Children See Ghosts. A Selection Of Messages From The Forums - Alternative View

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Children See Ghosts. A Selection Of Messages From The Forums - Alternative View
Children See Ghosts. A Selection Of Messages From The Forums - Alternative View

Video: Children See Ghosts. A Selection Of Messages From The Forums - Alternative View

Video: Children See Ghosts. A Selection Of Messages From The Forums - Alternative View
Video: Do Children See Ghosts? | Ghost Stories Radio 2024, July

Parents often notice strange behavior in their children. Either the child is talking to someone, then he claims to see ghosts. It also happens when children say things that, in principle, they cannot know. Of course, that quite often - this is a manifestation of childhood fantasy, but some messages still suggest otherwise.

We went through the "mom" forums and collected the most interesting messages. Nobody claims that all of them are true, because in adults sometimes fantasy can manifest itself much stronger than in children!

Oksana, city of Izhevsk

I work in a kindergarten, I had one girl who recently arrived with her family from Buryatia. One day she went to my colleague and put her hands on her stomach. And then she said, "There are boys!" It is interesting that her father was some kind of Buryat shaman or a leader. A few weeks later, a colleague found out that she was pregnant and, moreover, she would have twins! And yes, she had boys.

Marianna, Moscow region

That's just terrible. It happened late in the evening, everyone was already getting ready for bed. My four-year-old daughter unexpectedly approached my grandfather, who was sitting in a chair, hugged his neck and said that she would never forget him. In the morning we found grandfather dead.

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Christina, city of Murmansk

When my son Kolya was three years old (now he is already 22), he woke up one morning and began to tell his dream about a big boat, in which there were many people, and which drowned. He spoke in detail, mentioning many details and names. My husband and I started looking for information about this incident and found it! We learned that this event took place several centuries ago in England on the Thames. We asked our son who told him about this, and he said that he himself was in that boat. He told many more details, but after six months everything seemed to be cut off, and he never told us anything unusual again.

Maxim, Tuapse city

One day a colleague brought his four-year-old son to work. This boy suddenly came up to me and asked: "Are you so sad because the tree fell on that uncle?" Several years ago, during a thunderstorm, a tree fell on my friend's car and he died. But I didn't tell anyone about this at work, and it happened in another city. The boy could not hear about it.

Elena, city of Magadan

My eldest son, when he was little, told me about his wife and the two daughters he had. And also about his work at a factory for the production of parts for trucks, about how he played dominoes and drank beer after work.

Margarita, city of Saint Petersburg

When I was two myself, I greeted the creature living in the closet. When my mother asked who was hiding in the closet, I answered her: "he is no longer in the closet, he is standing next to you, mother." Needless to say, how scared my mother was then.

Lilia, city of Astrakhan

My daughter was born prematurely, with a whole bunch of diseases. In the first weeks, doctors fought for her life. As a result, she was diagnosed with autism, and at the age of four she first spoke and began to tell frightening things. She asked why, when she was two weeks old, had those sharp things stuck in her back? And why she was fed green, tasteless food. When she was two weeks old, the doctors gave her daughter several painful injections into the lumbar region. And at the age of five months, I fed her spinach and broccoli puree, she really did not like him.

Irina, city of Perm

My son, from the very first months, was strangely fascinated by one empty corner of his room in our old house. It looked like the most ordinary corner, there were no things in it, but the son often looked at him with wide eyes. When he was about three years old, he pulled us one day to this corner and said: "Look, there is a man sitting there." My husband and I were creepy, but we did not attach any importance to it. And then, he began to talk even more about this man in the corner. Then he said that this man in the corner had no hair on his head, and he had high boots on his legs. Then I realized that this is a description of my grandfather, who died before the birth of his son. And in that corner was my grandfather's favorite chair, where he could rest for hours.