What The Sumerians Wrote About Nibiru Or The Knowledge Of The Ancients, Which Is Difficult To Explain By The Official History - Alternative View

What The Sumerians Wrote About Nibiru Or The Knowledge Of The Ancients, Which Is Difficult To Explain By The Official History - Alternative View
What The Sumerians Wrote About Nibiru Or The Knowledge Of The Ancients, Which Is Difficult To Explain By The Official History - Alternative View

Video: What The Sumerians Wrote About Nibiru Or The Knowledge Of The Ancients, Which Is Difficult To Explain By The Official History - Alternative View

Video: What The Sumerians Wrote About Nibiru Or The Knowledge Of The Ancients, Which Is Difficult To Explain By The Official History - Alternative View
Video: Sumerians and their Civilization Explained in 7 Minutes 2024, October

For about 2-3 years, I saw the same news about the end of the world and the supposedly approaching Nibiru, which for unknown reasons should destroy the Earth, although most of this was invented.

I don't believe in some fantastic end of the world from a planet that hasn't even been seen yet. But I believe in its existence in the past, and perhaps now, but outside the solar system, and this is a little different.

The Sumerians are one of the most mysterious civilizations, which supposedly was one of the first, while possessing a variety of technologies and knowledge. And most importantly, they had too much knowledge about the structure of the universe, the solar system and planets, even for the current level of development.


I will not talk about the knowledge of the Sumerians in detail, since I have already written about this and in this article the topic of specifically space, and especially Nibiru and our solar system.

The Sumerians described Nibiru in detail, marking it between Mars and Jupiter. But the most important thing they wrote about was an unusual ellipsoidal orbit, because of which the planet found itself in our system every 3600 years.


How real this is, I do not know, since I do not really understand this topic, but the fact remains, the Sumerians wrote about it.

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Also, the ancient civilization wrote a lot about the inhabitants of Nibiru - the Anunnaki. These are creatures up to 5 meters high, with an average lifespan of 360,000 Earth years.


It probably sounds absurd to many, but I believe in the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and their active assistance to ancient people. In addition, this proves a lot from the most obvious (drawings, writing) to structures that are impossible even for our level of development.

As for 360,000 years of life, it seems to me that space has not been studied at all, and in other parts of the Universe, time has a completely different form, and, accordingly, goes differently, not like ours.


As far as we know from the Sumerian clay tablets, the next time Nibiru will appear in 2100, although obviously this may not be the case at all.

Most importantly, I want to note, where is there any mention of the "lethality" of Nibiru? Suppose the planet exists and it will appear, for example, in 2100, but the Sumerians wrote about how the Anunnaki helped them, and not vice versa, destroyed them.


Although I find it difficult to believe in the planet "traveling" in the Universe and it seems to me that something happened, after which Nibiru simply does not exist, unfortunately.

One way or another, we have nothing to do but wait and perhaps, if the Sumerians were right, someday Nibiru will appear in the solar system, if such a planet still exists.