Encounters With Clouds That Behaved Like Intelligent Beings - Alternative View

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Encounters With Clouds That Behaved Like Intelligent Beings - Alternative View
Encounters With Clouds That Behaved Like Intelligent Beings - Alternative View

Video: Encounters With Clouds That Behaved Like Intelligent Beings - Alternative View

Video: Encounters With Clouds That Behaved Like Intelligent Beings - Alternative View
Video: Man sees angel and firefighter in clouds on 9/11 2024, October

We all know from the school curriculum that clouds are condensation products of water vapor suspended in the atmosphere, one of the stages of the water cycle in nature. However, sometimes these "products" behave so unusually that some scientists seriously suggest considering them as living organisms, a special form of life that exists according to its own laws, the essence of which has yet to be clarified by earthly science.

Air parade

In 1975, Russian explorer Sergei Alekseenko flew by helicopter over the Kandalaksha Bay, the western part of the White Sea. He was struck by the unusual movement of the clouds. They moved from north to south, lining up in a "square-nesting way".

That is, the sky seemed to be divided into squares, and a small cumulus cloud was located in each corner of the figures. It turned out to be a kind of air parade, all participants of which clearly kept their distance between themselves.

- Approaching the northern coast of the lip, the clouds were rearranged into a cloudy ribbon, as if taking each other “by the hand,” and this ribbon moved over the water surface of the lip, - Alekseenko recalls.

Having passed the southern coast, this cloud band suddenly burst, and from it the same cumulus clouds were formed, lining up at the corners of the square, like those that approached the lip from the north! And then this cloud layer continued to move south. Making sketches of this phenomenal phenomenon, I said to myself: "So much for the water vapor, but whose commands does it follow?"

Strange cloud-ball in the sky over Japan
Strange cloud-ball in the sky over Japan

Strange cloud-ball in the sky over Japan

Promotional video:

"Sheep" -spies

There is a version that some clouds are agents of other worlds masquerading as them, collecting information about the activities of mankind.

Here is what Mikhail Lazarev from Volgograd told:

- The first strange cloud event I saw on September 17, 1998 in the middle of the day. Several small altocumulus clouds at a height of approximately two kilometers formed an almost closed ring 1.5-2 kilometers in diameter. In this position, they were for about two hours, as if watching the earth. A day later, at about the same place, at the same height and at the same time, I saw how cirrocumulus clouds, having taken the form of wedges, settled radially, with a wedge-shaped side towards the center of the circle that they formed.

Nikolai Vasiliskov served in the early 1980s as a radar operator for the meteorological service of the Borisoglebsk air hub in the Voronezh region. One morning, he saw in the cloudless sky several small cumulus clouds appeared, which also formed an almost closed ring with a diameter of 5-6 kilometers at an altitude of about three kilometers and froze motionless in this position.

The ring hung over the takeoff point of the aircraft at the end of the runway. An hour later, the flights began. One after another, the jet engines soared into the sky, flying through the center of the cloud ring, and the exhaust stream did not act on it at all.

And when the last fighter took off, the circle rebuilt into a cloudy ribbon that quickly disappeared over the horizon. A day later, in about the same place, at the same altitude and at the same time, the mysterious "performance" in the sky was repeated again.

Right hand of the Lord: a strange "fire cloud" hovered over Portugal in 2016
Right hand of the Lord: a strange "fire cloud" hovered over Portugal in 2016

Right hand of the Lord: a strange "fire cloud" hovered over Portugal in 2016

But the most interesting case of "air spying" was described by Nikolai Marchenko, who worked at the Baikonur cosmodrome:

- What I observed contradicts common sense. This happened in the early 1990s, when preparations for the launch of the next Soyuz were underway at the cosmodrome. On the evening before the start, when our group had a window, we went to the steppe. We lie on a tarp, sip tea from a thermos.

Mechanically, I looked at the rocket: against the background of the sunset sky, it looked like a fantastic huge minaret. But then I noticed a bunch of white clouds near the horizon. They resembled lambs huddled at a water trough. But where did these "lambs" come from in the cloudless sky? However, the thought of this flashed and left.

In the morning, on the day the Soyuz was launched, I again mechanically looked at the western sector of the sky, where I had seen clouds yesterday. And I couldn’t believe my eyes: the sky is still cloudless, but the "lambs" remained! I didn’t think long about the clouds - I was spinning in the bustle. About four hours later I remembered about the "lambs": they "grazed" in the same place in the western sector.

Moreover, if earlier unusual clouds kept together, now they are stretched out in a rare chain. There were seven of them, all of the same elliptical shape. How could such a rebuilding happen if not the slightest breath of breeze was felt? And then a completely wild thought occurred to me: are the clouds really waiting for Soyuz to launch?

And what do you think? And so it turned out: the "lambs" really "were on duty" at the horizon, until the rocket rushed into space with a roar. I did not notice at what point the clouds disappeared. But shortly after launch, the western sky was clear.

In addition to the strange "watch" of clouds, it remained a mystery to me: how could they appear in the dry air above Baikonur, in which in summer there are not even traces of water vapor?

An unusual cloud in the form of DNA spirals over Khimki in 2013. The cloud lasted only a few minutes before disappearing
An unusual cloud in the form of DNA spirals over Khimki in 2013. The cloud lasted only a few minutes before disappearing

An unusual cloud in the form of DNA spirals over Khimki in 2013. The cloud lasted only a few minutes before disappearing

Warmed people

However, these mysterious aliens not only follow people, but sometimes help them. Sergey Alekseenko told about this case:

- In 1980, our helicopter made an emergency landing on one of the mountain cornices of the Pamirs late in the evening. The cornice is an area of 100 by 300 meters, on the one side there is an abyss more than one and a half kilometers deep, on three sides there are mountains. During the landing in the helicopter, some smelly varnish was spilled, so they decided to sleep on the ground, covered with a tarp.

When it got dark, I clearly saw how a long luminous cloud swam out of the gorge to our ledge and curled up into a ball about a hundred meters from us. I turned on my side to face the cloud, and when I was already falling asleep, it suddenly seemed to me that a "hand" was reaching out to us!

I pulled out a flashlight and illuminated the ground: indeed, a whitish gut-hand stretched from it towards us. Now she is almost there, and I cut light on her! Slowly, as if reluctantly, the cloudy gut-hand began to go towards the cloud. "Well her," I said to myself, "I have to sleep!" And, covered with a tarp, dozed off.

In the Pamir mountains at an altitude of three kilometers in early spring it freezes at night. I began to feel that I was freezing, but suddenly for some reason it became warm and I fell asleep. With the first lightning, we woke up and realized that the cloud had "occupied" the entire cornice - even a helicopter about ten meters from us was barely visible!

When the first rays of the sun shone, the cloud shrank to its evening size, then bounced several times and began to smoothly rise upward. The pilot waved his hand at him and shouted: "Thank you, buddy, for keeping us warm at night!" The cloud suddenly turned into a long boat shining in the sun and quickly swam over the mountain pass.

An hour later we flew to the city of Nu-rek. Parting, I asked the pilot: "Do you really believe that the cloud warmed us at night?" He replied: “We have everything living in the Pamirs: people, mountains, clouds. Everyone helps each other. And then, a person is 96% water, and a cloud is 99%. The connection between us is direct."

Mushroom cloud
Mushroom cloud

Mushroom cloud

Personal cloud

Mystics and paranormal researchers believe that clouds are the souls of dead or unborn people who watch over us and help us. In addition, each person living on earth has his own personal cloud, with which, if you are lucky, you can establish a direct connection.

It seems that a simple Volga guy Sergei N. managed to do this, as Tatyana, my former colleague, told me about. Sergei was in love with her, but, being very shy by nature, he could not explain his feelings in any way. Deciding to speed things up, the girl asked him directly how he felt about her. Instead of answering, the guy pointed to the sky. A lonely light white cloud floated straight towards them. Stopping above them, it suddenly took the shape of a heart pierced by an arrow.

After a while, Sergei was drafted into the army. He ended up in Afghanistan. Tatiana was waiting for him. Once she went to the steep bank of the Volga.

Suddenly, her attention was attracted by a lonely dark crimson cloud with ragged edges, floating just a few meters above her head. The girl's heart sank with anxiety and apprehension. And soon Sergei's parents received news of his death.

The above examples confirm the hypothesis that clouds are another form of living matter that exists alongside ours and has its own consciousness. It is possible that in the future, people will be able to establish contact with these intelligent beings.

Mikhail YURIEV, magazine "Secrets of the XX century", No. 24, June 2017