The Witch Doll Scared The People Of Singapore - Alternative View

The Witch Doll Scared The People Of Singapore - Alternative View
The Witch Doll Scared The People Of Singapore - Alternative View

Video: The Witch Doll Scared The People Of Singapore - Alternative View

Video: The Witch Doll Scared The People Of Singapore - Alternative View
Video: Together We Stand! 2024, June

Thanks to harsh laws, Singapore has one of the lowest crime rates in the world, so residents always feel safe. But recently, their peace was disturbed by a doll, which managed to do something that even several criminals could not do - it horrified the whole city.

According to Oddity Central, it all started when the townspeople found a discarded doll on a busy street in Singapore.

According to eyewitnesses, it was enough to look at the toy once to understand that something was wrong with it - it clearly resembled a character from a horror movie. So, on the dirty doll was a dirty dress with lace, and her eyes were tied with a piece of cloth, on which was written "bismillah", which translates as "in the name of Allah."

Among the residents of the city, rumors immediately appeared that the blindfolded were keeping the devil inside the toy, and removing the blindfold would incur a curse on the one who dared to do this, and the doll would follow him to his house.

The "devil" doll became famous on the Internet thanks to the social site Reddit, which for the first time posted pictures of the toy, first with a bandage, and then without it.


“The original owner found that the only way to get rid of her was to deprive her of her sight so that she could not return,” according to Reddit. - According to rumors, now the curse has passed to the one who unknowingly untied the cloth that served as a trap for the evil spirit. It is suggested that the doll is the result of black magic."

According to the caption under the pictures, the toy can move by itself and speak in a female voice.

Promotional video:


“Some say that the doll left alone in the room starts talking and turns its head in different directions. She speaks Malay and her voice is very similar to that of a woman,”notes the author of the“devilish”toy.

At present, her whereabouts are unknown, but the disappearance of the doll did not calm down, but horrified the townspeople, since a sophisticated suicide and murder that happened soon is associated with her disappearance.

Fortunately, there are still sane people in Singapore who consider these events a mere coincidence, and not the intrigues of the creation of black magicians.