Driveway Magic, Or The Terrible Power Of A Curse - Alternative View

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Driveway Magic, Or The Terrible Power Of A Curse - Alternative View
Driveway Magic, Or The Terrible Power Of A Curse - Alternative View

Video: Driveway Magic, Or The Terrible Power Of A Curse - Alternative View

Video: Driveway Magic, Or The Terrible Power Of A Curse - Alternative View
Video: Top 7 Most Mysterious Creatures Caught In China 2024, October

Almost every person can be brought, figuratively speaking, to white heat when, in their hearts, he calls heavenly thunders on the offender's head, and sometimes something more abruptly.

Be mutually polite and never choke

A car rushed past you and poured dirty water from a puddle from head to toe. In impotent rage, you threaten the reckless driver with your fist and savoryly, from your heart, send after him: "And so that you, brainless moron, smudge yourself in the first pillar that comes across!"

After that, with a feeling of relief, you go home and tidy up the spoiled suit, thinking little about the consequences of your words thrown at the insolent reckless driver. Or maybe, on the contrary, you hope that the power of your curse will be effective …

“It was about the Moscow-Kiev train,” says A. Mironov, a reader of Anomalous News. - There were four of us in the compartment: me, my army friend, a business trip from some ministry and a young woman. At the beginning of our joint journey, the business traveler tried to take on the role of a sort of compartment mass organizer-entertainer, but noticing that my friend and I were of little interest in his flat jokes, in the end he focused all his attention on the young fellow traveler.

While everything went within the bounds of decency, we did not interfere with his flirtation with a woman. However, the situation soon changed: the business traveler put his hands in motion! The woman, probably not expecting this, slapped the impudent slap in the face and, wiping away her tears, jumped out of the compartment. The business man was twitching after her, but we immediately besieged him, having read a short, for a couple of minutes, lecture on relationships in the team. Then I returned the still sobbing woman to the compartment and asked the hapless boyfriend to apologize to her. He, scowling, muttered something under his breath, and then, without looking at anyone, silently lay down on the lower shelf, closed his eyes and … immediately began to snore. But how! His snoring just didn't screw out the screws from the walls!

At first, we even had a little fun: the travel agent, even in a dream, continued to play the role of toastmaster. But time passed, and the throaty trills of the throat began to annoy us a little. And then this fly appeared! From where - it is not known, before she was not in the compartment. Circling over an empty table, she flew up to the ceiling, and from there dived straight into the nose of the business trip. The menacing roars apparently did not frighten the fly, because from the nose it crawled along the lip to the open mouth of the sleeping man. My hand was already reaching for the newspaper to chase away the annoying insect, when the voice of our fellow traveler came from the top shelf:

Promotional video:

Yes, so that you choke on this fly

In the next instant, the fly crawled into the mouth of the business traveler! The snoring stopped immediately. After another couple of seconds, our restless neighbor opened his eyes and, clutching his throat with his hands, began to cough and wheeze angrily, trying to squeeze out some words. His face quickly began to take on a bluish tint, foam appeared on his lips, his pupils rolled up, and only the whites of his eyes became visible. Before I ran up to him, the business man fell off the shelf and shook his whole body on the floor in convulsions.

No matter how we tried to help him, no matter how we knocked on the back, nothing helped. They called a guide, he found a doctor, but … As they say - a moment of mori. In general, our travel agent died overnight, probably without realizing why."

What does this story lead to? And besides, everything on earth is interdependent. If a week ago you insulted your subordinate at work for no reason, do not be surprised if a chandelier falls on your head today or if you slip out of the blue and get hurt badly!

Diarrhea on all your relatives

In Rostov, unidentified persons have recently declared war on the hooligans who turn stairwells into real pigsties every evening. Vandals are threatened with the most terrible punishments through leaflets.

One of these ads, taken from the elevator doors, was recently posted on the Internet and immediately became a hit among Rostov bloggers.

An unknown "adept of black magic" threatens to spoil, send impotence and even "diarrhea to all relatives" and "life-long acne" to everyone who decides to leave garbage in the entrance or throw a cigarette butt.

"To activate the spell," writes the black magician, "just spit on the floor, light up or break off the plaster." The original message ends with an ominous call "Touch the curse."

The blogosphere asks the question: how realistic is it to impose an effective curse on those who, due to the scarcity of their minds, shit in the entrance?

Is quite real! - say parapsychologists. Without leaving their own home, some people with unique paranormal abilities, with the help of certain magical techniques, or simply by force of their will, sending a directed energy blow of monstrous power, can put the violator of certain conditions on a hospital bed and even bring him to the grave.

Here's one example. In the same Rostov some time ago one of the eniocenters was robbed. The thieves in broad daylight - during meditation classes - went down to the basement of the center, opened the safe and stole from there all the money, equipment, and at the same time the founding documents.

Finding the loss, psychics flew into an indescribable rage. As the leaders of the eniocenter told reporters, the first thing the psychics, by their joint efforts at the information-energy level, gave the criminals a thought-form-order: to return the most important thing - documents.

And the next day all the stolen papers were found at a construction site near the center.

The next thought-form was more violent. After consulting, the psychics decided to use all the known methods to send on the kidnappers … severe diarrhea! True, after some time, they realized that at first it was necessary to "conjure" all the stolen things from the thieves, and then they should be punished so seriously.

But the psychics could no longer remove the thought form set in moments of rage and were forced to be in the dark for two whole weeks, until, finally, thieves "confessed" came to them, returning everything they had stolen and begging to remove the spell from them, which forced them for almost a day sit on the toilet all day long!

A mysterious affliction only affects thieves

By the way, a similar situation was observed two years ago in the Kenyan city of Mombasa, where mass robberies began immediately after the presidential elections were held, the results of which were not recognized by the opposition.

Soon, however, a rumor spread across Mombasa that a businessman who had suffered from marauders had brought an old man to the city, who cursed the thieves. “He gave us 10 days to return the loot,” one of the anonymous robbers said in a TV interview at the time. "I will return everything at night, because if you do it in broad daylight, people will laugh."

Meanwhile, not everyone laughed, but only those who were not touched by the terrible curse, which was expressed in the fact that people could not humanly go to the toilet.

“I'm not lying,” one woman said in an interview with the Kenyan television station NTV. "There are people who cannot urinate or defecate."

The looters immediately linked the "mysterious disease" with witchcraft and carried the loot back. One of them, John Joash, confessed to stealing the bed during the riots. "I am terribly afraid for my life - after all, we are talking about a curse," and therefore decided to return what does not belong to me, "Agence France Presse quoted him as saying.

In many parts of the world, belief in curses and slander is as strong today as it was during the Middle Ages. And although most educated people refuse to believe in such "fairy tales", there are many documented cases when perfectly healthy people suddenly fell ill or even died for no apparent reason.

No matter how hard life is, do not steal, otherwise fate will punish. The truth of this saying has once again been confirmed by the tragic story of an eighteen-year-old Iranian boy, Zahoor Hawari, who has been unable to get rid of hiccups for several months.

His troubles began after he climbed into someone else's house at night in search of profit. However, he did not manage to get out unnoticed. Awakened by the noise, the elderly hostess of the house, noticing the young thief, raised a noise throughout the neighborhood, and finally prophesied to Zahoor that he would hiccup all his life!

Zahoor made a confession to the police a week later: he was hiccuping incessantly and looked like a squeezed lemon. During his illness, he was examined by about 200 doctors. None of the medications have helped yet. Both acupuncture sessions and the methods of traditional healers turned out to be ineffectual. Zahoor has lost fifteen kilograms and is experiencing problems with food intake. The thief's parents have already visited the elderly woman three times, tearfully begging her to remove the damage from her son, but she categorically refuses to revoke her curse so far.

Meanwhile, the mayor of Bangkok has publicly announced that he will personally impose a curse on those who steal city garbage cans and then sell them for scrap.

Traditional methods of fighting this evil did not help, so the mayor decided to resort to black magic. According to him, a curse will be written on each garbage can, which will fall on the head of the one who dares to steal this thing necessary in the city economy. And the mayor himself will conduct a special magic ritual that will make this curse work.

It is noteworthy that the inhabitants of Bangkok, for the most part, believe that the curse will work, and for sure, after it is written on garbage cans, no one will even touch them …

It so happens that our domestic hooligans are also afraid of curses. According to a Rostov blogger who posted on the Internet an ad for the "black magician" described above, the result was not long in coming: now it has become quiet and clean in his entrance. The vandals, apparently, moved to another place - out of harm's way …