Natalia Vorotnikova: "Awareness Is The Key To Everything" - Alternative View

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Natalia Vorotnikova: "Awareness Is The Key To Everything" - Alternative View
Natalia Vorotnikova: "Awareness Is The Key To Everything" - Alternative View

Video: Natalia Vorotnikova: "Awareness Is The Key To Everything" - Alternative View

Video: Natalia Vorotnikova:
Video: Rent a house with all the inconveniences (comedy, dir. Vera Storozheva, 2016) 2024, October

Spirituality … How much we talk about this! Most often, spirituality is viewed as a derivative of the human soul, but this is not entirely true. Today we are talking about this and many other paradoxical postulates of esotericism with Natalia Vorotnikova, the very first winner of the TV project "The Battle of Psychics".

Natalia, at the presentation of your book you said that there are people without a soul. Please tell us more about this

- Yes, there are people without a soul, and such 20-30%. At the level of sensations, I see them very clearly. These are some duplicates of people - the bodies were born, but the soul was not invested. Soul and spirit are different things, the latter is always in a person. The soul is something cosmic, something that, apart from the indefinite word "soul", cannot be found in other names. She carries a huge amount of information. But spirit does not mean spirituality. There is a mature spirit, there is an immature spirit. Spirituality is a developed spirit, its derivative. You can be born with spirituality, but you can develop it.

What does a person without a soul look like? Are there any distinguishing features?

- These are people, as a rule, of very low intelligence, filled with very obvious animal instincts, although animals also have a soul, but I mean the absence of higher aspirations, human.

Do they make maniacs and cruel killers?

- As a rule, yes, but people with souls can also be maniacs and murderers, souls are also different. And if there is no soul, some alien entity can take its place. Then the person does not control himself, he may have an unhealthy psyche - there is no integrity. Here is the main thing: the soul gives integrity, therefore nothing can replace it. - Why do such people appear?

- Why didn't the soul enter the body of the child? I don't know, this information has not been given to me yet. I just see such people: sometimes without a soul at all, sometimes with a twisted soul, sometimes with an almost destroyed soul.

Promotional video:

Is it possible to destroy the soul?

- A person can destroy the soul himself, well, not completely destroy - but destroy.

Himself? Person?

- Man is the likeness of God, he is created in the image and likeness. The image and likeness is also a kind of double. If we have already touched on this topic, I will explain: God created millions of clones for himself, and put pieces of himself in each of them. And so the soul - these pieces, fragments of God keeps and multiplies. The soul is like a guide that directs the divine essence of each of us in the right direction. If the soul has not coped with the task - and these particles of God inside us are heavy - they can simply crush it. A lot here depends on the quality of the soul: its strength, fullness. Man is a multilevel creature, and each component of it has its own weight, its own information content.

What is an immature soul?

- Baby shower. An eternal child. The soul grows from incarnation to incarnation. The soul has one life, but many bodies. Death is not the end, it is the transition of the soul from body to body. She rests without a body for some time: she will refresh herself, purify herself - there are rules here - and then she looks for a new body. Some of the information from the past remains in it - this is called the karma of the soul. The soul develops throughout its existence, but if a young, childish soul has entered a body burdened with difficult problems at various other levels, then they destroy it. Anything can destroy a young soul: from aggressive alcoholism to everyday cynicism, what is stronger in a person will win.

There is an opinion that shocks me personally that children conceived with the help of IVF do not have a soul? This is true?

- I want to emphasize that I absolutely do not pretend to know the truth in this matter, I say, based on personal experience - I have seen children conceived in this way - some of them have a soul. But people who were born as a result of artificial conception did not come to this world according to the general law of reincarnation, and there is a possibility that they will be deprived of a soul. And it is not small. A woman who cannot get pregnant does not receive permission from higher powers for motherhood for some reason. Do you understand? This is a sign that there is a karmic problem and it needs to be solved, and not circumvented. This is how we violate the global cosmic principle. My opinion is that now this procedure is heavily advertised and is used even where it can be done without it, because it is economically beneficial. And the consequences at the level of civilization will be serious.

Is it possible to call people without a soul - messengers of the devil or even devils among us?

- People without a soul are not devils, no. But in each of us there is a part of both God and the devil. And the place where the soul should be is often replaced by what esotericists call an evil entity, and in the Christian tradition they call them devils. They come from the astral planes of our world, or because of heavy generic karma they are inherited. Sometimes a person creates them himself from his negativity … From anger, hatred, envy … This energy structure lives, develops and eats up its carrier. It is a parasite. Essences can settle into an empty space, but not into the soul, it is always stronger. They can bite her, harm her, but they will never defeat her. And they are capable of crawling into the other gap: a person consists of many energies and information blocks. If there is a slack somewhere, it can attract an unpleasant astral inhabitant to itself.

Is it possible to define such an unhappy person by external signs?

- Well, close people can. After all, a person is changing. He may develop bad habits, for example, or may have signs of schizophrenic tendencies.

Is a person capable of destroying these harmful "guests" himself?

- Yes. But for this he must understand the problem. To see this parasite in himself, and if a person really, really wants to change or the question arises between life and death, he is capable. When you are on the brink, you can create and destroy anything. It all depends on the choice of the person. And we have it. With each of our actions, we either embark on the path of degradation, or choose growth, that is, life. The main rule of life: "If I want, then I can."

It turns out that there are no unrealizable desires?

- Not. There are those who are not charged with our strength, not our own, strangers. Desire is a thought, which, in essence, is energy, moreover, a creative one. The most powerful energy in the world is thought.

If a person wants, he can achieve a lot in life, despite karma and destiny. It is not only possible to correct karmic mistakes, but it is necessary. But man is such a creature who very much loves to feel sorry for himself, to indulge himself. And he wants to explain all the problems in his life by someone's evil will - damage.

I also want to ask about the state of trance. Is it not dangerous to introduce a person into this state, first of all for the soul?

- It is not dangerous for the soul, but for the psyche, if it is weak, sometimes it is harmful. Anyone can talk with a soul and without any trance if they want to hear themselves. True, we do not like to do this, because it is easier for us to live in a world of illusions. When our usual fairy tales and myths are shattered, we get very hurt.

Remember the poem: "The soul is obliged to work …" Is the soul really obliged to carry its cross and improve itself throughout the life of the body-carrier?

- Not only the soul, but the body too, but labor is different. This must be done with awareness so that the work is not wasted. If you are aware of your activity with the brain, it is constructive. But only on strong emotions - it's useless. The cross of your mistakes can be thrown off only through awareness, otherwise you can work out karmic mistakes all your life and remain in debt. You need to understand, realize, feel your personal cross, accept it and then work on it. This work can be lifelong, although awareness sometimes happens in a second. Awareness is the key to everything in human life: happiness, harmony. The capacity for awareness is our divine essence.

Interviewed by Milana Kadushina
