What Will Happen To The Earth When Andromeda Collides With Our Galaxy - Alternative View

What Will Happen To The Earth When Andromeda Collides With Our Galaxy - Alternative View
What Will Happen To The Earth When Andromeda Collides With Our Galaxy - Alternative View

Video: What Will Happen To The Earth When Andromeda Collides With Our Galaxy - Alternative View

Video: What Will Happen To The Earth When Andromeda Collides With Our Galaxy - Alternative View
Video: What If the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies Collided? 2024, July

Scientists have proven that Andromeda is rapidly approaching our galaxy. Naturally, the rapid convergence on a cosmic scale, and by the standards of people, this event will not happen very soon. But when it does, what exactly will happen to our planet and galaxy?

According to scientists, Andromeda and the Milky Way will collide in about 4 billion years, but there is a small chance that the Milky Way and Andromeda, after a long rapprochement with each other, will begin to move away again and then there will be no danger to the Earth.

If galaxies begin to merge, then there is a possibility that our Earth will remain in place, but everything will depend on the behavior of other stars and planets in our solar system and in the galaxy.

If our planet, in a collision, leaves the solar system, it may adjoin another star in the Milky Way, but the conditions on the planet may change dramatically. There is also the possibility that if the Earth remains in its place, then its orbit will change, which will also lead to dire consequences.

So there is a scenario in which our planet will be swallowed up by a black hole, but it is impossible to calculate this possibility in advance. The fact is that it all depends on whether the galaxies will unite or they will get closer to each other and exist side by side. In any case, humanity should find in advance the opportunity to go beyond our galaxy and find other planets, with conditions for human life, in order to preserve our civilization.