Astrologers Of The Great - Alternative View

Astrologers Of The Great - Alternative View
Astrologers Of The Great - Alternative View

Video: Astrologers Of The Great - Alternative View

Video: Astrologers Of The Great - Alternative View
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Choosing a suitable date for aggression against the communist regime of the Soviet Union, the fascist leaders of Germany turned to occult knowledge. Moreover, the German leadership chose not a simple ordinary astrological calculation, but resorted to super-powerful Vedic rune astrology. Was it the only fascist leaders who used the occult? What real magical power is hidden behind the throne from the eyes of ordinary people? Is there really an invisible mystical secret power behind every famous world leader?

It is known that the runes belong to the most ancient language in the world, based on the Old Scandinavian alphabet, over 4 thousand years old. In the main doctrine of runic astrology, the Nazis attracted the summer solstice on June 22. It is on this day that the zigzag rune "Sig" is a sign of victory over the enemy, very reminiscent in its outline of the characteristic element of the fascist swastika.

Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler, one of the most influential figures of the Third Reich, from early childhood began to be interested in mysticism, occultism and studied the traditions of the Nordic ancestors. Already in the Nazi party, he established the whole Institute of Runic Writing, and relied on the sacred meaning of the runes and their occult meaning when choosing attributes. This is how the now infamous sign of the fascist swastika "Thunderbolt", made up of the double rune "Sig", appeared.

However, neither Himmler nor the Fuhrer himself foresaw the duality of this rune. On the one hand, it really means the power of the sun and victory in a surprise attack at the beginning of the battle, while the defending side looks confused and helpless. But on the other hand, this occult tool contains help only for worthy people with pure thoughts, otherwise shadow and decline await an unwary and evil person.

Not only did the Germans use occult knowledge to raise the morale of their nation. In the midst of World War II, thousands of leaflets with the prophecies of Nostradamus suddenly fell on the ground instead of missiles from British bombers in the sky over the center of the German city of Cologne. The quatrains of the 16th century predicted the death of Germany from the English knights and the iron armada from the East, mysterious for medieval times. It was quite clear to the inhabitants of Cologne what kind of armada they were talking about, because the day before the legendary Battle of Kursk took place, in which an avalanche of Russian iron tanks pushed the enemy's fascist army, and from that moment a radical turn in the war took place - Soviet troops launched an offensive on all fronts.

Soviet leader Stalin was as much interested in mysticism, occult sciences and human superpowers as Adolf Hitler. Joseph Dzhugashvili (another surname - Stalin) studied at the Tiflis Theological Seminary. The world-famous mystic and magician George Gurdjieff also studied there earlier. The followers of the spiritual teacher of the "Fourth Way" - Gurdjieff were sure that he personally taught Stalin secret hypnotic techniques to influence the human psyche. This can explain the amazing, simply magical influence of the leader of the USSR on the people around him, not only from the inner circle, but also on the entire multinational people of a huge country.

There are even archival data indicating that Joseph Vissarionovich himself used some mystical possibilities and was an occultist. For example, in 1941, on the day of the celebration of the Great October Socialist Revolution, at exactly 3 am, Stalin called the commander of the Moscow military district, Pavel Artemyev, and suddenly ordered to change the start time of the parade on Red Square from 9 am to 8 am. The new time, set for the early morning of November 7, coincided exactly with the moments of sunrise. In astrology, it is the sun that means the symbol of the leader, therefore the bright ascent of the star on the horizon emphasized and strengthened the importance of Stalin at that fateful moment for the country defending against the attacked fascists.

Quite often, the Supreme Commander of the USSR, Stalin, summoned the world famous clairvoyant and the first Soviet psychic Wolf Messing to the Kremlin for a personal conversation. Quite often such mysterious visits dragged on for hours, and sometimes for a whole night until the morning. All Messing's predictions came true with surprising accuracy, so his prophecies were perceived by the Soviet leadership with particular interest. It was Wolf Messing who predicted the exact date of May 8, 1945, the end of the Great Patriotic War.

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Let's go back to the depths of history. The Russian Emperor Peter I kept a personal astrologer near him, who was considered the first occultist and the main adviser at the court of Russian emperors of the 17th century. He was the head of the Order of the Russian artillery, General Feldseichmeister Yakov Bruce. Tsar Peter I appreciated in him, first of all, the skills of a military engineer and astronomer, and took all the isoteric research of his close associate for granted when choosing an imperial decision in important state issues. Here is a vivid historical example, composing the astrological horoscope of his crowned friend, Jacob Bruce recommended that he be very careful in 1724, and predicted that the greatest danger for the emperor was the water element. This prophecy has come true. Peter I really fell ill precisely in 1724. Despite Bruce's warnings,The sovereign personally inspected the Ladoga Canal, and there he caught a cold. He was crippled by pneumonia. The disease turned out to be incurable, and in January 1725 Peter I died.

Bruce was a direct descendant of the Scottish kings. He was considered a Moscow sorcerer, he predicted the fate of people by the stars, mysteriously brought the hopelessly sick back to life and raised them to their feet. Jacob Bruce is also known for his astrological calendar of forecasts for two hundred years in advance, popularly nicknamed the "Bruce calendar".

Any rulers and at all times used the paranormal abilities of clairvoyants, sorcerers, astrologers. There are hundreds more examples to be cited. Behind every bright strong leader is always in the shadow of a "gray eminence" from dark magic, and the main battle for reality actually goes for the throne.