Amazing Natural Phenomena - Alternative View

Amazing Natural Phenomena - Alternative View
Amazing Natural Phenomena - Alternative View

Video: Amazing Natural Phenomena - Alternative View

Video: Amazing Natural Phenomena - Alternative View
Video: 10 Amazing Natural Phenomenon That Happened On Earth 2024, October

Incredible natural phenomena never cease to amaze us. On our planet, there are many beautiful corners of unearthly beauty, one of which is breathtaking. The earth is much more amazing than you might imagine: some of its phenomena are so rare that you may have never heard of them, while they are fantastically beautiful. Do you want to be convinced of this? See amazing phenomena on planet Earth.


On one of the beaches in New Zealand, near the village of Moreaki, huge spherical stones were found. The unusual shape and size of the stones, which have been called "seamans", attract tourists like a magnet. Two thirds of the stones have a diameter of 1.5 to 2.2 meters, and the largest are 3 meters.


Moreaki stones are composed mainly of mud, silt and clay, which are frozen in rock-forming calcite. According to the legend, circulating among the locals, these are the remains of pumpkins and sweet potato tubers, which the sea washed ashore from the sinking canoe of the ancestors of the indigenous inhabitants of these lands.


The near-horizontal arc or fire rainbow is a unique optical phenomenon that is a horizontal rainbow. It appears in the sky when the sun's rays pierce ice crystals in cirrus clouds. In this case, the angle of inclination of the sun above the horizon should be greater than 58 degrees. Refraction of light under these conditions makes the colors of the near-horizontal arc cleaner than the colors of a normal rainbow.


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A fiery rainbow usually appears low above the horizon. Colored arcs can be seen mostly in mid-latitudes from May to August, for about 200 hours a year in total.


Vertical beams of light or columns of light going straight into the sky look like something unearthly. This phenomenon occurs when light is reflected from nearly vertically falling ice crystals. Typically, such beams of light can be seen when the sun is low above the horizon - just after sunrise or before sunset.


Shimmering blue waves can be seen very rarely and in only a few places in the world. The luminescent glow of water is due to organisms living in it - plankton and algae. In daylight they look very inconspicuous, more like a brown spot on the water. And at night, as a result of biochemical processes occurring in them, a spectacular glow begins, from which you cannot take your eyes off.


This is a beautiful and mesmerizing phenomenon that can be seen mainly in warm seas, where plankton and algae, which have luminescent properties, live. In the photo you can see how its author “bombarded” the plankton with stones and got such beautiful glowing “explosions”.


These frozen champagne-like bubbles are beautiful, but very dangerous. You can meet them on Lake Abraham in Canada, however, we do not recommend smokers to go there, but all because the bubbles contain not air, but a combustible gas - methane. If you pierce a bubble near a fire, it will explode, throwing up the flame.


Do you know where the methane came from in the bubbles? This is due to … bacteria. When fallen leaves and dead animals sink to the bottom of the lake, bacteria feed on them, releasing methane in the process. And upon contact with frozen water, methane collects in white pockets of ice.


Monarch butterflies are known for their massive migrations: hundreds of thousands of these insects from North America rush south, overcoming huge distances to winter there. According to scientists, about 14 million individuals of this species fly to Mexico for wintering.


The forests in which Monarch butterflies fly to winter, from such an abundance of these creatures change their color from green to orange. In some parts of Mexico, butterflies cover an area of up to 8 hectares. It happened that under the weight of several thousand butterflies, tree branches broke.


The phenomenon you see in this photo occurs when a tidal wave collides with water from a river or bay flowing in the opposite direction. This occurs in places where the difference between the water level before and after high tide is more than 6 meters. In Europe, this phenomenon can be observed in the UK and France.


Zeus himself would have been afraid of such a thunderstorm. This unusual phenomenon occurs only in Venezuela - in the place where the Catatumbo River flows into Lake Maracaibo. Such thunderstorms are not uncommon here: they form 140 to 160 times a year and can last up to 10 hours. In just one hour, about 280 lightning strikes appear in the sky, which reach a length of 2 to 10 kilometers, and even more. The Venezuelan thunderstorm is believed to be the world's largest ozone generator. And lightning flashes are visible from a distance of hundreds of kilometers, so the phenomenon was named "Maracaibo Lighthouse".


For many years, scientists have been trying to find out the reason for the formation of these unusual "magic circles" in the Namib Desert in southwestern Africa. The diameter of the circles can be from 2 to 15 meters. The native inhabitants of the desert believe that it is the gods who leave footprints as they walk on the earth. According to scientists, the most likely reason for the appearance of magic circles in the desert is the vital activity of termites, which feed on the roots of the grass, and just “eat it away”.