Who Wrote The Historical Manuscript "The Bible Of The Devil" - Alternative View

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Who Wrote The Historical Manuscript "The Bible Of The Devil" - Alternative View
Who Wrote The Historical Manuscript "The Bible Of The Devil" - Alternative View

The historical manuscript contains sacred Christian texts and the image of the "evil one". Who is the author of the book and what happened to him …


Mysteries of history … Manuscript "The Bible of the Devil"

The book was written at the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries by a monk in the city of Podlažice, located near Prague, who was allegedly helped by the devil in its creation (hence the name of the manuscript itself).

According to legend, the guilty monk, in order to atone for his sins, vowed to write the "Bible" in one night. When the monk realized that it was simply impossible to do this, he turned to the evil one for help.


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What the Devil's Bible contains

The manuscript contains the New Testament and the Old Testament, the texts of the "Jewish War" by Josephus Flavius, "Etymology" by Isidore of Seville, all kinds of conspiracy forms and a calendar with a synodic (indicating the days of the saints).

But the most amazing thing about this book is page 290, containing the sacred Christian texts and the image of the devil. It is also striking that the page and several pages before and after this "image" have a different shade, and the style of the letter differs from that in which all other texts are written.


Mysteries of history

According to legend, this work appeared as a result of the conspiracy of one of the monks with a fallen angel. The novice, who was guilty before the abbots in order to avoid punishment, volunteered to write in one night not only the best Bible, but also to decorate it with drawings.


Towards midnight, realizing that he could not cope with these obligations, he turned to the devil for help, promising in return to give his soul and depict on one of the pages a portrait of the evil one. What happened in the future with the distraught monk, the legend is silent.

The Inquisition operating at that time knew about what happened, but did not take any action on this matter. The manuscript was not destroyed, but, on the contrary, was carefully kept for several centuries in various monastic libraries.


In 1595, the book ended up in the collection of the Hungarian king Rudolf II.

In the first half of the 17th century, during the 13th war in Europe, the "Devil's Bible" was stolen by the Swedes and taken to Stockholm. Since then, it has been exported from Sweden only a few times, for the sake of exhibitions in New York, Prague and Berlin.


Maybe this whole story is "fiction", but the drawing with the outline of the devil is a fact. Several pages before this image are filled with ink, and after - the next 8 pages of the sacred text are deleted. Who did it and why is still unknown to anyone.

The Devil's Bible, contrary to mysterious legends, has never been banned.
