Seriously About Witches And Shamans - Alternative View

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Seriously About Witches And Shamans - Alternative View
Seriously About Witches And Shamans - Alternative View

Video: Seriously About Witches And Shamans - Alternative View

Video: Seriously About Witches And Shamans - Alternative View

Vice-President of the International Academy of Spiritual Unity of the World, candidate of historical sciences, ethnographer, diploma of the World Association of Alternative Medicine and the International Academy of Bioenergy Sciences Dzhuna Davitashvili Neonilla Kovalskaya answers the questions of correspondent Mikhail Dolgov.

You are the holder of the Diploma of the World Association for Alternative Medicine. What is understood now by this term?

- Since ancient times, there have been legends and rumors about healing with the help of conspiracies, witchcraft, herbal medicine, as well as about the miraculous power of springs, about "living" and "dead" water. Ethnographers of the 19th century collected crumbs, wrote down folk methods of treatment, published books about conspiracies, witchcraft, many of which became bibliographic rarities. Interest in the "witchcraft" power of traditional healers today has grown into a scientific search designed to explain these or those miracles. There are several areas in which scientists are engaged - physicists, biologists, philosophers, biochemists. One of these areas is bioenergy.

Already in ancient times, they knew that different people can influence plants, animals, people near or at a distance in different ways, they can send impulses, biocurrents, transmit information, send illness or recovery.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that a person can create with the help of the world lepton gas, his bioenergetic counterpart, and send it "for reconnaissance" for information over long distances. But these are only hypotheses. Questions of biofield, aura - a protective biological shell of a person, are carefully studied in many countries of the world.

People endowed by nature with the gift of psychics (translated as "supersensitive"), in recent times subjected to persecution and disgrace, are now under the protection of international organizations. Now they got the opportunity not only to show, but also to develop their abilities. Such people have met at all times. They were called differently: witches, shamans, sorcerers of black and white magic, wizards, wise men, holy fools, sorcerers. They were feared, often destroyed, and they resorted to their help in times of misfortune and illness. Sometimes they were worshiped, they were idolized. But until now, their invaluable gift is covered with mystery, a riddle, which more than one generation of scientists is trying to solve.

In the summer of 1991, at the XXIII Congress of the World Association of Alternative Medicine, its president, a famous scientist-doctor from Sri Lanka, Anton Jaosuria, showed videos about operations without anesthesia, when pain is relieved by reflexotherapy. The incredible was obvious: the operated patients laughed, talked, even sang while removing tumors from the neck, face and body.

At the congress I made a presentation on "Problems of shamanism in modern folk medicine." It dealt with music therapy, healing people and society with rhythm and sound therapy. New in this topic is that understanding the traditions of religious shamanism sheds light on social shamanism. It is possible to strengthen political structures, heal society, create the necessary psychological climate and moods in it, using the same methods that shamans successfully used in their time.

Promotional video:

An ornament used by a Mexican shaman. The drawings are ritualistic
An ornament used by a Mexican shaman. The drawings are ritualistic

An ornament used by a Mexican shaman. The drawings are ritualistic

The topic I am working on is very relevant. Clearing channels of psychic energy, weakening or intensifying social stress is an important problem, but not the only one in my scientific research. I have had many radio and television appearances, publications in scientific periodicals related to traditional medicine: folk cosmetics, treatment of osteochondrosis with traditional means of Ancient Russia, treatment of diabetes mellitus from ancient times to the present day in different nations of the world and many others.

A new direction, which I reported at the International Congress on the History of Medicine in Bulgaria last year, is "Treatment and diagnosis of human diseases using precious stones and metals." The jewelry we wear is not harmless.

How did it happen that you, a historian-ethnographer, who had been studying the Hungarians and Rusyns of Transcarpathia and Galicia for a long time, began to specialize in folk medicine?

- Of course, I did not come to this by chance. Many of my ancestors before the revolution were priests, endowed with the gift of healing, which, apparently, was passed on to me. The Church has always mastered the secrets of healing the human soul and body with the help of bioenergetic influences. I have a special radio show about the mysteries of healing in the church. My grandmother, whom I remember well, had this rare gift.

When I was writing my dissertation, I studied with interest the rituals, customs and folk medicine of Rusyns, magical actions, spells, conspiracies in order to prove the ancient Russian origins of their culture, to understand the genetic connection with the Russian and Ukrainian traditions.

My work received a positive review in the International Carpathian Commission, after which I was invited to speak at the International Congress in Bulgaria. Such an exam was a serious test for me, since Bulgaria is considered a country of folk healers, and there I met a rather serious audience of scientists. I was immediately offered to lead the section "traditional medicine".

After speaking at the congress, I received many proposals from scientific centers to conduct research work on traditional medicine. And I have been leading it as a professional for two years now. But during this time, the range of my research has expanded significantly. I deal with the problems of social ecology, including with the involvement of ancient folk and religious healing knowledge and traditions.

Now a lot is said and written about that each generation bears the so-called "karmic" punishment. Tell me, what do you think about karma?

- Karma is the payment of descendants for the sins of their ancestors or for their own. Warnings about karmic diseases - the diseases of sin - can be found in every religion in the world, in every moral sermon. Karmic diseases affect not only individuals, but also society and nations.

This is retribution for the evil done. Karma among the ancient Hindus is the law of the highest justice, which rewards a person who violated moral principles, and punishes him and four generations of his descendants, increasing the punishment exponentially. Children suffer the most for the sins of their fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Punishments for atrocities can be cruel, and karma must be “worked off” by good deeds, praised, and this punishment must be borne with honor.

Karmic diseases, which no doctor can cure, were often found in people who turned to centers of traditional medicine for help. They get rid of these diseases by moral atonement, correcting mistakes that were made by the patient or his ancestors. Sometimes "treatment" involves complete asceticism. Most often, these diseases need to be prayed for in the church. After all, a healer only helps the patient find the right way to heal, mobilizes the reserve forces of his body, eliminates fear, and the sufferer himself must heal. Sometimes it is necessary to remove damage, karmic curse. This section of traditional medicine is closely intertwined with religious rites.

The religious basis is clearly visible in the doctrine of karma. After all, all the religions of the world prescribe moral norms and laws. Failure to comply, violation of these laws entails not only illness, but even cosmic punishment. Some clairvoyants, soothsayers, contactees, whom I have met, predict disasters that are already programmed: they even name specific dates, days, years fraught with disasters, if people do not repent, do not stop, do not understand that they cannot push and pull out a friend a friend has a piece of his mouth that there is room and bread for everyone.

Probably, we really are now on the verge of serious tests, before which Chernobyl will seem like child's play. Scriptures and ancient manuscripts warn about them. It is necessary to reconsider values, to achieve unity. If you think about it, the ancient slogan “all people are brothers” is a truth that, alas, many have forgotten. A person, in fact, needs very little in order to feel truly happy. The pursuit of prestige and wealth, the desire to surpass and suppress, subjugate, enslave - this is what turns a person into a non-human.

When you talk about traditional medicine, what do you mean first of all: forgotten or half-forgotten herbal treatment or the word, music, sound, dance that were used and are being used by healers in Asia, Africa, America, Europe, the Middle East?

- I mean all directions, there are many of them. This is not only herbal medicine and not only the sound and rhythms used in shamanism and in any religion. This is also, for example, an ancient art - chiropractic. Each village had its own chiropractors, who most often worked in the bathhouse. For the construction of the baths, special materials were used, the places for their construction were chosen as meticulously as for churches. There was a whole science of building baths.

In the baths, the steamed body was massaged with a broom made of birch, pine, nettle, oak, fir, depending on what disease they wanted to cure, the bones were set using massage. Each chiropractor had his own methods, often in the baths they used acupressure and bioenergetic massage, which is now much talked about, but few people know what it is.

But there are undeniable, although inexplicable results …

- There is. I met with the healer Oleg Dobrovolsky, who literally in two sessions of bioenergetic exposure saved the young woman from myopia: her eyesight began to improve rapidly, and soon she will probably give up glasses altogether. There are cases of bioenergetic effects that stop the development of cancerous tumors.

Healer Sergey Berezin completely restored the functioning of the deceased pancreas in two sessions.

In many of these cases, the psychic healer acts on any organ with bioenergetic currents without touching the patient with his hands. It is the sound, visual and biovibration that the psychic excites that restores the biological balance in the body. The healer, as it were, holds the key to the patient's body. He does not heal. A person heals himself, a healer, like a good tuning fork, sets the patient up for healing, helps him cope with the disease himself. And here the most important thing is the patient's faith in the healer, in the restoration of the body's reserve forces.

After all, what did the shamans do? They removed fear, panic, lack of faith in healing. And the healer does the same. He knows the code and with its help opens the closed possibilities of the body, directs them to healing.

Eskimo shaman with a traditional tambourine heals a sick child
Eskimo shaman with a traditional tambourine heals a sick child

Eskimo shaman with a traditional tambourine heals a sick child

There are people endowed with this gift from birth, they treat intuitively. But often their knowledge overtakes the moral level, and this is dangerous. In Tibet, for example, healers in monasteries were taught for 21 years. Here there was a polishing of not only great knowledge, but also the moral principles of man. In order to engage in healing, to give people the opportunity to be healthy, you need, firstly, to be healthy yourself, and secondly, to have a very strong moral foundation, which many modern healers, alas, do not have. Often I have met those who are envious of others, use their powers to suppress competitors. I am getting scared, how can such people trust other people's health?

Don't you think that the abundance of all kinds of psychics and contactees is caused by the fact that in our country the development of traditional medicine was interrupted by force? And now, when folk healing has been legalized, a lot of foam has surfaced in it under the cover of foreign words?

- I think you are not entirely right. Communication with ancient traditions has never been cut off. Traditional medicine has always been practiced in villages. In the cities, it was underground and came into being only recently, and folk healers began to be replicated so intensively that a lot of foam appeared. But this does not diminish the main thing: our land really gives birth to many people with the qualities of healers, while in many countries of the world they simply do not exist. I can even name areas where healers are born especially often. This is almost all of Ukraine, the Kola Peninsula, the region of Magnitogorsk and the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, the Far East, the regions of Surgut and Lake Baikal.

But not only the place, but also the time of birth, the arrangement of the stars at the moment of birth endow a person with such a gift. These abilities may not always manifest themselves immediately. To be “connected” to the cosmic connection, you need to go through a cycle of initiations - initiations, trials sent to a person by fate or chosen by him consciously. In any case, for initiation it is necessary to go through suffering, which purifies and strengthens the soul. I have met many healers who discovered their extraordinary abilities after physical or mental trauma, a disaster that they experienced.

Can people find out if they have healing abilities or not, and can these abilities be developed?

- If a person has abilities, he cannot but feel them. You can develop these abilities. There are many schools that teach healing and award diplomas. One of them, the School of Spiritual Ascent to Folk Healing, was opened in Moscow on the Arbat. Here you can carry out testing and hardware diagnostics for those who wish to test their healing abilities. After graduation, an international certificate with qualification is issued.

What is the role of the healer's confidence in his abilities and the patient's trust in him in healing?

Most often, the patient completely trusts the healer and is convinced that his abilities are miraculous and can help everyone. The healer must check himself whether he can cure this particular patient. After all, there are people incompatible with him, to whom the healer is not recommended to approach. If a person who is afflicted with a karmic disease turns to him, then the healer should not invade karma: he can transfer the suffering of the patient onto himself. There are laws here.

There are a lot of directions in traditional medicine. Disputes are going on. For example, are sorcerers and black magic needed in folk medicine? I believe that everyone has the right to exist: one thing helps one, another - another. There were serious attacks on the order of Tarasov sorcerers. But he also helps people get back on their feet. I believe that before you fight something, you need to see how effective the experience of this area is. And in our country the scientific study of these problems lags far behind.

Therefore, I try to do scientific research, although I could do practical work.

Have you ever used your healing abilities yourself?

- From early childhood I treated sick dogs and cats. There were many cases when I helped to stop the development of serious diseases in many close friends, to fix something in their life, to find the right path. The field of spiritual and emotional healing is closer to me. But there are many healers, and only a few are engaged in scientific research in this area. And these studies are very much needed. Indeed, in order to observe the main principle of medicine DO NOT HARM, it is necessary to know all the pitfalls, all reefs and icebergs, scientific control of healing is necessary. But frankly speaking, I have to do the practical work of a healer much more often than I would like, and it takes time and effort.

What problems do you consider the most important for our time? What are your current research interests focused on?

- The main scientific direction in my work is the problem of national psychology: the creation of political structures of power, the improvement of people and society - everything is connected with this problem. Nothing can be built from scratch, everything depends on tradition. That is why the range of my interests has expanded significantly, and my long-term work has become only part of another, more significant. Studying the Carpathian problem, I have been dealing with conflictology for many years, since the Carpathian region is an unraveled tangle of centuries-old interethnic conflicts. This year I have spoken at many conferences on the problems of interethnic relations, migrations, and led round tables. I am hatching the idea of creating a service of national and social reconciliation …

Related to this is another problem, which I am actively engaged in - creating a favorable psychological climate in teams - professional, family, etc.

An equally important area of my work is the awakening of creative abilities in people with the help of bioenergetic influence, as well as the improvement of the environment, the creation of such an ecological environment in which every person could live and work normally.

It is possible to restore positive emotions in society without additional economic costs. Since ancient times, folk, religious, secular holidays and rituals, tested by centuries of experience and taking into account the climate, terrain, landscape, and national tradition, have been aimed at this. Breaking centuries-old established forms, specifics, imposing new foreign rituals, not understanding their meaning and energy orientation, sometimes crossing out your gold fund, in my opinion, is not just wrong - it is criminal.
