Riddles Of The Location Of St. Petersburg - Alternative View

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Riddles Of The Location Of St. Petersburg - Alternative View
Riddles Of The Location Of St. Petersburg - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of The Location Of St. Petersburg - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of The Location Of St. Petersburg - Alternative View
Video: Can you solve the locker riddle? - Lisa Winer 2024, October

Around the mysteries of northern Palmyra, discussions have long been going on among researchers and adherents of alternative history. Even if we only touch on the official points of view of historians, there are enough oddities here. One of the main questions: why did Peter I choose this particular swampy place to build the city? And if you look closely at the architecture, another important question arises: why do old buildings have such a structure with basement and semi-basement floors? This is despite frequent floods up to the present time. Everything there had to be built on embankments!

It is unlikely that I will answer these questions with 100% reliability, but I will try to offer some explanation for these oddities.

I'll start by observing my friend like-minded person:

Bas-relief "Establishment of the Fleet in Russia" on the Admiralty building, in St. Petersburg
Bas-relief "Establishment of the Fleet in Russia" on the Admiralty building, in St. Petersburg

Bas-relief "Establishment of the Fleet in Russia" on the Admiralty building, in St. Petersburg.

The author of the bas-relief: Ivan Ivanovich Terebenev (May 21, 1780 St. Petersburg - January 28, 1815)

Enlarged fragment
Enlarged fragment

Enlarged fragment.

View the entire bas-relief on video:

Promotional video:

What is visible on the bas-relief? The Pertopavlovskaya fortress is depicted in the background, which is located on a dais and a building with a round roof behind the main Peter and Paul Cathedral. Everything is logical from the point of view of defense. It is more logical and more profitable to defend from a height, and not at the level at which its walls are now! Those. the author depicted the water level of the Neva much lower than the walls and foundations of buildings.


Modern look.


It is possible that the soil that was covered with houses fell into the Neva! Because of what the water level in the river rose! Correct, or are there other opinions? In any case, the angle of the Peter and Paul Fortress was chosen strangely.

What the master saw, we do not know. But let someone explain who displayed on the bas-relief (apparently, without crosses) the Grand Duke's tomb? After all, she appeared in the project 90 years after the death of the master!


The Grand Ducal Tomb - the tomb of uncrowned members of the Russian imperial house, is located in St. Petersburg in the Peter and Paul Fortress next to the Orthodox Peter and Paul Cathedral.

The building of the Grand Duke's tomb was erected according to a project drawn up by the architect D. I. Grimm in 1896. The project was implemented in 1897-1908 by architects A. I. Tomishko and L. N. Benoit. From 1908 to 1916, thirteen members of the imperial family were buried in it (eight graves were transferred from the Peter and Paul Cathedral).

Scheme of the Peter and Paul Fortress of the 18th century
Scheme of the Peter and Paul Fortress of the 18th century

Scheme of the Peter and Paul Fortress of the 18th century.

On the scheme of the grand ducal tomb is not.

Or Terebenev I. I. - not the author of the bas-relief, and the bas-relief existed long before him, or …? Perhaps the authorship of many works, the construction of buildings was attributed to the figures of that time, but the dates were not always verified. This is a question from the same topic: did Montferand build Isaac or only restore? Draw your own conclusions.

A separate topic about strange symbolism is the images of two-legged serpent-people, which can often be seen on Greek frescoes, wall paintings and vessels. A tribute to fashion or …?

Even if we assume that, for some reason, the "restorers" completed the image, then with such an opinion one can think of the falsification of absolutely all objects of history! Not taking into account "digitized" images!

The following information, perhaps, will help answer the question about the water level in the Gulf of Finland and about the poor choice of a place for the city.

Did the Neva flow the other way? Hydrography of 1627

A page that describes where what flows from:


It should be noted that the Gulf of Finland was called Kotlin Lake.

And in fact, the depths of the Gulf of Finland are not even designed for the draft of 18th century ships. The depths are like in a shallow lake, like in Ladoga, for example. And the choice of Peter I in favor of building a city on this place (according to official history) is very strange. A little to the west along the coast, the depths are already sufficient for navigation. And so, it was necessary to unload sea vessels of that time in Kronstadt and deliver cargo to St. Petersburg with small barges and boats. Moreover, the cost of delivering cargo from the island was almost equal to the cost of shipping goods by sea from Europe.


Depths of the Gulf of Finland.


Only recently have underwater channels been laid for the passage of ships into the Neva.


The Gulf of Finland in the region of Kotlin Island is designated as "East Lake".

Perhaps, more recently, this area was different in hydrology. It happened catastrophically, and the city had to be rebuilt. History has been rewritten.

In addition to versions of the flood and soil fallout from above, I will propose the following hypothesis:

In geology, the Baltic Shield (Fennoscandian Shield) is known - a massive folded uplift in the northwest of the East European Platform.

Due to its rise, the city of Narva is now far from the coastline:


Although it was:


Marine vessels on the left in the engraving.


Find Narva on the map and make sure.

Koporye fortress was located by the sea:


In a straight line to the Gulf of Finland is now 12 km.

This uplift manifested itself in the following geological formation: Baltic-Ladoga glint? It is a ledge up to 56m high, which stretches along the southern part of the Baltic Sea. Here is a more detailed description of it:

Here are the boundaries of the ledge:


The old seashore is visible.


Reef. Wigrund. Baltic-Ladoga ledge.

So, based on this information, the outlines of the Baltic coastline have changed greatly over the historical period. It is quite possible that ancient St. Petersburg rose from the abyss, and Peter I took advantage of this event. Or, on the contrary, the territories sank, and the city began to be drowned by surge water from the bay. Or everything was covered with clay and the level of the Neva and the Gulf of Finland rose. In any case, if Peter I chose this place for the construction of the city, then it was then different …

Author: sibved