Mortal Sins Or In The Networks Of The Entities Of The Lower Astral Plane - Alternative View

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Mortal Sins Or In The Networks Of The Entities Of The Lower Astral Plane - Alternative View
Mortal Sins Or In The Networks Of The Entities Of The Lower Astral Plane - Alternative View

Video: Mortal Sins Or In The Networks Of The Entities Of The Lower Astral Plane - Alternative View

Video: Mortal Sins Or In The Networks Of The Entities Of The Lower Astral Plane - Alternative View
Video: Astral Planes 2024, June

Astral entities - energy of passions and vices

In addition to negative feelings, fear and experiences - anger, rage, hatred - harmful astral entities in particular are attracted by hypertrophied sensual desires and needs, primarily of a sexual nature. At first, the elementals are fed by the dark energies of passions and vices, then they become more and more direct participants in orgies, and soon - not only participants, but also their instigators. The end result of such "transmaterial" complicity is often the decomposition of the consciousness and personality of a person to the point of complete madness. Strong emotions and passions (as well as obsessive thoughts), and so weaken the human body, excessively wasting psychic energy; and if an elemental feeding on their energy becomes attached to a person's aura, things are really bad.

No one can even imagine what a terrible psychoenergetic effect erotic and pornographic products have. Passion for her carries negative consequences both at the physiological and psychoenergetic levels. Doctors, for example, state that the percentage of urological and gynecological diseases has increased dramatically. Why exactly such diseases? Because lovers of "strawberries" spend the bulk of the energy "allocated" to people to meet their normal physiological needs while watching the corresponding videos. And when it comes down to it - the body is already energetically squeezed out like a lemon. The organs of the human body cannot withstand this kind of unnatural stress, which provokes diseases.

The situation is even more serious in the field of psychoenergetic disorders caused by a person's misuse of his sexual potential. Daniil Andreev in "The Rose of the World" noted that the inability and unwillingness of a person to control his sexual needs puts him in the power of the dark forces of the astral plane. According to the clairvoyant, in the transphysical worlds there are special vampiric entities that feed on the radiations of lust emanating from the physical world.

The fact that the animal, devoid of a spiritual basis, the use of sexual energy by people is always associated with the activities of vampire elementals, has been known to black magicians for a long time. The sorcerers who knew how to manage astral larva managed to use them not only for "directing" damage, but also in love spells. What is a love spell is well clear on the example of traditional magical actions used in its implementation. In one of the books on magic it is said that in order to invoke a "love passion" in a person on whom a love spell is being made, the black magician simply sent a larva of lust on him while uttering traditional incantations: "Lyarva passion, go to such and such (pronounced the name of the "processed" person), arouse in him a passion for such and such, "etc. In fact, the very effect of the love spell wasthat a person was deliberately made possessed.

But it was possible to become obsessed on the basis of immoderate sensual needs without the help of love spells. A typical example of sexual obsession was described in A. Kuprin's story "Night Violet". People who elevate sexual needs into a cult are objects of influence on them by the larvae of lust already due to their own inclinations, and not magical influences. Meanwhile, the abundance of erotic magazine, book and video products that have poured into the Russian market in recent years does not at all contribute to the realization of the simple and necessary truth by most people: the culture of sex and debauchery are not the same thing.

People are dying for metal

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One of the addictions, especially those attracting the lower entities of the astral world, is the striving for enrichment, the love of money and the thirst for possession of it. Pushkin's Miserly Knight, who eagerly sorts out gold coins in his basement, is a real example of obsession, frolicking on the basis of love for money. The famous Indian philosopher Sri Aurobindo, the creator of a new spiritual teaching - integral Vedanta, wrote that money is a special power of another world.

The masses of money and their distribution on the earthly plane are controlled, and often directed by a whole army of alien material beings, striving with their help to realize their own goals.

The life of the parallel dimension is very diverse in its forms, and in addition to the voracious, but narrow-minded vampire elementals, there are much more far-sighted and dangerous entities with their own plans for our earthly plane. Money is their trump card in many cases and situations. That is why the energetic (there is such a thing!) And social power of money is often used not only by their earthly owners, but also by creatures of a different dimension standing behind them. No matter how strange it may seem, but "despicable metal" has long had its occult power, and a person who carries a secret desire to possess it at any cost, often falls into the network of insidious entities of another world.

It's a paradox, but often tycoons, who seem to the average man to be completely free in their actions and desires due to their condition, are in reality people with strong mental addictions, tied hand and foot by the burden of their wealth, and most importantly - by the other material control that stands behind him. Big money is actually a dangerous thing, and it is not for nothing that they say: "What is the use of the one who gains the whole world, but damages his soul?"

Victims of the "green serpent"

Sensual excesses and moral vices are perhaps the most common channel of obsession. And the fastest channels are alcoholism, drug addiction and … an attempt to engage in psychoenergetic exercises without prior long and serious spiritual and ethical preparation. In particular, this applies to modern schools of extrasensory perception, clairvoyance and, especially, occult exoticism such as magic and spiritualism.

What is the danger of drug addiction and alcoholism in psychoenergetic terms? They deprive the human psyche of control, release all the lower, animal instincts, which carry the most low-vibration, coarse energy that astral vampires love so much. And in the end, alcohol and drugs affect the subtle, or astral body in a special way, changing its usual vibrational-energy regime, bringing it closer to the vibrations of the lower layers of the Subtle World. It is possible to judge who the intoxicated consciousness of alcoholics can meet in these layers by their own feelings: the classical hallucination of the victims of the "green snake" quite plausibly draws pictures of the lower layers of a parallel world. However, devils, rats or mice scampering over the body of people drugged with alcohol is not a hallucination, but a symbolic reflection of the consciousness ofwhat happens in the astral space around them.

On this occasion, a researcher of esoteric teachings and the author of a number of interesting books M. Hall wrote: “Allowing his feelings to die through addiction to drugs or alcohol, a person temporarily comes into contact with these inhabitants of the astral plane. The gurias seen by hashish smokers, or the terrible monsters tormenting patients with delirium tremens, are examples of such unearthly creatures, visible only to those who commit vicious deeds and, like a magnet, attracts them to themselves."

But vampirism does not exhaust the psychoenergetic consequences of alcoholism. The worst thing is the invisible channels of foreign influence, which remain in the aura of a former drunkard even after the recovery from alcoholism. It is known that sometimes coding from addiction is accompanied by subsequent suicide. This is attributed to "code glitches" and the like. And the real reasons are hidden in the state of partial obsession or susceptibility of the psyche of the former alcoholic to alien psychic suggestions.

Why is suicide the result of such suggestions? At the moment of death, a large amount of psychic energy is released into space. If the deceased was possessed or was in a state close to this, a lot of his life energy will go to the entities that stuck to his aura. After the coding of the alcoholic, it becomes more difficult for the larva living in his aura to feed on his energy. Therefore, they try to "take their own" right away. Using the channels of psychoenergetic connection with his aura, they patiently and persistently whisper a terrible decision to him, laying a program of self-destruction in the subconscious. The main danger lies precisely in the fact that people with a weak will are unable to control their subconscious impulses. They follow the order - that's all.

The same reason lies at the heart of almost all crimes committed by people who are intoxicated. It is not by chance that drunken fights between drinking companions sometimes end in murder: disgusting otherworldly "instigators" encourage people who have lost their minds. But such a circumstance does not relieve a person of either moral or karmic responsibility for what has been done: only the person himself is responsible for maintaining his spiritual and mental freedom.

It should be noted that the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction can be successful only when not only, so to speak, the physiological, but also the psychoenergetic side of the problem is taken into account. A serious and purposeful struggle with these ailments is necessary not only for the sake of the victim of the "green serpent", but also for the sake of the whole society, since through a person subject to alcoholism and drug addiction, the degradative essences of the astral plane are able to harm everything around them. The auras of alcoholics and drug addicts "with experience" are like real channels to the lower astral: the astral larvae living in them affect not only the victims of their addictions, but also their loved ones and in general everyone who surrounds them at the moment.

When one person communicates with another, an energy-informational exchange occurs between their auras and biofields. Taking advantage of this, the astral enslavers of people suffering from alcohol and drug addiction manage to vampirize and exert their negative impact on their victims, and on everyone in their environment. As the "Faces of Agni Yoga" says, "alcohol awakens the lower instincts and serves as a channel for the dark, through which they easily throw up their evil intentions. The control of the mind over thought is weakened, and it is darkened by those who watch so closely every opportunity to harm. If people knew how many dangers await them at every step, and especially under the influence of alcohol, they would show abstinence. Drunkenness can be called the scourge of our time. Spatially alcoholism is especially harmful,because it captures the thoughts of people, saturating them with emanations of all sorts of vices and desires and filling and infecting space with them. One can be afraid of the phenomena of general drunkenness."

N. Kovaleva