What's Really Going On In "Area 51" - Alternative View

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What's Really Going On In "Area 51" - Alternative View
What's Really Going On In "Area 51" - Alternative View

Video: What's Really Going On In "Area 51" - Alternative View

Video: What's Really Going On In
Video: Area 51 secrets revealed 2024, October

Dust storms hide one of the world's most intriguing military bases in the desert near vibrant and vicious Las Vegas. Area 51 has always been a philosopher's stone for every supporter of conspiracy theories. There are so many books, studies, feature films about this place that they should have singled out a separate genre.

The very existence of Area 51 was denied by the US government until 2013. According to official spokesmen, there are no buildings belonging to Uncle Sam on this site. More precisely, it was not. The freedom of information law forced the authorities to recognize the existence of a top-secret training ground. True, according to the assurances of the military, there are no aliens here at all: only test benches for tested weapons. Today, based on official information, we will tell you what actually happens in "Area 51" - the Bermuda triangle of the Nevada desert.

The base really exists

2013 was a landmark year for all conspirators in the world. The government of the United States of America has officially recognized the existence of the so-called "Area 51". True, official sources have not provided any shocking pictures of aliens, yeti and other infernal creatures. It was stated that they were just testing some new weapons there. Of course, no one believed the government.


Official projects of "Zone 51"

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In the same 2013, the US Senate showed the honest taxpayers of the country exactly what their money was spent on. Three projects created during the Cold War and one modern development were demonstrated. All three studies were related to the air force. This explained the closure of the airspace over the area for civil aviation flights. The names of three programs became known to the journalists: U-2, OXCART and Have Blue / F-117. Each of them designates top-secret aircraft designed for precision attacks on strategically important enemy targets.


In addition, information about the existence of the SR-91 Aurora reconnaissance aircraft was indirectly confirmed. The aircraft is assumed to be capable of suborbital flights. It is also associated with the recently popular stories about the mysterious "Black Triangles", allegedly repeatedly seen over the territory of the base.

Roswell incident

In July 1947, the entire population of the small town of Roswell woke up famous. Not far from the settlement, a mysterious flying object collapsed, instantly seized by the country's security services. For the next thirty years, no one remembered the incident - the CIA worked so quickly. Then, in 1978, an interview with one of the direct participants in the operation, Major Jesse Marcel, saw the light. He explicitly stated that his group was responsible for the transport and safety of both the crashed UFO and its alien pilot. The history of Marseille is still considered by ufologists to be direct evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life forms - despite all the FBI's assurances that the most common meteorological balloon became the cause of the Roswell incident.


Annie Jacobsen Research

A book by renowned journalist Annie Jacobsen, Area 51: The Uncensored Story of America's Top Secret Military Base, published in 2011, has put forward new, even crazier theories about the secret base. The girl collected interviews with 74 witnesses - almost half of the respondents served, at one time, at the base itself. Most of the book contains only information confirmed by the US Senate on supersonic aircraft projects. Each of the reliable sources describes exactly this data. Having created a certain level of trust in the reader, supported by an abundance of official documents, Jacobsen moves on to the second part of the book.


The aliens of Joseph Stalin

In the second part, Annie Jacobsen, without a shadow of a doubt, declares that there was no alien invasion. And there were, only, ordinary Soviet people, sent by Joseph Stalin in order to intimidate the United States. The journalist writes that Stalin was so interested in the famous story of the "War of the Worlds" declamation on American radio, which caused a real panic among the population that he decided to repeat the experiment.


“Bodies were found inside the crashed vehicle. These were not aliens or ordinary pilots, but people who were used as guinea pigs. Unusually small for pilots, they looked like children. They were each less than five feet."

By his order, a reconnaissance aircraft of an unusual shape was sent to the territory of a potential enemy. His team consisted of children mutilated by doctors: hence the archetypal image of aliens with huge heads and inhuman eyes. The Nazi physician Josef Mengele, who was allegedly rescued from Germany on Stalin's orders, worked on the creation of these creatures. Despite the fact that the whole story is sewn with snow-white threads, Jacobsen's book is a great success in the United States, and her theory is considered one of the most reliable.
