How To Learn To Meditate For Those Who Doubt Their Abilities? - Alternative View

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How To Learn To Meditate For Those Who Doubt Their Abilities? - Alternative View
How To Learn To Meditate For Those Who Doubt Their Abilities? - Alternative View

Video: How To Learn To Meditate For Those Who Doubt Their Abilities? - Alternative View

Video: How To Learn To Meditate For Those Who Doubt Their Abilities? - Alternative View
Video: Organize Your Mind and Anything You Wish Will Happen | Sadhguru 2024, October

Meditation, like yoga, is one of the best areas for relaxation and rewarding pastime. It has been repeatedly proven that it helps to cope with many problems, ranging from increased anxiety and ending with "troubles" in sex life. The problem is that meditation is not as easy as it seems at first glance, and it is not so easy for everyone. If you've tried it (more than once), but to no avail, then you're not alone. Elisha Goldstein, PhD meditation expert, solves the most common problems that come your way. What are these problems and how to solve them?


If you cannot clear your mind

Legs crossed, eyes closed, body relaxed - you seem to be ready to meditate. There is just one problem: you cannot stop thinking, for example, about the little things that still have to be done today, about how to make peace with your sister, or what to cook for dinner. Does this sound familiar to you? Yes, it is sometimes difficult to clear the mind. Goldstein says that it’s very easy to get frustrated because of this, because what you expect from meditation is not what you get.


If you can't concentrate, your doctor suggests you meditate mindfully. The goal in this case is not to clear your mind of thoughts, but on the contrary, to fully concentrate on thoughts and events happening around.

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If you can't sit still

Many people feel some kind of inner anxiety, start to fidget in one place when they try to meditate. The doctor says that if you’re trying your best not to twirl and still fail, that’s not a reason to give up meditation.


The only way to be calmer and more relaxed is to learn and understand how to deal with your restlessness differently, because it does not appear from scratch. It may be worth trying different types of meditation and finding the right one for each individual. For example, meditation while walking is a great way to deal with inner anxiety.


If it hurts physically to sit still

When you imagine a person meditating, then in your imagination he is sure to sit cross-legged. Yes, for some this may be the ideal position, but basically, you need to find a position in which to relax and breathe comfortably. It doesn't matter if you sit on pillows, in a chair or lie down. Take a few deep breaths, try to completely relax your muscles. Happened? So you have found your ideal place and position.


If you are running out of time

If you don't take care of yourself, then who will? By taking the time to do this self-care practice, you are doing a lot for your body and mind. Research has shown that practice can help improve memory, relieve chronic pain, reduce depression and anxiety, improve sleep, and more.


In addition, you do not need to devote many hours to this activity, three minutes a day will be enough to start. Just make sure there is time for this rewarding activity every day.


If you fall asleep in the process

So, you found the time, but fell asleep a couple of minutes after you started? Of course, sleeping in the midst of relaxation is not the goal of meditation, but this fact itself does not mean anything bad. Moreover, Dr. Goldstein recommends sometimes meditating just before bed. It's a wonderful thing, she says, to help "turn down the volume of the mind." But for this to work, you must deliberately go to bed, turn on the audio course recorded by the coach, and plunge into the magical world of dreams. It is better, she insists, not to sleep during the practice, but if you can only set aside evening time for practice, or you cannot fight sleepiness, then nothing terrible will happen.


If you nevertheless decide to meditate without sleep, then try to choose that part of the day for practice when you are awake, full of energy, and slept. Try it in the morning, afternoon, evening, until you find the best time to practice.

If you can't do it regularly

So you've been meditating for several days in a row, and then gradually gave up this habit? This does not mean that you cannot resume classes again. First, nothing terrible will happen because of the missed practices. Secondly, you need to ask yourself what caused this, you need to figure it out. Perhaps you planned your day wrong? Or are there some urgent circumstances? Regardless of the reason, you must remove this obstacle and try again.


If you think you won't be able to

If a person hesitates, self-confidence has left him, this is most often to blame for the hidden fear of failure. You program yourself for such an outcome. It is necessary to understand where this uncertainty came from and work on this reason. Always be confident in yourself, and you will succeed.

Victoria Ivashura