10 Stories About People Who Survived The Indescribable - Alternative View

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10 Stories About People Who Survived The Indescribable - Alternative View
10 Stories About People Who Survived The Indescribable - Alternative View

Video: 10 Stories About People Who Survived The Indescribable - Alternative View

Video: 10 Stories About People Who Survived The Indescribable - Alternative View
Video: 7 People Who Survived the Impossible 2024, October

Marianne Williamson, in her book Return to Love, said that a person's deepest fear lies not in the realization of their own powerlessness, but in the realization of strength beyond all measure. This statement seems plausible when applied to situations where people have no choice between life and death. Tens of thousands of terrible tragedies happen all over the world every day, but there are still survivors in them. Miraculously saved men and women do not differ in their superpowers from ordinary people.

Some people who have experienced the impossible themselves cannot find a logical explanation for what happened. Others thank providence or the quickness of their own thinking for miraculous salvation. One way or another, the experience of these amazing people makes you think about a lot. In this post, we will introduce you to a list of 10 people who should not have survived, but did so.

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Robert Evans: survived 2 accidents in 7 hours

Those who survived traffic accidents once already have to thank fate. Our first hero had to go through this twice in a short period of time. In September 2008, late at night, he rode his bicycle through the streets of his hometown in Colorado. A passing motorist knocked over Robert and fled the scene. The Boulder resident ended up in a local hospital, where no serious injuries were revealed during the examination, so Evans was soon released home. On the way back, the unlucky man decided to take a shortcut from the hospital, which seemed too long. Crossing a narrow railway bridge, he was hit by an oncoming train and sent back to the same hospital. And while both accidents were without injury, the whole situation looks very instructive.

Roy Sullivan: 7 times struck by lightning

The achievement of our next hero was placed in the Guinness Book of Records. Roy Sullivan is the only person in the world to have survived lightning strikes 7 times. He told about each of the cases and died at the age of 71 from a case that had nothing to do with this natural phenomenon. It is incredible, but the man managed to die from gunshot wounds inflicted on himself through negligence. Roy worked as a forester, and it remains unclear how he managed to attract lightning strikes. All electric shocks hit different parts of the body: fingers, shoulder, ankle, stomach and chest. Twice the man was rescued by the headdress, once his eyebrows were burned. Sometimes from a lightning strike, he lost consciousness, and the last case had the most dire consequences. All of these incidents occurred between 1942 and 1977.

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Aaron Rolston: cut off his arm to free himself from the stone rubble

In 2003, during one of his ascents in Blue John Canyon, Utah, extreme Aaron Rolston fell under a blockage. He could not get out of the crevice, as his right forearm was crushed by a huge boulder. He was stuck in place and for 127 hours was trapped with scanty supplies of food and water and no means of communication with the outside world. Being with a courageous climber, a blunt folding knife became a way out of this situation. Aaron had to amputate his arm to get out of the stone trap. But even after his release, he risked a lot, because the way down from the canyon ran over a cliff with a height of 65 pounds. This incredible story of courage formed the basis of the acclaimed film 127 Hours, where the wonderful James Franco played the main character.


Harrison Okeene: spent 3 days on a wreck without oxygen

The disaster that occurred in May 2013 could have served as the scenario for another thriller. The ship on which Harrison Okene served as cook was shipwrecked off the coast of Nigeria. At the time of the disaster, the man was trapped in the hold, which ultimately saved him. All crew members, except Okene, were killed. Our next hero survived in an overturned ship that went under water, where he remained for 3 days in conditions of terrible overloads, with a rapidly decreasing air supply, in pitch darkness and cold. The fact that the Okene trap preserved airspace puzzled the rescuers who arrived to lift the bodies of the dead from the rubble.


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Peter Skolberg: Trapped in the snow for two months

How much time do you think you would personally be able to spend trapped in your own car? Even being in endless traffic jams on the way to work is already a nightmare, let alone the situation in which the Swede Peter Skolberg fell. The man got stuck off-road under snow blockages and spent two whole months without food or water in extremely low temperatures. A man who spent such a long time in the back seat of his own car was saved from death by the snow layer, which acts as a kind of blanket and insulation from low air temperatures.

Matthew Allen: spent 9 weeks in the Australian outback in incredible heat

Death can occur from both cold and overheating in unbearable heat. However, 18-year-old Australian teenager Matthew Allen was lucky. It is believed that the higher powers do not subject mentally retarded people to punishment, namely, Matthew's relatives ranked as such. At the very peak of the Australian heat, the young man ran away from home without a means of communication, a change of underwear. Thus, our next hero wanted to test his own strength and endurance. For 9 whole weeks, Matthew's family and neighbors were looking for a young man around. However, tourists found him, weak, emaciated, completely bitten by mosquitoes and leeches, with gangrene on his legs. It remains only to amaze how the young man managed to spend such an impressive length of time in the wild heat on the grass.

Unknown climber from Great Britain: escaped from an avalanche

The name of the next lucky one remained unknown. This person has overcome the test that falls to the lot of only the most courageous extreme lovers. While climbing Mont Blanc, which is known among climbers as one of the most dangerous peaks, an unknown Briton and two more climbers discovered the approach of a huge avalanche. And if two climbers managed to get out of the danger zone, then our next hero was out of luck. Every year the mountains claim about a hundred lives with them, and this person was destined to become a part of statistics. However, the brave Briton escaped death thanks to his indomitable will, tenacious reaction and a sharp mind. As soon as snow and ice carried him down the 700-meter slope, the climber made every effort to stay afloat and not go to great depths. The very moment the snow lava diedthe man was still close to the surface. He just got out of the snow and went home.


Four-month-old Japanese baby miraculously survives earthquake and tsunami

The last earthquake and tsunami off the coast of Japan claimed thousands of lives. It has become the most devastating natural disaster in recent years. When rescuers were working to find people buried alive under the rubble of residential buildings swept away by the tsunami, they increasingly stumbled upon lifeless bodies, but did not lose hope for a miracle. Three days after the disaster, a shrill cry from a child was heard from under the rubble. Imagine the surprise of the rescuers when, under the rubble, they found a safe and sound four-month-old baby. Apparently, this baby was born, as they say, in a shirt.

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Reshma Begum: spent 17 days under the rubble of a garment factory

April 2013 was a fateful day for workers in a garment factory in Bangladesh. Thousands have died in the largest sewing accident in history. The building collapsed so quickly that people had no chance of evacuating. Reshma Begum, 19, worked on the third floor of the building and miraculously survived. She spent 17 days under the rubble before rescuers got to her.

Lance corporal Matthew Croucher: rescued fellow soldiers by throwing himself on a grenade

If the enemy throws a grenade in battle, the chances of survival are zero. However, the story of Corporal Matthew Croucher symbolizes dedication and courage. At the moment when a soldier of British troops in Afghanistan in 2008 accidentally tripped over the grenade drive and activated the mechanism, he had to quickly orient himself in order to save his colleagues. The 24-year-old corporal rushed to cover the explosion with his body with a loud cry of a grenade!.. Amazingly, the duffel bag caught between the body and the explosives took over most of the blow. The shrapnel did not tear the soldier apart, but simply threw it into the air. Apart from concussion and nosebleeds, the corporal was not found to have any injuries. For this feat, the brave hero was awarded the St. George's Cross - the highest award for bravery.