Planet Nibiru - Alternative View

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Planet Nibiru - Alternative View
Planet Nibiru - Alternative View

Video: Planet Nibiru - Alternative View

Video: Planet Nibiru - Alternative View
Video: Does Planet 9 Exist? 2024, July

The theory of the existence of Nibiru received weighty confirmation only in 2003, when in December of that year, the Earth, following its orbit, stumbled, literally, on a certain cosmic body - Nibiru.

Imagine that you are driving along the road in your car, and then a fallen tree blocks your way. But you have to move on: there is no other way! So the Earth, in the way of which a huge number of cosmic particles stood, was forced to "pause". It was then that the images taken in South Africa appeared, capturing the "second sun".

9 planet Nibiru
9 planet Nibiru

9 planet Nibiru.

Scientists took advantage of the proximity of Nibiru and tried to calculate its mass: it turned out to be 23 times larger than Earth's !!! And how fast is this giant, rushing towards the sun?

Approaching the Sun, the planet Nibiru sharply slows down due to its anti-gravity force. Thanks to the solar repulsion force, Nibiru slows down and turns, trying to be carried away on the way back.

Not having time to accelerate, Nibiru pierces the ecliptic with its particles: the particles, like a bunch of flies, "wind" around the sun, then piercing it, then leaving it. And this circulation is still a mystery for world scientists.

And then the Book of Enoch comes to mind, which says: "Look at the constellations … the constellations for the seasons will be placed incorrectly." Apparently, the ancients understood better than we did that the process would not be fast.

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Why can't we observe Nibiru constantly?

The thing is that today the Red Planet is located not in the middle between the Earth and the Sun, but not far from the ecliptic passing through the middle of the Sun. We cannot see Nibiru because it looks like a grayish-dull ball reflecting sunlight.

If we were to look at the Red Planet not from the Earth, but from the Sun, we would be blinded, since its reflected light hits a dust cloud and turns into a mega bright glow, intolerable to the human eye.