Astronomers Are Silent About Strange Flares On Uranus: Lens Defects Or UFOs? - Alternative View

Astronomers Are Silent About Strange Flares On Uranus: Lens Defects Or UFOs? - Alternative View
Astronomers Are Silent About Strange Flares On Uranus: Lens Defects Or UFOs? - Alternative View

Video: Astronomers Are Silent About Strange Flares On Uranus: Lens Defects Or UFOs? - Alternative View

Video: Astronomers Are Silent About Strange Flares On Uranus: Lens Defects Or UFOs? - Alternative View
Video: Hubble Spots Thousands of Objects Traveling Faster Than Light | NASA's Unexplained Files 2024, June

Uranus is one of the most unexplored planets in the solar system. The photo of the object that hit the network caused a new wave of user interest.

The planet Uranus is considered an icy lifeless planet, which is located in 7th place in relation to the Sun. There are not so many images of this object in our solar system, since the only terrestrial research vehicle that was able to approach the planet at a sufficiently close distance of 81,500 km was the American Voyager 2. It was then, in the distant 1986 of the last century, terrestrial planetary scientists managed to practically consider an unstudied object in every possible detail.


However, a 2011 photo from the Keck Observatory in Hawaii has leaked online, prompting some users to take a fresh look at Uranus. The image of the blue icy planet clearly shows strange flares, which interested ufologists. Despite the claims of skeptics that these are thunderstorms or a lens defect, alien hunters are sure that the "electronic eye" of the Hawaiian observatory managed to catch a UFO on the planet 7 years ago.

Previously, virtual space scientists have already put forward bold assumptions that Uranus is inhabited and scientific circles associated with the study of space and other planets deliberately hide what they have known for a long time. Planetologists cannot understand the cause of the aurora on the planet, or the "electrical blaze". This space anomaly was identified when studying the seventh planet using an ultraviolet detector. Rising to an altitude of 1,500 km from the planet's surface, the glow is similar to the Earth's aurora. The calculations of scientists have shown that the flow of solar energy is not enough for its occurrence. There is a version that the matter is in a strong magnetic field, but this assumption is also not confirmed.


Ufologists, on the other hand, reminded this Uranus phenomenon of the night glow of terrestrial megacities, and they assured users that what astronomers saw on the planet was nothing more than light pollution, which confirms that the object is inhabited. A large amount of methane in the atmosphere of an ice object also speaks in favor of such a theory, since scientists consider the presence of this chemical element to be a sign of the existence of life.

Uranus has been known to Earth astronomers since March 13, 1781, and was discovered by astronomer William Herschel. A planet like Saturn and Jupiter has rings, and like other similar objects is surrounded by satellites. However, despite modern technology, Uranus is not well studied by earthly specialists.

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