Two-year-old Indian Siamese Twins Are Joined By The Tops Of The Head - Alternative View

Two-year-old Indian Siamese Twins Are Joined By The Tops Of The Head - Alternative View
Two-year-old Indian Siamese Twins Are Joined By The Tops Of The Head - Alternative View

Video: Two-year-old Indian Siamese Twins Are Joined By The Tops Of The Head - Alternative View

Video: Two-year-old Indian Siamese Twins Are Joined By The Tops Of The Head - Alternative View
Video: The Incredible Conjoined Twins Attached At The Head | BORN DIFFERENT 2024, June

Two-year-old twin brothers Honi and Singh live with their parents in Kandhamal District, Orissa, India. The boys were born with fused upper parts of the skull and their parents, all these two years, have not abandoned their attempts to find doctors who could perform an operation to separate the children.


The biggest problem is that this is a very poor family, and such operations cost a lot of money. The only chance is to find benefactors who would pay for such an operation out of their own pockets.


The twins' mother, 25-year-old Pushpanjali Kanhar, was in great shock when Siamese twins were born to her on March 9, 2015. Before giving birth, she was not examined in the hospital and did not know anything about the anomaly.


After birth, the children underwent X-rays and found out that each of the boys has his own brain and it is not connected to a neighboring brain. Thus, surgeons would only need to separate the bones and flesh of the top of the skull. But even for this operation, no one wanted to work for free.


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Only recently, when the story of the boys got into the press, the authorities of the state of Orissa announced that they would help the family. Parents and their twins are due to meet with doctors soon at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences hospital in Delhi.


Dr. Swapneshwar Gadnayak, chief physician of Kandhamal County, says this type of twins are known medically as craniopagas and have been known to undergo separation surgeries and survive. In addition, in this case, there will be no need to disconnect the brains, but the doctors will still have to think things over well before giving their consent to the operation.


Thus, the boys' family is now looking forward to meeting with doctors and a medical decision on their issue.


The boys' father, Bhuan Kanhar, works on a farm and earns about Rs 1,600 a month (about $ 25), and after the birth of twins, all his attempts with such money to get medical treatment for his children were in vain. The spouses have two more older children, also boys. They were born without complications and dream of their younger brothers recovering.


Meanwhile, Dr. Swapneshwar Gadnayak also warns that complications may arise in children during and after surgery, and one child or both may be severely injured or even die. The risks are very high.