Someone Began To Walk In The Field Or A UFO Sighting In Kamenka - Alternative View

Someone Began To Walk In The Field Or A UFO Sighting In Kamenka - Alternative View
Someone Began To Walk In The Field Or A UFO Sighting In Kamenka - Alternative View

Video: Someone Began To Walk In The Field Or A UFO Sighting In Kamenka - Alternative View

Video: Someone Began To Walk In The Field Or A UFO Sighting In Kamenka - Alternative View
Video: Woman Witnesses Strange UFO Sighting In British Columbia | Alien Mysteries 2024, July

In the summer of 2013, a young woman (Valentina) turned to the Ufological Forum, who told that, together with her mother (Vera Andreevna), she witnessed the strange phenomena observed in the city of Kamenka, Penza region.

Representatives of the local group "Penza-Kosmopoisk" conducted an investigation of the incident, some of the results of which we would like to tell for the first time today.

Valentina at night, caring for a small child, drew attention to the bright flashes of light that ran through the room located on the second floor of a private house located on the outskirts of Kamenka. The source of the bright light was the balls moving along the nearby field.

Since this phenomenon was repeated several times from December 2012 to the present (according to her calculations, 7-8 times), she told her mother about this, who reacted with suspicion to her daughter's stories, since she considered it impossible to drive a car through a field covered with snow. Valentina personally observed this phenomenon for the last time in early May 2013.

At 23.15 from June 7 to 8, Vera Andreevna herself witnessed the appearance of glowing balls on the field. She noticed two bright balls that were moving across the field from the southeast direction, along the tree plantations blocking the Penza-Tambov highway, objects were moving silently. The movement of the object was smooth, as if it were sliding over the surface.

Having reached the clearing, the object, which was a scattering of white light lights, two of which stood out most brightly, stopped, the balls merged into one light source and released two bright flashes in the direction of Kamenka, in the direction of the eyewitness's house. Then the balls separated, taking on their original form, and began to move eastward, past the island and the stationary point of the gas distribution station (GDS).

And then Vera Andreevna noticed that a second, exactly the same object remained in the same place, which exactly repeated the manipulations of the first: it also emitted two light pulses towards Kamenka, and also began to move along the trail of the first object, then the object turned around behind the GDS body and returned, approximately along the initial route. Whether it was the first object or the second, the witness cannot say. In the morning, Vera Andreevna called the GDS and checked her observations with her friend Valery S.

On June 7, 2013, Valery S. went outside at 12 o'clock in the morning to smoke and at about 100 meters saw several glowing lights, two of which were shining brighter than the others. An interesting observation: when the object made a turn, then exactly the same two bright spotlights that were in front were found behind.

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The size of the object, according to an eyewitness, was about the size of a tank. The movement was smooth, as if he was moving on an air cushion, but there were no sounds, there was absolute silence. “Private traders bought new equipment,” was the first thought that came to Valery's mind. With this conviction, he went back into the building. The next morning, eyewitnesses did not notice any traces of objects on the field.

On June 8 at 23.15 Vera Andreevna decided to look at the field for a repetition of yesterday's events and saw in front of the house above a lamppost, 50 meters from the house, a bright red ball the size of a full moon, which hovered at the top level pillar, and then began to move towards the south-west, towards the landings on the Penza-Tambov highway and disappeared behind them.

On the advice of Valery S., it was decided to go to the local village council and check according to the documents whether any agricultural work was carried out in this field on the night of June 7-8. The head of the Administration of the Pervomaisky village council of the Kamensky district of the Penza region, Cherushov Nikolai Ivanovich, assured that the private traders who rent land and equipment from them do not have the funds to carry out agricultural work, so there could not be any equipment on the field.

During the summer of 2013, representatives of the group carried out constant monitoring of the situation, interviews of eyewitnesses and a detailed inspection of the territory where the lights over the field were recorded. The objects presumably belong to the ufological sphere, but the phenomenon lurked and has not yet manifested itself in any way. As soon as the next message arrives, the group is ready to immediately go to the site.