Contact With The Other World Or Where Are They Restless Souls? - Alternative View

Contact With The Other World Or Where Are They Restless Souls? - Alternative View
Contact With The Other World Or Where Are They Restless Souls? - Alternative View

Video: Contact With The Other World Or Where Are They Restless Souls? - Alternative View

Video: Contact With The Other World Or Where Are They Restless Souls? - Alternative View
Video: Angels & Airwaves - Restless Souls (Visualizer) 2024, October

Most people living on earth experience incredible horror at the thought that one day they may meet with some kind of supernatural phenomena and events. Both in ancient times and in our time, mysterious phenomena for which it is impossible to find a logical explanation, inspire fear in all those who encounter them. People are especially frightened by the negative experience of communicating with restless souls, the so-called ghosts.

According to various esoteric concepts, the soul of a deceased person becomes ghosts, which for some reason could not leave the world of the living and go to another dimension. While on earth, she cannot find peace, therefore, tormented and suffering, she brings anxiety to living people.

An unnatural and sudden death, suicide, great emotional distress, or negative emotions that a person experienced shortly before death can be the reason for the stay of a not at rest in the material world.

The souls of the dead can come into contact with people, but they do this for different purposes: in some cases, ghosts do not want to harm a living person or scare him, but on the contrary, they try to protect or warn of possible danger. It also happens that the spirit of the deceased comes to his living relatives, feeling that they greatly yearn for and painfully experience his death.

It happens that contact between a ghost and a person occurs unintentionally. According to practicing psychics, the soul of a deceased person is not always aware of the fact that death has come, therefore it continues to “live” as before, appearing in places that were dear to a person during his lifetime.

In other cases, ghosts enter the living world to deliberately harass and harm people. They do this in order to punish or teach a lesson to those who offended them during their lifetime. Often, victims of attacks by supernatural forces complain not only of frightening visions, but also of the pernicious smells accompanying scary images, as well as of the injuries inflicted on their bodies by an unseated soul. In addition, the souls of the departed who remain on earth constantly lose energy and, unlike living people, they cannot replenish it on their own, therefore ghosts are often among the living to feed on their vital juices.

For whatever purpose ghosts appear in the world of the living, the result of their stay among people is always the same: if you don’t help the undead soul to go to another world, it will remain among the living, constantly feeding on their energy. As a result, a person's energy field gradually weakens, as a result of which a breakdown, depression, physical illness and mental disorders can occur. At the same time, the soul of the deceased, on the contrary, constantly fueled by someone else's energy, becomes stronger and more influential. Over time, an ethereal spirit can visualize, move objects, or even manipulate the mind of a living person, changing his consciousness, provoking various visual, auditory, olfactory hallucinations. So, people can see not only the spirit itself, but also hear its speech or smell various smells,which cause certain associations with the deceased.

Despite numerous eyewitness accounts of paranormal phenomena claiming that they had contact with a deceased person, saw his spirit and had the opportunity to speak with him, there are people who are skeptical about such statements. Indeed, the discoveries in the field of medicine, made in the twentieth century, allow a different look at the claims of people who claim to have contact with the supernatural.

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So, for example, schizophrenia, described in detail in medical sources no more than 70 years ago, has a number of symptoms that create in people the illusion of communication with supernatural forces. This disease causes disorders of consciousness in a person, leads to loss of sense of time and space; patients often suffer from various types of hallucinations. Without appropriate medical supervision and drug treatment, a person gradually loses contact with the real world, not feeling the difference between fantasies and events in reality.

Often people with mental disorders see and hear scary, frightening images of them, which may look like various monsters, spirits and ghosts. In addition, patients suffering from schizophrenia, from time to time, are in a state of psychosis, during which they themselves inflict wounds and injuries. After seizures, a person, as a rule, does not remember what he was doing and feeling, so he explains his bruises and abrasions by an attack on him from the side of evil spirits.

Similar symptoms can be experienced by people with organic brain lesions, for example, benign or malignant neoplasms in the brain, press on certain areas of the brain, causing hallucinations (auditory, visual, olfactory) and panic attacks. Often, tumors can cause epileptic seizures, during which a person can suddenly lose consciousness or be injured.

The discoveries made in the field of modern medicine have helped explain thousands of unusual conditions that happen to people. What in Antiquity and the Middle Ages was taken for contact with supernatural forces, in fact, turned out to be a manifestation of rare and serious diseases. However, there are still many mysterious events and phenomena that no scientist can explain. And this means that our life is still full of mysteries, and the question of the possibility of contact between the soul of a deceased person and living people is still open …
