Slavic Scum: Anchutka And Shishiga - Alternative View

Slavic Scum: Anchutka And Shishiga - Alternative View
Slavic Scum: Anchutka And Shishiga - Alternative View

Video: Slavic Scum: Anchutka And Shishiga - Alternative View

Video: Slavic Scum: Anchutka And Shishiga - Alternative View
Video: SCUM Приключения на сервере Russian Crazy SCUM PVE. 2024, July

In the mythology of any people, there are invariably both creatures kind and disposed to a person, capable of helping him in a difficult situation, and those who wish to harm him and evil, hunt a person, prefer his flesh as food.

Slavic mythology, like any other folklore, is full of various evil spirits and demons, one of which is anchutka.

This creature is usually described as having no toes or heels, which in itself defines it as an evil spirit. It is believed that anchutka does not have heels (or fingers) because they were cut off by a werewolf chasing him.

Anchutki, according to legends, are of two types - field and bath.

The field anchutka is tiny and is named after the plant that she chose for housing. Bath anchutka can appear in different guises.

In their natural form, they are also different. Some are bald, others are covered with thick hair. It is believed that anchutka lives in any bathhouse and treats a person badly, trying to scare him at every opportunity. Some argue that the anchutka is the servant of the merman. And this is the most vicious variety. When a person swims and his leg cramp, they say that the anchutka is enough and tries to drag him to the bottom, to the water.

A reliable way to protect yourself is to carry a pin with you, since anchutka, like many evil spirits, hates iron.

Another evil spirit of Slavic mythology is shishiga.

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She looks like a short old woman with a hump. She prefers to live in small rivers or lakes. The main thing is that there are a lot of reeds along the banks.

Shishiga usually appears naked, with long unkempt hair. She does evil at night, and rests during the day.

She usually waits for people near the place where she lives and tries to drown them. It happens that he goes far from the reservoir in search of a victim.

Drunken people are especially hostile to this evil. Even if a person manages to escape from shishiga, the meeting with her will not end well. It is believed that the one who was attacked by the shishiga will not live long.

Shishig is especially abundant in the legends of the Komi people, who believe that these evil creatures are full in the Kama River. It is said that sometimes they go ashore and sit for a long time combing their black hair. And woe to those who do not understand what kind of creature was in front of him.

