Disappeared People: Who Stood Between Humans And Dinosaurs? - Alternative View

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Disappeared People: Who Stood Between Humans And Dinosaurs? - Alternative View
Disappeared People: Who Stood Between Humans And Dinosaurs? - Alternative View

Video: Disappeared People: Who Stood Between Humans And Dinosaurs? - Alternative View

Video: Disappeared People: Who Stood Between Humans And Dinosaurs? - Alternative View
Video: Man Disappears After Winning The Lottery, 3 Years Later Police Uncover A Clue 2024, October

The very first civilizations considered their ancestors to be lizards who came out of the sea. Scientists are at a loss as to who could then inhabit the Earth.

The very first civilizations considered their ancestors to be lizards who came out of the sea. Scientists are at a loss as to who could then inhabit the Earth.

LEGENDS about this have been circulating for a long time … The theory of the "missing link", as if linking huge prehistoric lizards and humanity, has been actively discussed by scientists around the world for a hundred years, if not more. First, dinosaurs disappeared on the planet, then people appeared - everything seems to be logical. The problem is that until now no one can say for sure: what exactly happened in that period when some were ALREADY extinct, but there were STILL no others? One of the most popular versions is that in a giant period of time when the dinosaurs disappeared (65 million years ago) and people came (2-3 million years ago), the Earth was inhabited by a mysterious race of unknown creatures …

Monsters by the end of their life on Earth could become the ancestors of man

“This is a rather strange thing,” American scientist Robert Martin, who works at the Paleontological Museum of Chicago, said in an interview with Nature magazine. - But the fact remains. The first fossilized footprints of unknown bipedal creatures that we have found date back to the time period when the lizards disappeared. What kind of creatures they were - any new race or simply apes that appeared fifty million years earlier - I cannot say. Although, of course, we already have disputes and discussions, but did not these "two-legged" gradually destroy all dinosaurs, hunting them like ordinary game?

In 1961, an expedition of the French explorer Cesar Geman discovered in the inaccessible high-mountainous region of the Congo (Marguerite Peak) a tribe of pygmies "Mong" (about 40 natives), who had never seen a white man. The find gave amazing results - taking samples of pygmy blood, Geman found out that they have it … not hot. People were able to go into hibernation, like lizards, in cold weather (which, however, they hardly needed in the African climate). The tribe worshiped a carved out of wood figure of a lizard standing on its hind legs, in which one could easily guess … a tyrannosaurus. Returning to Paris, the scientist immediately began to collect funds for the next trip, but the expedition was interrupted by the war in the Congo. And six months later, Cesar died of malaria. It was not possible to send a new expedition - there are fierce battles between soldiers and local militants in the area:this has prevented scientists from reaching the natives for many years, in whose veins, possibly, the blood of dinosaurs flows. If during this time they have not disappeared from the face of the Earth at all.

Mongolia has a long-standing "independent paleontological group" of the local Academy of Sciences, which collaborates with colleagues from the United States to organize joint studies of the bones of "local" dinosaurs. Why there? It is in the Mongolian Gobi Desert that the world's largest "graveyard" of lizard skeletons is located, as well as huge "clutches" of eggs of ancient predators. According to one of the versions developed by local experts, by the end of their era, dinosaurs not only became perfectly intelligent creatures, they could also well be … the distant ancestors of modern man.

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Humans and lizards may have been linked by the "intermediate race"

“IF you look at how a baby dinosaur is located in an egg, you will gasp - it lies in the same position as a modern child in the womb,” says a senior employee of the “paleontological group” Horlogiin Galsan. “We used to look at the missing link theory as a link between dinosaurs and birds. But now we are thinking: why not be that there was an "intermediate race", something in between people and huge predators? After all, if you think about it, the very first drawings and sculptures of earthly civilizations that had just appeared (take, for example, Egypt, China and South America) depicted lizard people, as a rule, appeared from the sea: they were considered the rulers of the disappeared kingdom.

Fossilized silhouettes of human feet have been found next to dinosaur paw prints in many places, mainly in America - for example, in the Paluxy River in Texas and Fisher Canyon in Nevada - this caused shock and fierce debate: is the theory of evolution even correct? Some archaeologists accused others of forgery, they shouted in response about ignorance and unwillingness to "understand the obvious." Professional and amateur expeditions from the USA and Canada have visited the temples of the long-vanished Indian civilization Tiahuanaco in the territory of modern Bolivia more than a hundred times over the past five years, where stone sculptures depict people in scales - ancient Indians (according to some assumptions, the Tiahuanaco empire was founded 15 thousand years ago) called them the founders of their state. Moreover, just three Indian tribes in the Bolivian jungle still call themselves "lizard people".

“65 million is just a giant span of years,” said Jeremy Melforn, professor at the British Society for the Study of Dinosaurs, in an interview. - During this time, anything could have appeared that we do not know about. Imagine a situation: human society, God forbid, will die as a result of the fall of a monstrous meteorite or a nuclear war. So, after a million years, another race will quietly form - and it can disappear in the same way, and after it new civilizations will arise that will not know anything about the previous ones. Thus, theoretically, after the dinosaurs and before the appearance of modern man, a race of bipedal creatures unknown to modern science could easily exist, which were relatives of lizards or just a separate species. It is possible that they lived in water (hence the ancient legends about the Atlanteans),after which they were destroyed or simply died out. The period after the extinction of dinosaurs and before the appearance of humans has been studied very little: there is practically no evidence of what exactly happened then.

Some of the skulls of dinosaurs found during recent excavations in the Gobi made the scientific world flinch - at the very end of the "reign" of dinosaurs on Earth, small predators had much more space for the brain, in fact, it doubled. This news led to a flurry of interviews and discussions. Opinions were expressed that the lizards could even "talk" with each other in a kind of "dialect". So who inhabited the Earth after the death of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, before the human race appeared on it - half-human, half-lizard, great apes or the mysterious amphibian people? Unknown. After all, the "missing link" has not yet been found …


YET two hundred years ago, dinosaurs were not studied at all. Even when fossilized eggs of prehistoric reptiles with cubs were found in France in 1769, no one paid attention to this. The real study began only closer to the middle of the 19th century, when the British scientist Richard Owen invented the word "dinosaur" (translated from Latin - "terrible lizard"). On the basis of the remains found, very soon it was possible to recreate the "portraits" of monsters: the largest creatures reached a height of 40 meters (about a 12-storey building) and weighed under 80 tons. Theories about the death of dinosaurs appear with enviable consistency, but most experts believe that the animals were killed by a giant meteorite falling to Earth up to 10 kilometers in diameter. The "descendants" and "relatives" of the lizards, who have survived millions of years later, are still living on Earth, these are crocodiles,sharks and turtles.
