Good And Evil In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

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Good And Evil In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View
Good And Evil In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

Video: Good And Evil In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

Video: Good And Evil In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View
Video: The Problem of Evil: Crash Course Philosophy #13 2024, October

The fight between good and evil

If we talk about the moral orientation of our neighbors from the Subtle World, we cannot fail to mention in this connection the eternal philosophical problem of the origin of good and evil in nature and in the human community. In esoteric philosophical teachings it is said that moral laws, in particular the law of the Common Good, are laid in the basis of the existence of the universe. Where could evil come from in the Cosmos? And what is it like - just the imperfection of the surrounding world and intelligent beings living on different planes of existence? Or is evil an independent, self-sufficient principle in the Cosmos, consciously opposing Good as its antithesis? In reality, in the material Cosmos, everything has a dual nature: white and black, day and night, positive and negative … However, such opposites have no negative meaning!

In Cosmos, evil is just imperfection, the absence of Good as a creative, conscious, transforming Principle. It is curious that in the Greek language such a concept as "Cosmos" meant peace, beauty and harmony, that is, something ordered, reasonable, creative. In contrast to the Cosmos, there was Chaos - disordered, lacking intelligence and harmony, blind and imperfect forces of nature. The transformation of Chaos into Space, the mastery of the elemental forces of matter and their transformation into harmonious, creative, intelligent forms of being - this was the goal of the Divine Forces of the Universe.

As a consequence, evil does not exist in the Cosmos as a conscious force opposing Good. There are only imperfections, which sooner or later will be turned by the Higher Forces into perfect and intelligent forms of life.

However, our planet in this respect "was less fortunate" than other inhabited worlds of the Cosmos. It was on Earth that the idea of self-sufficient evil, consciously opposing Good, found concrete embodiment for itself in the vigorous activity of a whole hierarchy of dark forces that live both on the physical earthly plane and in the astral world.

How could the Earth "be guilty" before the Cosmos, that it was on it that a hotbed of conscious forces of evil appeared? The creation of the organization of the forces of darkness on our planet was associated with the spiritual fall of one of the Cosmic Hierarchs sent by the Reasonable Forces of the Universe to spiritually guide the development of the Earth.

Hierarchy is the general principle of the organization of the universe. At the head of any planet, any world, there are representatives of a single Cosmic Reason who direct the course of evolution taking place in the spaces of the Universe entrusted to them. Not a single world, not a single planet or star can be created by themselves, without the participation of the Cosmic Reason. At the heart of every act of creation is the will of highly developed Intelligent Beings who govern the life of the universe.

The Earth, like other worlds of Space, was created by the collective Intelligence of the Supreme Beings. Having created the Earth, the Supreme Beings, called in the western esoteric teachings the Builders of the Cosmos, and in the eastern ones - Kumars, or Dhyan-Kogans, sent their Brothers to it, who needed to guide its evolution. Among them, a particularly important mission was entrusted to one Spirit, the energy potential of which was close to the energy of the Earth. In ancient scriptures, this Angel is called Lucifer - the Carrying Light. But the spiritual qualities of this cosmic messenger were not as unshakable as those of his Elder Brothers. When even a high spirit incarnates on the physical plane, part of its spiritual potential turns out to be "darkened" by gross, low earthly vibrations.

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Having incarnated in a dense shell, the once brilliant Angel of Light was tempted by ambitious desires and instead of spiritual leadership of the planet entrusted to him, he wanted to turn it into his own fiefdom, inaccessible to the influence of other planets and Creatures necessary for our planet for its development. Lucifer deliberately cut off the planet from the influence of positive cosmic energy. Together with him, powerful spirits who were his closest assistants took the path of betrayal. It was from the horde of spirits, led by Lucifer who rebelled against the Divine Will (and fell away from it), that the Black Brotherhood, the hierarchy of the forces of evil, was formed on the earthly plane. Until now, in its ranks there are many far-sighted and strong demonic beings, far superior to people in their intellectual and psycho-energetic capabilities. The host of the imperfect serves the main forces of evil,undeveloped beings (including people) who became their servants, and in fact - slaves.

This is how the fall of one of the Angels, called to lead the development of the Earth, took place. The Fallen Angel lost the right to the name "Carrying Light" and became Satan, the prince of this world. How did it happen that the once highly spiritually developed cosmic being did not retain his spiritual accumulations and rebelled against Truth and Divine Reason? But in Cosmos the law of free will prevails, which makes it possible for any rational being to choose the path of life that is consonant with his consciousness. In addition, as it is said in the books of Agni Yoga, during the transition of each creature to the superhuman stage of development, not a single "human" feeling in his soul disappears, but only transmutes, that is, it is improved, turning from imperfect into perfect, positive. And if some negative feeling in the character of the future Arhat was not transmuted to the end, until it was completely outlived, - in this case, even when he reaches a superhuman level of development, the old "weakness" can appear in his consciousness again and … throw him off reached the stage of evolution.

N. K. Roerich in one of his works wrote that in the East he happened to see a ring with two spirals depicted: one of them was ascending, the other was descending. This deeply philosophical symbol meant that none of the stages of spiritual development traversed by any cosmic creature is unshakable: the path of spiritual evolution is such that it is possible to both ascend and descend along its steps (as along the spirals depicted on the ring) - both evolve and degrade. Among the four karmic paths in ancient Tibetan sources, the path from Light to darkness is also indicated. Lucifer chose the path of descent, the path of degradation - and with his spiritual fall he immensely burdened the karma of both his own and the planet entrusted to his patronage.

But the Cosmic Hierarchy of Light Forces could not reconcile with Satan's plan for the Earth. Divine Kumaras did not leave humanity to the mercy of fate and entered into a struggle with the prince of this world, which lasted for millions of years. In order to more successfully fight the forces of darkness, they created a real stronghold of the Forces of Good on Earth, called Shambhala in the East, and the White Brotherhood in the West.

As Helena Roerich wrote in her Letters, “The fall of Lucifer consisted in the fact that he went against the law of evolution, or the Will of the Cosmos. But Lucifer could only make it difficult, but he could not interrupt the flow of life. It was his revolt and his implementation of a plan for self-sufficiency of earthly matter that caused a correction in the person of the White Brotherhood, an Institution that is not familiar to other planets due to its involuntary combat readiness. Helena Roerich emphasized the fact that the struggle against the conscious forces of evil takes away from the Forces of Light a lot of time and energy, thereby complicating their work aimed at promoting the cosmic evolution of mankind.

In various religious teachings, the struggle between Light and darkness was called Armageddon, "Wars in Heaven" and similar names. The main struggle between the forces of Good and evil took place not on the physical, but on the Subtle plane of being, in the astral world. But on the physical plane, in human society, the battles between the forces of Light and darkness have acquired a wide scope. The entire history of Earth's civilization is marked by the confrontation between Good and Evil. The flourishing periods of earthly culture, the peaceful and calm life of most peoples also meant the domination of light forces in the arena of earthly history. On the contrary, periods of wars, the Inquisition, various persecutions and persecutions of everything progressive were characterized by the prevailing influence of the forces of evil on people.

And yet the main battle of Armageddon ended with the victory of the Light Forces. The prince of this world was defeated by the hierarchy of Light and removed from the Solar System. But numerous supporters of the Fallen Angel still remain in the earthly aura and develop a stormy activity, feeling the approach of the end of their very existence. Lacking the knowledge and capabilities of their defeated hierarch, most of them do not understand that they cannot change the course of earthly history now, without their main inspirer. Less conscious forces of evil exist at the expense of vampirism, more sophisticated dark entities are still trying to provoke wars and major catastrophes so beloved by them on the earthly plane. The struggle of the forces of Light and darkness for influence on earthly civilization is still going on …

How, then, can the forces of good and evil, whose main strongholds are in the Subtle World, can influence the consciousness of a person? This is happening not only thanks to their supporters among the people living on the earthly plane. To influence the consciousness of all people, the essences of the Subtle worlds have a means universal on all planes of the Cosmos - thought. Disincarnated beings can send people, as if suggesting, thoughts of different moral content. Accordingly, the forces of good direct light, spiritual, altruistic thoughts and motives into the consciousness of people. The same light forces, which, in fact, in religions are called guardian angels, save people from evil, helping to intuitively recognize and overcome temptations "thrown" by dark forces.

The forces of evil, on the contrary, use the power of mental influence to instill in a person the most disgusting thoughts in order to persuade them to act accordingly. They can inspire a person with anything, prompting them both to a variety of vices and to misanthropic intentions, especially if a person who has come under their influence occupies an important state post.

Of course, people themselves are also divided into decent and dishonest. And in order for these or those forces to become true helpers and allies of a particular person, the main circumstance is needed: the correspondence of his original moral nature to one or another ("light" or "dark") beings of other planes of being. You cannot instill bad thoughts in a truly decent person. He simply will not accept such a suggestion. In the same way, it is impossible to inspire thoughts of good, prompting an evil and depraved person to good, altruistic actions.

The basis of the influence of certain forces of the astral plane on people is the principle of moral conformity of those and others. In the wonderful book by K. Antarova "Two Lives" about the influence of the forces of evil on the consciousness of people it is said: "You have to carry a lot of evil in yourself so that someone else's will can use it. Evil drags a person with it not because it surrounds him from the outside, but only because a seething crater is already ready inside a person's heart, where evil only pours its oil, adding strength to his lower passions.

One should also take into account the fact that only a small part of humanity has firmly chosen a position for itself in the camp of the forces of good or evil. The overwhelming majority of people in our time do not have a clear moral orientation. Morally, they are an amorphous and often irresponsible mass that tends to one side or the other. But this does not relieve a person from the need to make decisions about which side - good or evil - to take in each specific case. And any such decision will have corresponding karmic consequences.

N. Kovaleva
