The Mystery Of The Legends About The Planet Phaeton And The Hypothesis Of A Nuclear War Between Mars And Phaeton - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Legends About The Planet Phaeton And The Hypothesis Of A Nuclear War Between Mars And Phaeton - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Legends About The Planet Phaeton And The Hypothesis Of A Nuclear War Between Mars And Phaeton - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Legends About The Planet Phaeton And The Hypothesis Of A Nuclear War Between Mars And Phaeton - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Legends About The Planet Phaeton And The Hypothesis Of A Nuclear War Between Mars And Phaeton - Alternative View
Video: Persephone (hypothetical planet) | Wikipedia audio article 2024, July

We are just beginning to learn about outer space and many secrets remain a mystery to our scientists. They claim that the distance between Jupiter and Mars is too great and, logically, there should be another planet between them, but now there is only an asteroid belt, which many researchers take for the remains of the Fifth planet.

Some peoples have preserved legends about Phaethon and there is a version that in the past, a civilization of intelligent beings could exist on the planet that possessed incredible technologies.

Many space objects between Mars and Jupiter are trying to explain in different ways, but the version about a huge planet that fell apart under the influence of some forces sounds most plausible.


But if Phaethon really existed in our solar system, then what could destroy a planet whose size could exceed the size of the Earth?

There is a hypothesis that the Fifth Planet was in a dangerous place and was influenced by the gravity of the Sun and Jupiter, which literally tore Phaeton apart.

The next hypothesis is that a huge space body crashed into Phaeton, tearing the planet apart. Interestingly, quite a few famous scientists supported this version.

There is also a version that the inhabitants of Phaeton are themselves to blame for the destruction of the planet. They supposedly wanted to take control of the planet's unstable core, but the technology got out of hand.

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The most fantastic hypothesis is the war between the civilizations of Mars and Phaeton. It is difficult to guess about the causes of a possible conflict, but as a result of an exchange of nuclear strikes, the planet Phaethon was torn apart, and Mars became a lifeless desert.

Ufologists have repeatedly stated that in the pictures from the Red Planet they saw traces of two strong nuclear strikes, and radioactive particles were allegedly found in the atmosphere.


But not everyone supports these hypotheses, and some believe that asteroids between Mars and Jupiter have been there almost since the inception of our Universe. They could not merge together and please the planet due to the strong gravity of Jupiter.

And finally, I will write about an even more fantastic version, which says that earlier Jupiter was similar to the Sun.

Creatures from Phaeton were able to colonize Mars, Earth and Venus, but then Jupiter burst into a supernova and the released energy tore Phaeton apart, and made Mars and Venus lifeless. Only life remained on Earth, although it was created by a highly developed civilization from Phaeton.


Some ufologists believe that the Moon is the core of Phaethon and refer to some ancient texts in which there is no mention of our satellite.

These are just hypotheses and versions that are rather difficult to prove, but maybe Phaethon really existed, and intelligent beings were able to achieve an amazing level of development and populated other planets and not only in our solar system?
