Angkor - City of The Gods. Part 2. Angkor - Alternative View

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Angkor - City of The Gods. Part 2. Angkor - Alternative View
Angkor - City of The Gods. Part 2. Angkor - Alternative View

Video: Angkor - City of The Gods. Part 2. Angkor - Alternative View

Video: Angkor - City of The Gods. Part 2. Angkor - Alternative View
Video: Взрывая историю: Затерянный храм в джунглях Ангкор Ват - Камбоджа 2024, October

Read the beginning here: Part 1. Confrontation between the "gods".

So, our task is to find the Air Defense Center of the Eastern Empire. When it is necessary to analyze the possible places of the Earth, which, from the point of view of the "gods", could be suitable for placing such an object.

We turn on the logic.

In light of the fact that not so long ago the vast territory of the Harappan civilization was actually lost, there was no point in building something anew there - at least for 2 reasons, because of:

• proximity of the Sumerian enemy and

• presence of residual radiation.

Evaluating the step of the "gods" to deactivate the Kailash long-range space communications station (longitude of Harappa - 72.9 degrees) and the transition to work from the reserve station "Gungashan" (longitude 101.9 degrees), I understood that my searches should be conducted at longitudes east of the 100-101 meridian.

The territories of today's China - clearly did not fit: how long have battles been fought there, the tacit reproach of which remained 2 hundred abandoned pyramids, and the memory still keeps the whole weight of the then military adversity and defeats? As a result, they had to not only escape from the enemy underground, but also hide there for a long time. So - no, the "gods" could not return to the places of their ashes …

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Let's look at the lands of today's Southeast Asia, and first of all - at Vietnam with its most remote eastern coast. Moreover, we will look for cities with a long track record of antiquities, the presence of many temples and places of intense religious worship - up to pilgrimage.

And among the Vietnamese cities, only one attracted attention most of all - Hue, this former capital of the emperors of the Nguyen dynasty, with its vast complex of temples, ditches, walls, gates, galleries, remembering various periods of Vietnamese history. But his buildings … They had either a defensive function, like the Citadel with its watchtowers and bastions, or a representative function, like the Palace of Perfect Harmony (Dien Tai Hoa), which served as a venue for the main celebrations and receptions, or a residential function like the Palace of Longevity (Truong Sanh), which was the residence of the mother of King Tu Duc, or cult - like the Heavenly Lady Pagoda or the tomb of Emperor Khai Dinh - the latter is shown in the next 2 images.


But, we need a completely different city - a service city, aimed only at performing specific tasks of ensuring the security of the empire. So let's move on …

In Laos, one can highlight the Siengkhuang Valley (Plain of Jars), an area located in the province of the same name, on the Siengkhuang plateau, 15 km from the city of Ponesavan. The valley belongs to the megalithic era and still remains a blank spot in the culture of the ancient peoples of Indochina. It is noteworthy that more than 300 huge stone vessels are scattered on its territory, as if embedded in the ground.


It is known that the most ancient jugs of still unknown purpose are at least 2000 years old. They are located in groups, and the weight of some vessels reaches 6 tons. And it is clear that looking for the Empire's Command Center here is useless, but solving the riddle of huge vessels is a completely different task.

Indonesia, Borobodur temple

Borobodur is the largest Buddhist sanctuary here, in the central part of Java, where all the teachings of the great Buddha are set forth in stone. In terms of its importance, it is comparable to the Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia and the pagoda in Burma.


The creators of the temple complex tried to reproduce the legendary Mount Meru from ancient Indian mythology, its huge golden peak, on which the entire universe rests. Borobudur with all the variety of pointed turrets, images and statues of the Buddha looks fantastic even now, after 12 centuries.

The temple, located on a hill, is created in the form of a multi-tiered pyramid 34 meters high. On the upper terrace are stupas or sanctuaries, each of which is bell-shaped. And in the center of the terrace, at its very top, there is the main sanctuary - a stupa with a diameter of 15 m.


The construction of the pyramid is believed to have taken place in the years 778 - 856. AD the Sailandar dynasty, but it did not last long as intended. Just 200 years later, after the eruption of Mount Merapi, the entire temple was covered with volcanic ash and was completely abandoned. However, Buddhism in Java also gradually lost its influence and was replaced by Hinduism. And the complex was more and more destroyed every year under the influence of winds and monsoon rains, and the forests surrounding it grew more and more.

The now restored temple has its own peculiarity: during the recent restoration they did not begin to dig out its lower terrace, it remained underground. There are bas-reliefs depicting devilish passions and strife. And it is believed that they were deliberately left underground. Indeed, before entering the temple, the pilgrim must bury in himself all the base feelings and desires, cleanse himself of earthly vanity.

Another, no less significant temple building in Java is the Prambanan complex.

By the beginning of the 9th century, the dynasty of the Shaivite Rajas of Sanjai was established here. They considered themselves the earthly incarnation of Shiva and, like their predecessors, the Buddhists, carried out a grandiose temple construction designed to strengthen the authority of the new dynasty. So, following the Buddhist monuments in Java, there were numerous structures dedicated to the cult of Shiva. And here, in Prambanan, near his residence, Raja Sindok erected a magnificent temple complex, which became the main sanctuary of the Shaivites, just as Borobudur was the central shrine of Buddhists.


In the center of the ensemble is a huge Shiva temple, a structure resembling a stone mountain, square in plan and crowned with a large stupa. The height of the temple is 47 m, the dimensions of the base are 34 x 34 m. The appearance of this multi-tiered tower is reminiscent of the North Indian temples. It stands on a high terrace and is surrounded by an open gallery, which is accessed by four steep staircases oriented to the cardinal points. A stone balustrade stretches along the gallery, on top of which there are a number of small decorative stupas. The walls of the gallery are covered with reliefs on the themes of the ancient Indian epic Ramayana.

Unfortunately, the Prambanan complex has survived to this day with great destruction. Back in the 16th century, it was badly damaged by earthquakes, which are not uncommon in Java. And the earthquake of 1880, accompanied by the eruption of the Merapi volcano, finally turned the monument into a heap of stones. But, thanks to the restoration work that has been going on for many years, today both the Shiva temple and several other structures have been completely restored.

Myanmar (Burma)

Myanmar is called the "Golden Country" or "The Land of Golden Pagodas", the number of which is about 2.5 thousand. In fact, the entire state is one huge archaeological reserve, where the traces of ancient civilizations are well preserved. Over the thousand-year history of Myanmar, powerful empires were created here three times, and in their old capitals, traces of their former greatness are still visible - hundreds of temples have survived, but even more turned into ruins. The view of the collapsed walls and the rubble of giant statues taken over by the jungle is impressive.


In Yangon, the capital of Myanmar, the city's main attraction is the famous Shwedagon Pagoda. Built approximately in the 5th century. BC e. (known in its modern form since the 18th century), it is located on the top of a hill surrounded by a huge number of pagodas, statues, temples, stupas and pavilions decorated with ornate carvings. Any local guide will immediately inform you that the height of this grandiose structure is 110 meters, that 8 thousand gold sheets, 5 thousand diamonds and 2 thousand precious and semiprecious stones are used to decorate the pagoda, and that 4 Buddha hairs are kept here.

Another famous in Myanmar is Bagan - it is one of the most remarkable archaeological sites in the world, where about 5 thousand perfectly preserved temples, stupas of pagodas are concentrated on an area of about 42 square meters. km, testifying to the greatness and importance of the city, kingdom, dynasty. Where the magic of concentrating ancient temples spread out as far as the eye can see has inspired visitors to Myanmar for over 1000 years.


Founded in the 9th century on the banks of the Ayeyarwaddy River, as the capital of the Burmese Empire, Bagan - this "city of pagodas and temples", was more than once subjected to military destruction and only in our time is almost completely restored.

But here we are already in the ancient capital of Thailand Ayutthaya (Ayutthaya, Ayudhaya, Ayutthaya, coord: 14.345458, 100.59245 degrees). The city, founded in 1350, was one of the largest on Earth: before the destruction by the Burmese army in 1767, more than 1 million people lived in it. And in the city there existed and still exist many ancient temples that could well meet our task. This is the temple Wat Thammikkarat with a central element in the form of a stupa surrounded by figures of lions, and such outstanding temples as Wat Nok, Wat Phra Mahathat, Wat Ratchaburana or Wat Mahathat. But perhaps the most outstanding and memorable structure in Ayutthaya is Wat Chai Watthanaram.


Historian Prince Damrong Rachanuphap noted that its architecture is similar to Angkor Wat and that the entire temple was possibly built to commemorate the military victory over Cambodia. This temple consists of a main prang (Khmer-type tower) 35 meters high and 4 smaller prangs, all of which stand on the same foundation and are surrounded by 8 smaller prangs and a gallery.

For the future, it should be noted that Ayuthaya received its name in honor of another settlement - the north Indian city of Ayodhya, the birthplace of Rama - this greatest divine commander.

Who is revered in Hinduism as the seventh avatar of Vishnu. Most Hindus consider Rama to be a real historical figure, the king who ruled the Eastern Empire. And here, in Ayuthaya, apparently following some ancient tradition, many ruling representatives of the royal dynasties of Siam also took this divine name for themselves - Rama.

Cambodia, Angkor

To the west of the capital of Cambodia - Phnom Penh - there is a priceless treasure of Khmer culture - the Angkor temple complex. Its dimensions are not just grandiose - they generally boggle the imagination: being located near the northern shore of Lake Tonle Sap, Angkor stretches for 24 km from west to east and 8 km from north to south.

It is believed that the grandiose monument, numbering about 100 surviving temples, palaces, many reservoirs and canals, was built during the heyday of the feudal state of the Khmers.

And this official "Angkor period" spans seven centuries, starting in 802, when King Jayavarman II performed a ritual on the sacred mountain Kulen and proclaimed himself the king-god, and ending in 1432, when the Khmers left Angkor under the pressure of the Thais and moved the capital city on the banks of the Mekong at Phnom Penh. And even more so the "official opinion" prevails that the main temples of Angkor - the core of this gigantic temple complex, were built by the same king Jayavarman II in the period 1113-1150, when all subsequent kings had only to supplement this complex with new temple palaces … And this history of the Angkorian period has been reconstructed with the help of Pali, Sanskrit and Khmer inscriptions found on monuments and sculptures within the borders of the former empire.


For a long time, information about the beautiful stone city, lost in the jungle, remained unknown in Europe. It was only in 1601 that the traveler Marcello de Ribadeneira wrote: “There are ruins of an ancient city in Cambodia, which, according to some, was built by the Romans or Alexander the Great”. The Spanish missionary Cristoval de Jacques testified a few years later: “There is a city with many buildings in Cambodia, in the forest wilderness, surrounded by a high and powerful wall, the battlements of which depict unicorns, elephants, tigers …” True, 3 centuries earlier, Chinese the diplomat Zhu De Guan, in a report to his emperor, reports on Angkor. But for a long time the text of the report remained unknown to the general public, and only in 1902 this wonderful document saw the light of day, and the world heard the most unexpected voice that had been silent for 7 centuries. The amazing Khmer civilization, considered unattainable, came to life in front of everyone in all its splendor. This story, nearly 10,000 words long, described the soul of the lost kingdom of Angkor.

The next one to be mentioned is the French naturalist Henri Muo, who rediscovered Angkor in 1861 after several centuries of neglect. He wrote: “The monuments of building art that I have seen are enormous in size and, in my opinion, are a model of the highest level in comparison with any monuments that have survived from ancient times. I have never felt so happy as I do now in this gorgeous tropical setting. Even if I knew that I would have to die, I would never trade this life for the pleasures and comforts of the civilized world."

It is impossible not to mention another outstanding French architect from the 20th century, Henri Marshal, for whom the lost city of Angkor turned out to be not a rumor, but a stunning reality. These were such magnificent ruins, the remains of buildings that were erected at the cost of such labor that it was impossible not to feel admiration when looking at them. When the question involuntarily arose: what happened to this powerful race that created this miracle, so civilized, so enlightened? And these feelings, apparently, determined the further position of Marshal, when he devoted his entire future life to the study and preservation of the temples of Angkor.

So, the officialdom claims that Angkor is an ancient temple city, built by order of the ruler of the empire. And only temple buildings have survived to this day, because they are supposedly made of stone. The ancient city itself, unfortunately, has not survived, because residential buildings were allegedly built of wood, which did not allow them to survive to this day.

It could not be that everyone agreed with the "official" version of the construction of Angkor. And its ancient temples have remained a mystery not only for tourists and travelers from all over the world, but also for scientists and researchers for more than a dozen years. Who built all these fabulous temples, how did they manage to erect all this beauty in the center of the jungle, why the ancient Angkor was abandoned by the inhabitants - these are the questions that arise even among the most ordinary visitors to Angkor.

Ordinary Khmers, for example, are sure that Angkor was not created by human hands. It was built, according to an ancient legend, by the divine angels themselves - by order of the great Indra, this mighty king of the gods. According to this legend, the brilliant Indra wished that a man of divine origin, his earthly son, became the heir to the king of Cambodia. And when the beautiful palace was built, Indra descended to earth and solemnly elevated his son to the throne of the Khmer country.

The astronomical version, which is fashionable today, has not spared Angkor. So, according to Graham Hancock, the location of the temples of Angkor corresponds to the picture of the starry sky, namely the drawing of the constellation of the Dragon - not much, not little - at the dawn of the vernal equinox in 10500 BC. e. And that this date corresponds to the beginning of the construction of the temple complex.

But the Frenchman Paul Claudel, arguing, claims that there is no star in the Dragon that would be projected onto Angkor Thom. In fact, Angkor Thom and its center - Bayon - project the north pole of the ecliptic. And due to the precession, there is no single star that, in any era or era, would point exactly to the north. Instead, we have a whole ring of stars, and in it - Polar, Tuban, Vega, Deneb - all of them in turn occupy a place above the North Pole of our planet, once in a precessional cycle of 26 thousand years.

Probably, this fact formed the basis for the hypothesis of other famous researchers - Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dehehand, who argue that the whole of Angkor is a huge model of precession. And another well-known version is already laid in its justification - numerological.

I hope to lead the reader to my own version of the creation of the temples of Angkor, but by doing it, slowly, logically. And now we have a new information volume next to us, which we have to get acquainted with - these are the temples of Angkor!


Angkor exists, and enormous efforts have been expended on its construction. And this means one thing: the need for Angkor exceeded or at least corresponded to the volume of these costs. Hence the question: who had such a need - people or "gods"? Which of them was ready to build Angkor, regardless of time and other costs?

The choice here is not great, but the complex is worth it, and it is clear that the “gods”, as a more advanced civilization, were up to the task. But people, could they build these temples?

We will now deal with the answer to this question. But we will give the palm to the “gods” only if it is proved:

- people could not build the complex, and / or

- the human version of the functional purpose of the temples of Angkor had a shallow and contrived character, did not correspond to the costs of labor and funds, did not justify them.

To be continued…

Alexander Makhov