Visualization Of Desires. Programming The Future. The Universe Is A Matrix - Alternative View

Visualization Of Desires. Programming The Future. The Universe Is A Matrix - Alternative View
Visualization Of Desires. Programming The Future. The Universe Is A Matrix - Alternative View

Video: Visualization Of Desires. Programming The Future. The Universe Is A Matrix - Alternative View

Video: Visualization Of Desires. Programming The Future. The Universe Is A Matrix - Alternative View
Video: How to RESET Your Internal Programs to ATTRACT What You Want! - With Law of Attraction Exercises 2024, October

Good day.

I have always said that external signs allow us to judge the consistency of the theory of the matrix universe. The theory that we all live in a simulation is as far as possible to understand.

Many can rush with accusations that I do not know elementary physics, exact sciences, and so on. That the world is not a matrix, that this is sheer nonsense, and that the psychiatric hospital is crying for someone. Thanks in advance for what you said, all the pluralism of opinions will always remain in the comments.

And yes. I have knowledge of physics at the school level, since I have a more liberal education. But I also cannot deny the obvious, what I see around me and feel, I receive in the course of life experience.

I do not claim that the world around us is a 100% matrix, but I believe that it is very, very likely.

One of the signs that the world around us, our future can be programmed is the so-called effect of visualization of desires.

There are quite a few books and reviews on this topic, both from a critical point of view and from the point of view of people who have tried it. Personally, my acquaintance with this sector of reality first happened this year in 2010, after watching the film "Secret"

There are also many visualization techniques, including Zeland, Burkhaev and Pokhabov. I believe that there is no perfect recipe. Everyone should try, find out what suits him personally and what works.

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I will only tell you about my experience, and I ask you to share your experience in the comments. Perhaps, by joint efforts, we will come to some conclusions that are interesting to all of us.

The beginning was difficult for me. The first visualizations did not appear immediately. The main reason was that I could not articulate my true desires. I didn’t understand that the universe is not an actual old hottabych who ordered a G-Wagen, and phew, after a couple of seconds he was standing at the entrance, sparkling with his polished headlights. Not. This is not true.

The very first and most important rule is careful thought and selection of the desired. Want a G-Wagen? Kindly answer the question. Why do you need it? Effectively drive up to the entrance and impress the lady of the heart? Impress who? In fact, a G-Wagon is not required for this; this can be achieved in other ways. The further chain of logical reasoning in the "why and why" line will lead you to the fact that in reality, today you do not want a G-Wagon, you really do not need it. You want something completely different, but for some reason you order the Gelentvagen. Such a wish will never come true.

For the same reason, you cannot order and visualize money, since money itself is only energy. It is an ephemeral creature. These are just pieces of paper with traces of human energy. Why do you need them? For the universe, this motive is also incomprehensible. If you want to buy a computer of the appropriate power for this money, for example, a game computer, so that you can pull a specific toy, then yes - go for it. This is the desire that, in principle, can be fulfilled.

The next rule is not to think specifically about the way the hidden object will come into your possession, or the occurrence of the event. The options for fulfilling your desire are endless. For example, returning to the same computer: you can win it in the lottery, you can use a relative going abroad, you can buy it cheaper at a sale, your boss can upgrade equipment in the office … an insignificant list of the infinity of options for its implementation, so I repeat: do not limit the universe in the way you fulfill your desire.

After we have learned how to formulate desires, let's move on to the technique.

From personal experience, I can say that the only thing that strongly affects the result is the internal state. The main thing is to be calm, balanced, to think rationally, not to give in to emotions. None. Neither positive nor negative.

A number of experts in this field refer to the fact that the consumption of meat, cigarettes, alcohol, clogs the flows and for a certain time block communication with the universe, excluding the possibility of programming the future and visualizing desires. Blocking periods are indicated from 2 weeks to 3 years. The most desperate say that even if at least once in my life I missed a shot of the Château Bordeaux of 1989 spill, then everything, access to programming the matrix is ordered to you.

It seems to me that all this is nonsense. If your mental balance and reason are not clouded by the above, then nothing will prevent you from manipulating the visualization of reality, and getting the result.

After you have brought yourself into a state of mental balance, then acquire a position that is comfortable for you. Sitting, lying, with open / closed eyes - it doesn't matter. Feel the unity with the world around you. Become one. Mentally share with the worlds everything that you have, so to speak, merge in the universe. Next, mentally imagine what you need. It may not work the first time, so play with the presentation options - you can already feel like the owner of this thing, or relive this event by presenting some small details. Or just think about what you need. Depending on the result, you will understand in which language it is more convenient for you to communicate with the universe. Over time, everything will fall to automatism and you will stop bothering with little things. The duration of the presentation is also not very important. It can be 15 seconds or 3 minutes. Then gently thank the universe as if it all happened and get out of balance. Then (for me this is extremely important) forget about it. Let go of the situation, the desired subject. This, as it seems to me, is the most difficult. Don't attach importance to the render event. As if you asked for all this by chance … But if you took active steps to achieve what you want, continue to do, but the main thing is that this desire does not flow into passion, otherwise any passionate emotion will only push the result. As if you asked for all this by chance … But if you took active steps to achieve what you want, continue to do, but the main thing is that this desire does not flow into passion, otherwise any passionate emotion will only push the result. As if you asked for all this by chance … But if you took active steps to achieve what you want, continue to do, but the main thing is that this desire does not flow into passion, otherwise any passionate emotion will only push the result.

You should not immediately try to visualize something large, for example, an increase in living conditions from Khrushchev to the Abromovich mansion. Any wish fulfillment is a waste of energy, you just may not have enough of it.

Start small. For example, visualization of a parking space. I learned this in 5 days. I trained, now the problem with parking even if it catches me, it is only if I am not in a state of mental balance. There are also explanations for this, but I do not want to pile up the video with unnecessary information and blur my thoughts along the tree.

So I recommend trying to apply the techniques of visualizing desires, starting small: remove everything that annoys you from your life: parking lots, queues, petty squabbles. This is all quite simple and quickly solved, and with proper training, it is brought to automatism.

Total that we have as a conclusion

1. Correctly formulate desires with the correct motivation

2. Do not think of a specific way to get what you want

3. Find your technique using the recommendations

4. Start small

Thanks for your attention. I kindly ask you to speak about your experience in the comments. In further videos, if this topic interests you. I may state my theory about how to still attract more money to myself with the help of visualization. What tricks and tricks can you resort to?