Flights In Reality - Alternative View

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Flights In Reality - Alternative View
Flights In Reality - Alternative View

Video: Flights In Reality - Alternative View

Video: Flights In Reality - Alternative View
Video: Tragedy When US Navy Shot Down Civilian Airliner Iran Air Flight 655 | Mayday | Wonder 2024, June

They say that Jeanne D'arc, playing with her friends, could, at will, rise low into the air. The Indian fakir Kavindozami, according to eyewitnesses, got off the ground at a considerable distance. Taking a stick of iron wood. the fakir leaned against her with his right hand and pronounced a spell. Those present thought that they would now see the usual acrobatic trick, but the kavindozami gradually rose a meter above the ground and remained in such a position, similar to the Buddha pose. no other support than a stick. did not connect it to the floor

There are many legends about people who can fly. Probably due to the fact that people pressed to the Earth always wanted to soar like birds. But, it is possible that these are not legends at all, but the real past or the near future of the inhabitants of our planet.

The legends and historical evidence of how our distant ancestors could fly like birds are innumerable. Thus, ancient Indian manuscripts claim that thieves who plundered the treasuries of the rajas used levitation.

Healing seriously ill patients with prayer and losing weight at the same time, one of the most amazing Russian saints, Seraphim of Sarov, hovered in the air.

Perhaps the most famous "flying man" is Joseph Deza (1603-1663), nicknamed Copertino after his native village in southern Italy. More than a hundred cases of Joseph's levitation were observed by the then scientists, who left official evidence on this matter. Since these flights confused believers, in 1653 he was ordered to withdraw from Assisi to a remote monastery. In 1667 he was canonized, and in 1958 Joseph Kopertinsky was declared by the Vatican the patron saint of cosmonautics.

Scientists from Scotland recently announced that they have discovered the secret of levitation and can cause relatively small objects to float in the air. Professor Ulf Leonhardt and Dr. Thomas Philbin hope that the "Casimir effect", that is, the mutual attraction of two uncharged bodies, predicted by physicists back in 1948 will help them. However, while scientists have been able to "hang" in the air without support, only microscopic plates.

Chinese experts from the Northwestern Polytechnic Institute in Xi'an conducted their own experiment on levitation: frog tadpoles, fish fry and spiders soared into the air, as if by magic. To make the object of study soar, it was placed between the source of ultrasonic waves and their reflector, creating a sound pressure field, which prevents the experimental animals from falling.

So far, the opinions of representatives of official science about the nature of levitation are sharply divided. So, a specialist in the field of quantum mechanics, Harvard University professor John Hagilin, believes that all these are tricks that are shown by all sorts of crooks and hoaxers.

And his opponent, professor of the same Harvard, Eric Bergoltz, is convinced that the modern human race is the descendants of aliens and it is from them that people inherited the ability to overcome the fetters of gravity. In his opinion, everyone can soar: you just need to wake up your genetic memory, and then flying will be as commonplace for us as a morning run.

Other researchers explain levitation by the ability of some people to somehow reduce their own body weight to microscopic values or by the presence in the human body of certain "lifting forces" that begin to act in a certain psychophysical state resembling a trance. However, no one has yet managed to substantiate, let alone prove their point of view.

The well-known Russian biologist, leading researcher at the Federal Center for Traditional Methods of Diagnostics and Treatment of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Alexander Dubrov, believes that levitation occurs as a result of the appearance of a biogravitational field, which is created by a special psychic energy emitted by the human brain.

“During a hypnosis session at our research center, the subject was told that he was in a spacecraft that was going into orbit,” says Professor Dubrov. “And the instruments showed a complete disappearance of the subject's weight. The scientists just couldn't believe their eyes. But this is a fact that modern science cannot yet explain. My colleagues and I call this a parapsychological phenomenon that is in contradiction with the natural science theories prevailing today."

The ability to fly, or levitation, is very rare. Young American Peter Sugleris, in the presence of many witnesses, has repeatedly demonstrated this ability. Peter's wife, Esther, saw him hovering above the ground several times and even filmed it on film.

On August 4, 1986, several scientists, including M. D. B. Schwartz, traveled to New Jersey, where Peter and Esther were then living.

Prior to this, Dr. Schwartz spoke with Peter's mother, Mrs. Tula Sugleris, and she revealed that her maternal uncle levitated twice - at the age of 16 and 18. In addition, she recalled that when Peter was three years old, his entire body suddenly rose above the bed, and only his head remained on the pillow.

One day Peter, then a twelve-year-old boy, came to visit Esther, his future wife, on a bicycle. Seeing that the metal gate of the high three-meter fence was locked, Peter, in front of the astonished girl's eyes, flew over it. When they were 19 years old, Peter and Esther went for a weekend in Miltown, New Jersey. Esther had a Polaroid with her. Peter wanted to impress his girlfriend, and he took off one and a half meters. Esther decided that she was imagining it, but Peter repeated his "trick" four more times, and the girl managed to photograph him.

At the end of August 1981, Peter went up again in his parents' yard. He prepared for this in advance by losing several kilograms. Peter managed to "take off" to a height of two meters, and this was recorded by a video camera. In addition, his younger brother

Angelos took 35mm photographs with a camera.

Angelos later said that his brother flew twice that day! Examination of the video showed that Peter stayed in the air for eight seconds both times. Describing his sensations during levitation, Peter said that “it is like walking on a tightrope. The legs want to stay on the ground, but the head stretches up."

The most recent videotaped case of levitation occurred in late February 1986. Two months earlier, Peter had stopped eating meat in preparation for the experiment and switched to baby food. It was about 8 pm. There was a bright light in the room, and it was perfectly visible on the video that Peter's body rose from the floor and hung in the air for 47 seconds. It seemed to sway slightly from side to side. His outstretched fingers clenched and unclenched convulsively, his legs bent at the knees, the veins in his neck were swollen, and his face flushed. After levitation, Peter was sweating profusely and complained of a headache, he was sick.

In the same month, late in the evening, Esther entered the bedroom and found her husband lying on the bed. As soon as his wife touched him, Peter flew up and to the side, and gently sank to the floor.

Where does a person get the enormous forces necessary to overcome gravity? Perhaps, due to the processes taking place in the brain, at the moment of levitation some new biogravitational field is created? What areas of the brain are activated in this case? Peter Sugleris continues to collaborate with scientists and, perhaps, this will solve the great mystery.

According to the biologist, scientists, faced with a number of indisputable evidence, may admit that levitation is a scientific fact. However, even in this case, there will be many problems to be solved. It will be necessary to understand which areas of the brain and in what mode are involved in flight. It will be important to find out the origin of the special psychic energy that causes the ability to fly - whether it is electromagnetic in nature or some other. And, finally, the main thing: how can anyone who wishes to master the technique of levitation or the ability to soar in the air will remain an unfulfilled dream for most?

Based on materials from the network.