Ghosts - Are These Men Who Died A Violent Death? - Alternative View

Ghosts - Are These Men Who Died A Violent Death? - Alternative View
Ghosts - Are These Men Who Died A Violent Death? - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts - Are These Men Who Died A Violent Death? - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts - Are These Men Who Died A Violent Death? - Alternative View
Video: Jacob Tillberg - Ghosts 2024, June

Unknown and inexplicable: Are ghosts men who died a violent death?.. Of the 337 known cases of meeting with the dead, in most cases these are men who died a violent death. They are unfamiliar to those to whom they were shown. In turn, people who died of natural causes more often turned out to be friends or relatives.

Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson, a psychologist at the University of Iceland, interviewed people in the 1980s who claimed they had met the dead. He also checked official records to find out the circumstances of the deaths of those people. The cases studied have occurred in Iceland, but he cites similar studies from other countries. According to them, 25% of Western Europeans and 30% of Americans have seen ghosts.

Dr. Haraldsson writes: “It is unusual that the majority of ghosts (67%) are male. This pattern follows from the stories of both men and women. This echoes our previous study, according to which 77% of people of both genders saw only dead men."

In 80%, it was possible to establish the identity of these men and the cause of their death. A third of them died a violent death. This percentage is four times higher than the Icelandic average violent death rate.


Other studies show the same pattern. Dr. Ian Stevenson, a psychologist at the University of Virginia, analyzed 314 such cases and described them in his 1986 book Illusions of Life, co-authored with Edmund Garney, Frederick Myers and Frank Podmore. Stevenson found that when the cause of death was known, 28% of the death was unnatural.

Dr. Stevenson is a researcher in the field of reincarnation. His predecessor, Dr. Jim Tucker, told The Epoch Times in an interview that when people think of past lives, they too often report violent deaths. Dr. Tucker analyzed thousands of cases of children remembering past lives. 70% of them were boys.

As a rule (but not always), children said that in a past life they were the same gender as in this one. Thus, most of the stories about past lives are stories of men who died a violent death.

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Dr. Tucker checked official statistics in the United States and found that 70% of violent deaths are men, which is consistent with past life memories.