Birch Bark Letters Have Nothing To Do With History. It's A Fake Copy! - Alternative View

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Birch Bark Letters Have Nothing To Do With History. It's A Fake Copy! - Alternative View
Birch Bark Letters Have Nothing To Do With History. It's A Fake Copy! - Alternative View

Video: Birch Bark Letters Have Nothing To Do With History. It's A Fake Copy! - Alternative View

Video: Birch Bark Letters Have Nothing To Do With History. It's A Fake Copy! - Alternative View
Video: Writing on Birch Bark 2024, October

Man has been trying to form and write down his thoughts since time immemorial. Starting from cave paintings, people depicted their everyday life, ideas about the world around them, primitive beliefs, and so on.

Ancient Egypt

According to historians, already five thousand years ago, the ancient Egyptians already knew the writing with which they decorated their temples. On papyrus soaked in water, they painted in such a way that it is still interesting to look at it.


As if from a stencil, Egyptian craftsmen carved striking images of animals and birds in hard stone. Not a single extra line - everything is according to strict canons. In the picture above, for example, cartouches (ovals) contained the names of the pharaohs and gods. The circle is the sun god - Ra. The scarab is also a symbol of God - Hepera. But not only on stones - on fabrics and papyrus, the writing amazed with its colors.


The man was portrayed in full growth. The face is sideways, and the shoulders are turned towards the viewer. Birds of unearthly beauty and colors that have not faded over the millennia. It's like looking at a colored encyclopedia. Here we see offerings to the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, which can be judged by the double crown. It was all written 5000 years ago !!!

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Ancient Russia

And now, my dears, let's see how they wrote allegedly in Russia in 1500 AD. Just 500 years ago.


Please - paper! God Himself ordered to keep the chronicles accurately and according to all the canons. But no, the book is painted in such a way that my seven-year-old daughter can write better. All letters are dancing, the spacing between words is different. It feels like this is not an official chronicle of the great Moscow principality, but a granary book. Now let's look back 1000 years.


Tadaaaaam! Compare with the writing of Egypt. It seems to me that the half-naked savages wrote better than these scribbles. The funny thing is, they are trying to convince us that the birch bark, which has lain in the earth for 1000 years, will be so intact. I conducted an experiment - I buried a heap of birch bark of various sizes in the ground for three years. When I dug it out, it turned into dust. Well, birch bark cannot be stored for thousands of years, it cannot even be stored for a year. See bast shoes and baskets in museums. They are stored in ideal conditions, but they fall apart right on the shelves. But they are a hundred years old.

When the historians of the 19th century set themselves the goal of rewriting the history of Russia, then these birch bark letters appeared. When the Egyptians wrote beautifully on stone 5000 years ago, we painted children's scribbles on birch bark 1000 years ago.