Gateway To Other Worlds - Alternative View

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Gateway To Other Worlds - Alternative View
Gateway To Other Worlds - Alternative View

Video: Gateway To Other Worlds - Alternative View

Video: Gateway To Other Worlds - Alternative View
Video: 10 Real Gateways To Other Worlds 2024, October

From the days of hoary antiquity to the present day, fog has remained one of the most mysterious natural phenomena for people. And the point here is not only that he hides the usual pictures of life, absorbs sounds, but makes a person caught in a milky veil feel uncomfortable in a wet whitish haze. Concerns are inspired by the fact that sometimes fog is the forerunner of strange and mysterious events, which cannot be explained even by the brightest minds of our time.

Legends and life

Even in ancient times, people believed that fog is a door to other worlds. Old legends confirm this. According to the myths of the Ingush, the entrance to the afterlife is filled with a thick black haze, in which the eshap lurks - a winged serpent guarding the souls of the dead. The Celts believed that a dense fog surrounded the wonderful island of Avalon, where the valiant King Arthur rests, guarded by the sorceresses Morgana and Melusine. Many adventurers tried to swim to this fertile land, but a dense fog does not allow idle adventurers to approach it. Those brave men who managed to break through the cherished veil did not find their way back. Legends say that when Britain again needs a strong ruler, the mists of Avalon will dissipate so that the legendary ruler can easily find his way home.

However, even the most common fog can make its own adjustments in history. So, during the War of the Scarlet and White Rose (1455-1485), thanks to a dense haze, a handful of Edward IV's soldiers literally scattered the enemy forces many times superior to them, led by the most valiant warrior of Britain - Lord Warwick. Encircled by a thick veil, the soldiers of the rebel commander went mad and began to fight with each other, which helped the rightful ruler inflict a crushing defeat on the enemy. True, after the battle in the counties of England, rumors circulated for a long time that it was the Witch Queen Elizabeth Woodville who had cast a spell on an atmospheric phenomenon so common on the British Isles, thereby saving her husband from a shameful defeat.

Ghost procession

Much is known about wonderful mists even today. So, the small Spanish settlement of La Mussara became famous thanks to this particular natural phenomenon. Fans of extreme tourism from all over the world come here all year round to admire how a thick gray fog begins to swirl on the outskirts of La Moussara at certain times of the day. Sometimes a wonderful procession emerges from this haze, consisting of monks, wrapped in wide cloaks, with faces covered with hoods. The procession is led by a tall priest carrying a huge crucifix in his hands. After walking a few steps before the eyes of astonished eyewitnesses, the monks again go into the fog and dissolve in it just as suddenly as they appeared. It must be said that many eyewitnesses saw the procession of ghostly monks at different times, but none of them dared to speak with the newcomers, since,according to warnings from local residents, this contact threatens disastrous consequences. One of the local legends says that these ghosts are Knights Templars who, hiding from the persecution of the authorities, were able to open the door to a parallel space with special spells and are now waiting for the right moment to return to their world.

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Until a few decades ago, La Mussara was quite a busy town, but soon the locals, frightened by the frequent appearance of "aliens from nowhere", rushed to find more peaceful places to live.

But tourists willingly visit this almost abandoned village. The fact is that not only the mysterious monks, but also the fog itself can tickle the nerves of extreme lovers. After all, some daredevils, stepping into a witch's haze, were lost there for several hours, and when they returned, they assured their friends that they had not wandered in a thick veil for ten minutes.

Time Machine

I must say that there are places in Russia where, thanks to the fog, inexplicable things happen. One of these places is the Golosov Ravine on the outskirts of Moscow. It earned a "bad" reputation several centuries ago, when the greenish haze swirling at its bottom suddenly "teleported" guests from the past to the gates of the capital. According to the records of 1620, a small detachment of Tatar soldiers came out of the fog and attacked the local residents. When the unlucky invaders were tied up and taken to the court of local authorities, the captives said that they were in the service of Khan Devlet Girey and a few days ago were sent to Moscow to reinforce the Tatar army operating in its vicinity. It turned out that the valiant khan's warriors made their way through the fog for almost four centuries and came to the Russian capital, when neither their commander nor the army had been in the world for a long time.

After that, the locals tried to stay away from the Golosov Ravine, but still there were brave men who had enough courage to step into the fog at its bottom. 200 years after the capture of the "Tatar landing" two peasants were returning from Moscow to their native village and, late, decided to shorten the path, passing through the "bad" ravine. As a result, their journey “stretched out” for as long as 20 years, and when they came home, the peasants found older wives and grown-up children there.

Another incomprehensible story took place in this ravine in the 30s of the last century, when one of the local militiamen encountered a strange, shaggy, humanoid creature more than two meters tall. Seeing the monster, the law enforcement officer drew his pistol and prepared to engage in a fight with the monster, but he, not even paying attention to the unintended enemy, disappeared without a trace in the greenish fog that lay along the bottom of the ravine.

Today this "time machine" near Moscow is part of the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, and in recent years no oddities have been noticed there.

Green "incorruptible"

There are known stories and cases when people themselves provoked fog, forcing him to punish a person for rash acts. So, three centuries ago, a wealthy merchant Stroganov from Veliky Novgorod organized a colony on the islands of Novaya Zemlya to hunt sea animals. But less than a year later, all of her employees disappeared miraculously. To investigate this incident, the industrialist himself went to the North, but the results of his investigation were disappointing. Local residents told the Russians that their comrades were swallowed by yellow fogs - "blue", woven from the souls of the dead, not accepted by the Pole Star. Judging by the stories of the aborigines, this is how the newcomers were punished for looking in the rivers for the treasured "incorruptible" - a green pearl shining with a bright color. This pearl was once sent to earth by the Pole Star, and he chooses his own owner, and he,who breaks a taboo and tries to take possession of it against their will, goes to the land of the dead and remains there forever.

Be that as it may, the first Stroganov colonists were never found either alive or dead, and the mysterious "blue" to this day from time to time appear on the lands of the North, hunting for the souls of people who do not respect the customs of their ancestors.

Unsolved riddles

For more than a decade, scientists have been trying to unravel the phenomena of strange fogs, but during this time they have achieved very modest results. It is noted that an unusual haze - mostly green, purple or burgundy - occurs at the site of anomalous zones or in places of mass death of people. An example of this is the "endless" battle in the Kursk region, where combat vehicles, people in military uniform and even staff tents appear from time to time on the site of the famous tank battle from the morning fog. These pictures of the past were seen by many eyewitnesses, and scientists exploring the zone with the help of special equipment even took several pictures of the battle that had long since died down.

According to one version, anomalous zones seem to create a gate of time, and sometimes even an entrance to another dimension, and the fog in this case acts as a door that can be opened either to the entrance or to the exit.

In the meantime, the riddles of this natural phenomenon have not been solved, its secrets are "exploited" by writers, screenwriters and even animators. Today, domestic and foreign directors have shot many films that tell about time travelers, transferred by a wonderful haze to another era.

Still, you and I better stay out of the fog. Of course, a walk in a light morning haze seems attractive to many romantic natures, but who knows where and when it might end …