Attention, Be Careful! The Future Is Shaping! - Alternative View

Attention, Be Careful! The Future Is Shaping! - Alternative View
Attention, Be Careful! The Future Is Shaping! - Alternative View

Video: Attention, Be Careful! The Future Is Shaping! - Alternative View

Video: Attention, Be Careful! The Future Is Shaping! - Alternative View
Video: You Will Wish You Watched This Before You Started Using Social Media | The Twisted Truth 2024, October

Recently I was looking for music for a film. Those who are familiar with video editing know how much material needs to be shoveled in order to choose the right one for their video.

And suddenly, in one familiar song, completely unfamiliar words flashed. The film is called "Guest from the Future".

This is how the song sounded that is remembered by a generation of people who first saw this wonderful picture.

I already put the old version of the words on the frames of the film. Pay attention, the song is about the wonderful edges of the wonderful future.

In the film, which can be viewed on sites on the Internet, now the song calls not to a wonderful future, but not to heaven.

What is not a heavenly future?

At first I thought about some kind of misunderstanding, although I immediately remembered my article on the Mandela effect. In Galina Tsareva's film "Antiworld" this substitution is mentioned.

Promotional video:

And then again I came across a substitution, now in the song "From the heroes of the old days." Now it almost always sounds in its original form:

However, not everything is so calm. A distorted version performed by Benjamin Vincent has already appeared

It would seem a trifle. So what? Maybe the singer made a slip, or just didn't know the right words.

It is difficult to believe in this, because such substitutions are manifested more and more often, and always in the direction of distorting reality. The song is not about a difficult battle, but about a mortal. These are two different categories of information assessment.

Here's an example: If you ask someone to pass a difficult exam, that's one thing. And if you offer a death exam? How different will a person's decision be when receiving such information?

When a person watches a movie or listens to music, a lot escapes his attention. For the most part, he may not pay attention to such words. But only attention. The brain writes down everything to the smallest details that a person in his life will never remember.

Under hypnosis, a bricklayer is able to remember every crack in every brick that he laid, for example, in the 562nd row, during the construction of a building 15 years ago. Such a study was carried out.

This information is processed and is basic for any intuitive decision in each specific situation.

This property of the human psyche is taken into account when preparing a person for action in conditions of time pressure, when making a decision. For example, when preparing a pilot for a flight.

During the readiness control, the pilot is obliged to retell absolutely all the actions that he will perform with the aircraft controls in flight. And not only actions, but also the direction of their attention, direction of gaze at the stages of the flight mission. Everything is spoken from the moment of getting into the cockpit to the moment of exiting it. And if the pilot made a mistake in his retelling, not even a mistake, but simply made a reservation, then he is not ready. This slip could cost him his life.

The human psyche is a very delicate and extremely serious thing. Those who deliberately distort the meaning of information are well aware of this. And they use it to form a favorable future for them.

The calculation is extremely simple for the case with these songs.

In the film, this song sounds like the final chord, calling a person to a wonderful future. But, not heavenly lands can in any way form a positive vector of a person's aspiration for this future at a subconscious level. It is hellish, if not heavenly. Therefore, you need to live here and now, without bothering. In other words, a banal goal is pursued - the education of the consumer.

In the song, where the mortal battle is replaced by a difficult battle, the fatality of a person's death in war is emasculated. Difficult is not fatal, and it turns out that the war, as it were, acquires a romantic tint.

And all this is at the subconscious level. This is how the future is created, in which each person takes the most direct part with his dreams - sculpting the images of this future.

But in the song it is sung: And today, what have I done for tomorrow?