Proto-Slavic Alphabet As A Coded Message - Alternative View

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Proto-Slavic Alphabet As A Coded Message - Alternative View
Proto-Slavic Alphabet As A Coded Message - Alternative View

Video: Proto-Slavic Alphabet As A Coded Message - Alternative View

Video: Proto-Slavic Alphabet As A Coded Message - Alternative View
Video: The King and the God in Proto Slavic 2024, October

The inner content and wisdom of the first European language textbook

The Russian chemist, musician, author of non-academic works in the field of history and linguistics, Yaroslav Kesler, conducted a number of scientific studies and concluded that the Russian Alphabet is a completely unique phenomenon among all known methods of letter writing.

He argues that the ABC differs from other alphabets not only in the practically perfect embodiment of the principle of unambiguous graphic display: one sound - one letter, but also in that the ABC has content.

Among the main European alphabets, three are more or less acrophonic (each word of the phrase begins with the same letter as the name of the color): Greek, Hebrew and Cyrillic (= Glagolitic).

In the Latin alphabet, this feature is completely absent, therefore, the Latin alphabet could appear only on the basis of an already common script, when acrophony is not essential.

The Proto-Slavic Alphabet also fully possesses the sign of acrophonicity, but in one respect it differs significantly from Hebrew. In Hebrew, all letter names are nouns in the singular and nominative case, and among the names of 29 letters of the Slavic alphabet, at least 7 words are verbs.

In normal coherent speech, one verb accounts for an average of three other parts of speech. In the names of the letters of the Proto-Slavic alphabet, it is precisely this frequency of the verb that is observed, which directly indicates the coherent nature of the alphabetical names.

Thus, the Proto-Slavic Alphabet is a Message - a set of coding phrases that allow each sound of the language system to give an unambiguous graphic correspondence - that is, a letter.

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At the same time, the lettering systems for the transmission of the same sound system can be different, for example, Cyrillic = Glagolitic for the Proto-Slavic language, Cyrillic = Latin for the modern Serbo-Croatian language, three equal systems of medieval Georgian writing known from history, and so on.

Jaroslav Kesler also writes that the Proto-Slavic ABC is the first textbook in the history of modern civilization. A person who has read and understood the alphabetical Message, masters not only the universal method of storing information, but also acquires the ability to transfer accumulated knowledge - that is, becomes a Teacher. To convey literacy, it is enough to choose a suitable set of characters that display the initial sounds of the words of the Message - for example, Cyrillic or verb.

Traditionally, it is believed that the most ancient letter writing was "Hebrew" - modern Hebrew, then Greek writing arose on its basis, and only after that the Latin, Cyrillic and other European alphabets were formed from the Greek letter.

This sequence of development of writing is entirely determined by the currently accepted historical chronology of the development of modern civilization: first, the culture was developed by the supposedly "ancient" Jews and Egyptians, then the "ancient" Greeks, then the "ancient" Romans, and only then the Slavs. Then the "dark ages of the Middle Ages", the West European "Renaissance" … and "barbaric" Russia allegedly lagged behind Europe for two hundred years due to the "Tatar-Mongol yoke".

However, the current chronology became generally accepted in Europe only in the 16th-17th centuries, after the Catholic Council of Trent canonized the calculations of the monk Dionysius and for the first time decreed that the year of the end of the council was 1563 from the birth of Christ.

Modern research, and above all, the work of Academician A. T. Fomenko, show that the existing chronology of events before the 16th century is fundamentally incorrect. The chronology introduced by the Catholic Church, in fact, overturned real events into the past, and the closer they are to the 16th century, the farther they are in antiquity according to the current chronology.

The reason for this lies in the collapse of the pan-European Byzantine (in Slavonic Bosnian) Empire in the 15th century, which ended with the final fall of Tsar Grad in 1453, into three main parts - Orthodox Eastern Europe (Russian Empire), Catholic Western Europe (Holy Roman Empire) and Muslim Southern Europe (Ottoman Empire).

Each of the three parts of the former unified Empire claimed the legacy of Byzantium - it is no coincidence that in Western Europe the former common capital (in Russian Tsar-Grad) began to be called in its own way - "Konstaninopol", and in Turkey - "Istanbul (Istanbul)".

Throughout the 16th century in Europe, the division of the Byzantine heritage continued, which ended in the fall by the beginning of the 17th century. monarchs of the old Imperial dynasty: the Ruriks in Russia, the Přemyslids = Luxemburgs in Central Europe, Valois in France, the Avises in Portugal, the Tudors in England and others, and the coming to power of new dynasties - the Romanovs in Russia, the Bourbons in France, the Hapsburgs in Central and South- Western Europe, the Stuarts in England and so on.

It was these new dynasties that agreed among themselves to create their own history, which would assert their monarchical rights. Naturally, the entire previous "glorious Byzantine history" each of the monarchies tried to make part of their own.

This is how parallel versions of the same story appeared. And subsequent historians had no choice but to push back into the past those events that did not agree with each other in any other way, since they had diametrically opposite meanings in different versions - for example, among the winners and losers in any war.

It can be assumed that the first distributor of Slavic writing and educator lived no earlier than the 11th century and was a major political figure of that time. In East Slavic history, the first written code of laws is known - "Russian Truth" by Yaroslav the Wise, and in West Slavic history - the educational activities of the founder of the West Slavic state, Přemysl, that is, again the Wise. It is not excluded that this is one and the same historical person who stood at the origins of the spread of literal writing.

The activities of Cyril and Methodius, who created the Church Slavonic alphabet on the basis of the Proto-Slavic, obviously took place under the conditions of the Latinization of the Western and Southern Slavs, therefore it should be transferred 400 years later than traditional dating - at the end of the XIII - the beginning of the XIV century.

MV Lomonosov, who made an invaluable contribution to Russian science and culture, was the first among scientists to conduct a critical analysis of the Church Slavonic alphabet and marked the fundamental boundary between it and the civil Russian alphabet, the direct heir to the Proto-Slavic alphabet.

Yaroslav Kesler is convinced that as long as the Russian language is alive, the ABC, the first literal textbook of European civilization, will also be alive.