Who Threw Humanity Back Into The Stone Age? - Alternative View

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Who Threw Humanity Back Into The Stone Age? - Alternative View
Who Threw Humanity Back Into The Stone Age? - Alternative View

Video: Who Threw Humanity Back Into The Stone Age? - Alternative View

Video: Who Threw Humanity Back Into The Stone Age? - Alternative View
Video: Humanity 100,000 Years Ago - Life In The Paleolithic 2024, October

Mysterious finds of objects and mechanisms made with the use of high technologies, as well as the remains of modern people in rocks millions of years old, often shock scientists. Some researchers explain such findings by the fact that highly developed civilizations have appeared on Earth more than once, which perished due to global cataclysms and wars.

Inconvenient finds for scientists

In 1965, US Air Force Chief of Staff, General Curtis LeMay, during the Vietnam War, made the following statement regarding the North Vietnamese: "They must stop their aggression or we are going to bomb them back into the Stone Age."

Fortunately, the Americans failed to do the latter, and they lost that war. However, the phrase "bomb into the Stone Age" deserves some attention. Indeed, according to one of the hypotheses, a highly developed civilization already existed on Earth in very ancient times, but humanity was thrown back into the Stone Age as a result of a war with the use of atomic weapons. Who "bombed" him in the age of stone axes? This is still unknown.

A lot of artifacts have been discovered on Earth, indicating that a modern human species existed millions of years ago. For example, in the 19th century, during the California gold rush, prospectors discovered in mines and pits a lot of stone dishes, spearheads and arrowheads, as well as modern human remains. The catch is that these findings were made in rocks that were 38-55 million years old. And the famous Mary Leakey, back in 1978, discovered fossilized human footprints in Tanzania, 3.6-3.8 million years old, in their anatomical features they were indistinguishable from the footprints of modern people.

It turns out that the entire chain of our ancestors built by scientists does not correspond to reality, and the whole history of mankind is nothing more than a "scientific fantasy" on this topic. This confirms a number of mysterious findings that scientists stubbornly ignore. For example, you can think of a find that resembles a spark plug, which is about 500 thousand years old. Or about the mysterious spirals made of copper, tungsten and molybdenum with sizes from 3 cm to 0.003 mm (!), Discovered by geologists in the 90s in the foothills of the Urals. It turned out that these spirals, tens of thousands of years old, were made using a very high technology that is not yet available to us.

There are many such finds, they are either silent about, or, at best, their origin is attributed to aliens. It turns out that aliens from outer space lost nails, bolts, hammers, jugs, gold chains on Earth, which then turned out to be embedded in rocks that were millions of years old. Quite a weird set for aliens, isn't it? It is more reasonable to assume that earthly civilizations have arisen and died, leaving only rare traces of their existence in the bowels of the planet.

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Colonized Mars and killed themselves in a nuclear war

What could have ruined the highly developed civilizations that preceded ours? The fall of a large asteroid or comet, the intensification of volcanic activity with the eruption of supervolcanoes, a worldwide flood - any of these catastrophic events could well have destroyed even a very advanced civilization.

With the same success the ancient earthly civilization could have been destroyed by a war with the massive use of nuclear weapons.

Several years ago, the British physicist Lyndon Meredith proposed a hypothesis according to which 30 million years ago there was a highly developed civilization on Earth that made space flights. It was wiped off the face of the planet as a result of an atomic war! The author of such an incredible hypothesis stated: “People created a civilization so advanced that they could fly to Mars, but because of their madness, they blew up this world and found themselves back in caves. We need to make sure we don't repeat their mistake."

What arguments did the scientist give in favor of his hypothesis? He drew attention to a number of apparently artificial artifacts found in ancient rocks. For example, the mysterious metal spheres found in a South African mine are believed to be about 31 million years old. And according to scientific data, 30 million years ago, all living things on Earth underwent significant mutations. This could well have happened due to radioactive contamination of the entire surface of the planet. Meredith did not leave without attention and Mars with its pyramids and other mysterious formations - presumably of an artificial nature. In his opinion, all of them are traces of the ancient colonization of the Red Planet by earthlings.

100 Funnels from nuclear strikes

Now the situation in the world has heated up to the limit, more and more often you can hear talk about the third World War, which is unlikely to do without the use of atomic weapons. Crazy politicians are literally pushing the world towards disaster, inventing any pretext for aggravating the international situation. Is humanity destined to destroy itself over and over again in nuclear fire, to find itself in the Stone Age, to be reborn again and again to fall into atomic hell?

Time will tell whether Meredith is right about nuclear war 30 million years ago. In the meantime, there is more weighty evidence of an atomic war, which was 25 thousand years ago. A special research team, consisting of American (NASA) and French scientists, discovered about 100 points on the earth's surface where powerful nuclear strikes were delivered. On the basis of the fused rocks, it was possible to roughly determine the date of the nuclear massacre - it happened about 25 thousand years ago.

According to scientists, the opposing sides used such powerful charges that the speed of the Earth's rotation changed. Because of this atomic war, the ancient civilization perished, its achievements were destroyed, and those people who were lucky enough to survive subsequently experienced strong mutations. It was they who led to the appearance on the planet of giants and dwarfs, cyclops and other strange creatures, whose remains are sometimes found during excavations. For example, exposure to radiation gives rise to polyploidy: this is a doubling of organs - two hearts or two rows of teeth can form. By the way, during excavations, archaeologists have repeatedly found the remains of giants with a double row of teeth.

Back in 1932, geologist Patrick Clayton in the Saad Plateau in Egypt found a large piece of glassy formation in the sand, which arose from the melting and sintering of desert sand at a temperature of at least 1800 ° C. It was believed that it could have formed when a large meteorite fell, but a crater from it was never found. Subsequently, similar "glasses" were found in various parts of the planet - in the deserts of the Middle East, Africa, China, Mongolia.

Only after testing the first US atomic bomb, researcher Albion W. Hart noticed that the pieces of glass formed after the atomic explosion were similar to the mysterious "glasses" he found in the deserts of Africa. A hypothesis has arisen that these fusions are evidence of large-scale ancient atomic strikes, as a result of which significant desert areas were formed in the previously flourishing regions of the planet. In some places, in their sands, it was possible to find ruins of ancient buildings, bricks and stones from the walls of which were melted from high-temperature exposure. These findings also supported the hypothesis of ancient nuclear strikes.

Who fought with whom?

According to another hypothesis, a war with the use of atomic weapons took place on the planet 12-15 thousand years ago. If we take into account the previous hypotheses and data, it turns out that it was already the third atomic war (the first - 30 million years ago, the second - 25 thousand years ago). Who fought with whom? According to one hypothesis, Atlantis was at war with the Rama Empire (India); according to another, the Atlanteans fought with the Aryans. As is known from legends, as a result of this war, Atlantis sank, but its enemy was also practically destroyed.

However, there is a third rather popular hypothesis. According to its supporters, there was a single civilization of the asuras on the whole Earth, which was attacked by aliens from outer space. The Earthlings suffered a crushing defeat. The surviving inhabitants of the planet went underground, and numerous tunnels appeared, penetrating the Earth. Terrible weapons used by aliens and the consequences of their use are described in the ancient Indian epic "Mahabharata".

Due to the destruction of cities, technical centers, radiation contamination, the terrestrial civilization practically ceased to exist, and the surviving people slipped into the Stone Age. Where did the alien invaders go? Perhaps they did not need the Earth poisoned as a result of the war, and they flew away in search of other, more suitable planets. It is possible that another, more humane and powerful extraterrestrial civilization stood up for the surviving earthlings.

The temptation to blame everything on aliens is, of course, great. Or maybe Earthlings were to blame for the ancient atomic wars? For example, recently the Western coalition struck a completely unjustified attack on Syria. The Americans and their allies, with their recklessness, may well again "bomb" humanity into the Stone Age …
