Neuroscientists: The Main Thing In Achieving An Orgasm Is The Rhythm - Alternative View

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Neuroscientists: The Main Thing In Achieving An Orgasm Is The Rhythm - Alternative View
Neuroscientists: The Main Thing In Achieving An Orgasm Is The Rhythm - Alternative View

Video: Neuroscientists: The Main Thing In Achieving An Orgasm Is The Rhythm - Alternative View

Video: Neuroscientists: The Main Thing In Achieving An Orgasm Is The Rhythm - Alternative View
Video: Orgasm Neurology 2024, October

Scientists have equated intercourse with ritual dances

People, and not people, too, having sex, make rhythmic movements. Why do they give pleasure, if not all then many women, and eventually bring them to orgasm? American neuroscientist Adam Safron from Northwestern University looked for the answer to this question.

The scientist, of course, did not make a big discovery, assigning almost the most important role to the nerve endings located in the female genital organs. It is they who react to mechanical stimulation, transmit signals to the brain, which, in fact, provides discharge. However, the details of this process became a revelation. The scientist shared it in an article entitled Getting into the flow: Sexual pleasure is a kind of trance.

By means of tomography, it became clear: impulses from rhythmic stimulation of nerve endings - frictions, as doctors call it, entering the brain, enter into resonance with its own vibrations. Reaching a certain - "imposed" - frequency, the vibrations intensify, capturing almost the entire brain. And if nothing interferes with the process, then after a while the woman falls into a kind of hypnotic trance - into an altered state of consciousness, as it is called. It is this that allows you to completely "surrender" to the power of pleasure and, "having gone into yourself", to reach orgasm - a kind of explosion that occurs when the vibrations reach a certain threshold value. Conclusion: in sex, you just need a sense of rhythm. Because to achieve orgasm you need the right rhythm, which can be chosen by trial and error. After all, every woman has her own.

One partner imposes a rhythm on the other


Safron believes that rhythmic dances are akin to frictions in terms of their effect on the brain. They do not bring to orgasm, but excite and bring to a kind of trance. Therefore, since ancient times, people have been dancing, making simple movements - sometimes just to the drums. Many peoples believe that good dancers are not bad as lovers. And good dancers are hot in an alcove.

Almost all ritual dances are rhythmic and have sexual connotations.

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Crazy about sex

The fact that women fall into an altered state of consciousness, reaching orgasm, was demonstrated by frank experiments carried out by Professors Gert Halstead and Yannico Georgiadis of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. First, the brain is involved in a vigorous activity - more than 30 of its departments become active. Next, the prefrontal cortex is activated, which controls desire and imagination. But then some of its sections are turned off. Specifically, the activity in LOFK drops sharply - the left orbitofrontal cortex.

“In fact,” scientists say, “a woman understands almost nothing. Those parts of the brain that are responsible for consciousness and logical thinking stop working. Activity also disappears in areas associated with emotions. Orgasm deprives a woman of any experience. But not sensations are different things.

Activity, but very chaotic, is preserved only in two areas: in a rather large one, which is responsible for sensory perception, and in a tiny one - the cerebellum, which is associated with coordination of movements.

Approaching orgasm, the woman falls into a kind of trance


“The feeling of loss of control is the first thing women notice when you ask them how they perceive orgasm,” Georgiadis says. “But I don’t think he turns off consciousness. Orgasm seems to put him into an altered state - into a kind of trance. As if under the influence of some kind of drug.

- Another question, - the professor reflects, - is it necessary for this? To build up pleasure? Or was it just a side effect? It is not yet known exactly. But we can assume that those women who do not experience an orgasm simply cannot relax and fall into an altered state of consciousness.

The spy secrets clarify something. For example, why, approaching sweet heights, a woman changes before our eyes and loses control - there is nothing to control. Hence - moans, screams, some incoherent phrases. And from a lack of coordination of movements, a woman twitches, can even scratch, bite. Indeed, at these moments, the partner for her seems to cease to exist. At least as a person. He becomes simply a pleasure object. Men, in general, are not offended. The female orgasm is considered worth it.

An important point: Gert Halstedge and Yiannico Georgiadis considered that, among other things, the areas that are responsible for the feeling of fear are turned off in the contented female brain. They do not turn off instantly, but “go out” gradually, like a light in a theater. And long before the final scene comes. Moreover, if they remain active, then orgasm does not occur.

“Alcohol lowers the threshold for fear,” says Halstead. - Everyone knows that if you pour a drink for a woman, it sometimes makes the process easier.

The main advice for women is to completely relax mentally in order to be able to enter an altered state of consciousness.


Duration matters

Many, especially the fair sex, will of course object. But the results of a study by Scottish and Czech scientists indicate that the so-called foreplay has practically no effect on either the quality of sexual intercourse or the power of orgasm. And what then influences? The duration of the intercourse itself, - scientists answer, having analyzed the responses of more than 2 thousand women.

In fact, we are talking about those very rhythmic movements that lead to a trance. On average, their duration is 16 minutes 12 seconds - about how long it takes to achieve a result.