Abducted UFO - Alternative View

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Abducted UFO - Alternative View
Abducted UFO - Alternative View

Video: Abducted UFO - Alternative View

Video: Abducted UFO - Alternative View
Video: Florida Congressional Candidate Claims She Was Abducted By Aliens | The View 2024, October

Today "Vecherny Chelyabinsk" publishes the story of Alexei Meshin. In his letter, he "swore" that everything described was in reality

You can endlessly gaze at water, fire and stars, especially in August, when the stars fall. At this moment, from some poets are born, from others - the Tsiolkovsky. Of course, both are needed on a sinful earth.

Who would then “carry” us into space and “make” apple trees bloom on Mars. Man has long aspired to the stars, as soon as he realized himself, he wanted to fly like a bird, then conquer the Universe and, finally, fly to the Sun itself.

In these dreams, he dreamed of meeting his own kind, reasonable, kind and very intelligent creatures. These dreams were not born out of nowhere. Indirectly and indirectly, life presented various, vivid and inexplicable, from the point of view of earthlings, facts that cannot be overlooked, not identified, and therefore they were called UFOs.

Forty years ago, the official science and the government of the country did not recognize their existence. Official "explanations" were usually given as follows: a new rocket was tested in this place, or the aurora borealis scattered glare, and people mistook them for flying balls, or the people themselves were to blame - some with a hangover, and some with a healthy psyche. Those who swore that they were in the mind and reason, and continued to prove their case, simply did not listen.

In the fall of 1975, over Kyshtym and directly above the Mayak plant, two plates hovered, changing the height and direction, as if scanning the surface, and after twenty minutes disappeared, swaying and immediately gaining space velocity.

Exactly the same phenomenon was observed days later over Miass, or rather, over the V. P. Makeeva. In the regional party committee, the regional executive committee, hundreds of calls rained down with a demand to explain what was happening.

It was impossible to remain silent - there were too many eyewitnesses. Three days later, "Chelyabinsk Rabochy", the official authority, gave an explanation: tests were carried out there and there.

Promotional video:

What tests, who conducted them, their purpose - there were no answers to these questions.

But still, I will tell you an incredible story that happened to my friend, and you can believe it or not.

They were friends

A few words about the hero. Mikhail Isaakovich Zvagelsky, thirty years old, a young scientist, graduated from the CPI with honors, remained at the Department of Instrumentation, a couple of years later became a candidate of technical sciences, had several inventions and patents.

Everything was fine with him: a beautiful wife, a child prodigy son - plays the violin, speaks English. But Misha also had a special pride: the black terrier Sam. In Chelyabinsk, he was the winner of all exhibitions.

Powerful, handsome, smart - the elite, as it was written in the dog's passport. Medal - iconostasis. The whole city and the Ural region knew him. With his mind, the dog went to the owner.

We met as dog breeders. At that time I had a German shepherd dog Alba. Elite too. The daughter talked to her like a friend, she reciprocated her. Sam and Alba became very good friends.

If we went out in the evening to the wasteland for a walk (ChelSU is now located here, and before there was a bush, rare trees and a large meadow), then Sam, smelling Alba, dragged Misha with all his might, and it was impossible to keep him.

It was interesting from the side to observe their doggy tenderness. Sam will definitely lick Alba in the face, she, embarrassed, will turn away and invite him to play catch-up.

At first he had to catch up with her, but Sam is heavy, and he could not catch up with her. Then Alba slowed down, Sam caught up with her, and the struggle began.

After the fight, Sam ran away, Alba caught up. Then, tired and happy, they lay down next to each other and only slyly exchanged glances, watching us. We knew their habits and did not look in that direction.

That's how the meeting

On this cloudy autumn evening, the dog's idyll and our conversation were interrupted unexpectedly. Misha pushed me and asked:

- Vasilich, what the hell is this?

I looked up and saw a bright object in the gray sky that was rapidly approaching us. It was a plate 20 meters in diameter, 3-4 meters high.

When it hovered about a hundred meters from the ground, it immediately changed color: from bright white to blue it became reddish. The portholes were clearly visible.

Suddenly, a hatch opened in the lower part, and a beam of light began to gradually descend to the ground, as if a stereo tube was being extended. We stood dumbfounded and did not move.

The whole body was paralyzed, but the head worked. Fear fettered the will and deeply rooted in the soul. The dogs huddled under their feet with whimpering. Two small figures descended along this light column, as if along a rescue arm, and headed in our direction.

They did not walk, but rather hovered above the ground. When we approached 10 meters, I clearly heard a metallic voice, which calmly said:

- Do not be afraid of us, we will not harm you. We have come to meet you and invite you on board.

After these words, they gently took Misha by the elbows and in the same way transferred him to a plate. Before my eyes, a beam of light was drawn onto the alien ship, and it instantly disappeared into the sky.

I came to my senses, probably in 10 - 15 minutes. The dogs brought me out of torpor. Sam was especially restless. He looked into my eyes, whined, looked for the owner.

I was shocked and confused, did not know what to do, where to go, how to tell Svetlana (my friend's wife) about the disappearance of her husband. Who will believe me if I tell the whole truth! And at that moment, again, clearly, like a command, I heard a metallic voice:

- Do nothing, wait!

I looked around: no one was around. I wanted to go - my legs are wadded, they don't obey. Exhausted and devastated, he sat down on a tree stump. How much time has passed, I do not know. He looked at his watch - it was standing. Suddenly the Bear comes out of the bushes and shouts:

- Well, why are you seated - are you going to spend the night, or what? Sam, come to me!

- Where were you?

- Yes, on a small need left. Well, we parted, see you tomorrow.

Bear and Sam left, as if nothing had happened, I went home. I'm about 10-15 minutes to go home. When I got home, I looked at my watch: it was ten o'clock fifteen minutes.

This means that Mishka flew with the aliens for an hour. What happened to him, why did he pretend that nothing had happened, why did he lie to me about the "small need"? I learned all this later.

The next day, hoping to find out the truth, I hurried with Alba to the wasteland. But we didn't meet Misha and Sam. Later Sveta came and explained that Michael was ill.

Not in vain worry

A week passed before we met a friend. I didn't recognize him. He lost weight, in the eyes of concern. Without any preamble, he began:

“Do you remember the evening I disappeared?

- Of course, I just didn't understand why you tried to hide your stay on the UFO from me?

- The fact is that they erased my presence there from their memory and even “compressed” the time, and when they returned me to the bushes, everything looked natural. And it seemed to me myself that I walked away only for five minutes.

You were a witness, and I will tell you. While I was "led", I understood what was happening to me, but mortal fear fettered my will. As soon as I got inside, the light in my eyes faded.

When I woke up, I saw that I was lying on a long white table. Small people are walking around. They look at me, discuss something. These "people" looked strange: their eyes were round, they looked smart and piercing, ears, nose, mouth were smaller than those of people. The head is large.

They were all in white suits and very graceful. One of them, it seemed to me that he was the eldest, came up to me without opening his mouth, asked how I felt, and put his hand on my forehead.

I immediately stopped being afraid. The curiosity of the inventor in me did not die, and I asked the aliens to introduce me to the ship. They explained to me that this is a contact ship that studies the Earth, and the main one is in space.

I was interested in the propulsion system, power supplies, but the aliens made it clear that such engines are not used on Earth. However, they showed me the cockpit with two horizontal seats - I saw a panel with levers and buttons.

Then the elder came up to me and began to say goodbye, folding his hands, as the Indians do. Others repeated this gesture. He put his hand on my back and said that they would never harm the earthlings. After that I found myself in the bushes, where you saw me.

Alien gift

I looked at him like an alien and tried to understand how healthy he was. He intercepted my thought:

- Calm down, I'm fine, but there are some changes.

- What do you mean?

- Do you know our head of the department Tartischev Alexander Ilyich (surname has been changed. - Author)?

- Everyone knows him, a famous scientist, an honorary citizen of the city.

- Well. He had to fly to Moscow for a meeting. Before leaving, I have a dream: the plane on which he is supposed to fly is in a disaster. In the morning I go to him and I strongly recommend going by train, otherwise the weather will be bad, the plane will not fly.

He balked a little and went by train, and that plane crashed near Ufa. Now I know with whom, where, what will happen. Began to foresee. Listen, this is painful, I even lost weight.

For example, in a month I will be transferred to the design bureau to Makeev, in Miass. I don’t know how to tell my relatives. I have a request to you: don't tell anyone anything, they won't believe, and I don't want to swear to anyone and make excuses.

I nodded my head in understanding. Indeed, a month later, Zvagelsky was assigned through Moscow to the missile center. There he made more than one invention, received the State Prize, the Order of Lenin.

The main one appreciated and respected him for his originality of thought and scientific foresight. After the chief died, in the same year Mikhail died, who took with him the secret of contact with aliens.

According to his wife, he was haunted by headaches, he often went into himself, and at night he talked to someone. When she tried to find out what was happening, he explained "bad dreams."

All this time I kept my word given to a friend, and was silent, even because of drunkenness. Now I think he would not be very offended at me that I told you this unusual story.