Why Does The Shell Of Alien Spacecraft Sparkle And Glow? - Alternative View

Why Does The Shell Of Alien Spacecraft Sparkle And Glow? - Alternative View
Why Does The Shell Of Alien Spacecraft Sparkle And Glow? - Alternative View

Video: Why Does The Shell Of Alien Spacecraft Sparkle And Glow? - Alternative View

Video: Why Does The Shell Of Alien Spacecraft Sparkle And Glow? - Alternative View
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In the list of characteristics of UFO surfaces there is such a thing as "soft glow", that is, the emission of light by the object itself or the space around it. Sometimes in the descriptions the expression "UFO sparked" is used, which immediately suggests the presence in the environment surrounding the object of some kind of electric discharge. It gives off a soft white glow, similar to the "corona discharge" that occurs sometimes at night on high-voltage power lines. What causes the soft glow. Most likely, a large negative charge of the UFO relative to the earth, causing a leakage of charges from the object into the atmosphere, an alternating potential that excites gases in the environment adjacent to the UFO. Or by radiation of energy into the atmosphere due to alternating current in the casing of the apparatus.


Many of those who have seen UFOs, speaking of the glow, mentioned almost all the colors of the spectrum - from red to violet. So what is it that glows: the apparatus itself or the surrounding mixture of gases, which, in essence, is our air? Under normal conditions of the earth's atmosphere, these gases do not glow just because their atoms do not receive the excitation energy of the corresponding level. In the previous article, we said that vehicles that visit the earth release a large amount of energy into the atmosphere, most likely electromagnetic.

This means that we have reason to make an assumption about the luminosity of gases in the air. First of all, the so-called noble gases, it seems to us, should emit visible light with sufficient electromagnetic excitation of molecules: helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon. Each of them is responsible for its own line of the visible spectrum and creates a multicolor picture. This is exactly the case, which in the classification we have adopted above is designated as the gradation of the color and luminosity of a UFO called "rainbow coloring".


Consider the next type of glow, the so-called "bright white glow", when describing which witnesses use expressions such as "light from the welding arc" or "glow of burning magnesium." Interestingly, as observers note, after the landing of the luminous object, the radiation stops and vice versa, the outwardly looking metallic, the object as it climbs, before disappearing, begins to emit a bright white "electric light".

The nature of this phenomenon, of course, is completely unclear, as well as the UFO phenomenon as a whole, however, suggestions are made about a certain analogy between this type of UFO glow and the processes that occur in connection with the occurrence and existence of ball lightning in the atmosphere.

And again we are talking about the microwave electromagnetic excitation of atmospheric gases, in particular, such as hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, about their ionization and transition to an unstable state. The conclusion suggests itself that the nature of the UFO luminescence with a high degree of probability can be associated with electromagnetic radiation arising from the operation of the vehicle's motor systems.

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The last type of glow - "multicolor" is based on the same luminosity of gases that are contained in the atmosphere, and the sequence of colors changing one another depends on the flight mode of the object and on the amount of energy released by it when performing a particular maneuver. This assumption correlates well with UFO sightings.

At the moment when the object is stationary or moving slowly, it has a “metallic”, “silver-gray” color (sometimes with a red halo). As the speed increases, the color changes in the following order: first "bright orange", then "fiery red", then "white-green", "blue" and finally "purple". It seems that as the UFO-Navts "press on the gas", the color of the light emitted by the UFO changes.
