The Mystery Of The Ancient Mummy Of An Indian - A Giant - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Ancient Mummy Of An Indian - A Giant - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Ancient Mummy Of An Indian - A Giant - Alternative View

It all started in 1895, when in the vicinity of San Diego, in a natural cave, hunters found a mummy of a giant Indian growth - 2 meters 54 centimeters tall, and during his lifetime this man was 2 meters 74 centimeters tall!

Interestingly, the mummy did not go into a private collection, but came to the scientists in the Smithsonian Museum. Scientists have studied the mummy and found it genuine! The group of scientists who conducted the study of the giant did not hide their names and the Smithsonian Museum did not hide the anomalous find, but on the contrary held an exhibition where they showed this mummy to the public, and the scientists who studied it held a press conference.

Suffice it to say that the authenticity of this mummy was confirmed by the head of the American Bureau of Ethnology, Professor George McGee, and the chief anatomist of the Smithsonian University, Professor Lucas.


But then, after some time, strange events began. The mummy suddenly disappeared from the public halls of the museum, and when the public began to ask questions about the reasons for the disappearance of the artifact, scientists at first were silent, and then briefly reported that the mummy was fake, the bone on one leg turned out to be newer than the rest of the mummy, and indeed forgive the devil beguiled, we did not notice this during the initial examination, and indeed her hair was not real and her skin was not skin, but some kind of fibrous artificial material.

There was no limit to the surprise of the society. After all, the mummy was studied for many months by the best pundits who themselves confirmed its authenticity, and now suddenly it turns out that they did not notice a gross forgery ?!

The people demanded to show the mummy to the public and conduct an independent examination, but in the Smithsonian Museum this hype was quickly stopped by announcing that the mummy was destroyed because it was not of scientific interest, and since there is no body, there is no business …