couple of thousand years, and it is useless to close up breakdowns - they will break through all your work every time.

So, if some kind of game is going on in your house, then it is not necessary to immediately run to grandmothers for an appointment. Sometimes it is enough to simply revise the interior and remove the mirror from its usual place.
