Mysterious Ectoplasm - Alternative View

Mysterious Ectoplasm - Alternative View
Mysterious Ectoplasm - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Ectoplasm - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Ectoplasm - Alternative View
Video: The Creepiest Ectoplasm Photos Ever Taken 2024, October

The possibility of communicating with the spirit world through mediums during spiritualistic seances has been known for a long time. The nature of this phenomenon is still not clear.

Many people consider stories about the possibility of communicating with the spirits of dead people as fiction. Patrick McKenna, a well-known English journalist writing about various paranormal phenomena, who recently interviewed Sandra Bullock, tried to lift the veil of secrecy. This woman in the 90s of the XX century was an active member of the group, practicing seances under the guidance of two powerful mediums.

A group of spiritualists gathered in Norfolk, in the house of the medium Diana (Miss Bullock refused to name the names of the leader and members of the group). The sessions took place in the basement, which made it possible to achieve the complete darkness necessary for successful communication with the spirit world. The first session took place in August 1992 and was attended by six people - three women and three men.

The second medium in the group was a certain Alan. A message transmitted by an unknown spiritist guide through Alan indicated that the group was missing one person to successfully communicate with the spirit world. This seventh person became Sandra. The session in which she first took part took place on October 25, 1992.

A group of Spiritualists sat in the basement around a large round table. In the middle of the table lay an aluminum horn, amplifying the voices of the spirits. A few minutes after the beginning of the session, Sandra felt cold, then there were clicks, barely audible whispers and whistles.

Dim spots of light appeared in the air. Suddenly the megaphone jumped on the table, then fell to the knee of one of those present and from there to the floor. After that, the unusual sounds stopped and the light spots disappeared. Diana was very pleased, in her opinion, the group members were in good harmony with the quality of their spiritual energy.

During the next session, which took place a week later, all the phenomena were repeated. This time the megaphone fell on Sandra's lap, who cried out in surprise, after which everything was quiet. When the Spiritualists listened to the tape recording made during the session, it turned out that there were some obscure noises on the tape, which stopped after the fall of the horn. Then a man's voice was heard, clearly saying the phrase: "I am here!"

Throughout the fall, the group met weekly, and each time there was clear progress and an increase in spiritualistic phenomena. Spots of fog appeared in the air, water splashes flew on those present, from session to session the sounds became louder and louder. Those present felt like someone invisible was pulling their sleeves. At one of the sessions, an unknown spiritualist guide told through Alan that the group is very close to the spirit world.

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On December 3, 1992, Manu, the most important spiritual guide for the group, contacted through Diana. The latter explained how each member of the group should behave. Since then, Manu has appeared in every session. In one of the sessions in January 1993, due to illness of the other participants, only Sandra, Diana and Alan were present.

Manu suddenly announced that he had brought a spiritistic sign, testifying to the special trust of the spirits. After a few seconds, there was a dull sound, as if something had fallen on the table. It turned out to be a coin from Churchill's time. As Diana later explained, this sign is especially dear to her, since for several years during the sessions she constantly contacted Sir Winston Churchill.

A couple of weeks later, at a regular session, Manu announced that he was going to bring seven signs. Those present heard a dull thud, like the time when a coin fell. A few minutes later there was another knock, and this was repeated until there were seven objects on the table. As it turned out later, four of the dropped objects were more suitable for women, and three - for men, according to the number of persons of both sexes present.

Spiritualists received from the other world: silver and copper thimbles, a copper cigarette case, a mouthpiece with beautiful carvings, a silver ring with the Arabic inscription: "Allah is great", a silver chain and a cross with enamel. All things were old. The gifts of the spirits testified to their benevolence.

However, on March 8, the situation changed dramatically. Manu, as always, relayed messages through Diana, and another guide named Raji through Alan. But this time the words were inaudible. Bells, suspended from a rope from the ceiling, rang periodically throughout the evening.


In addition, spiritualistic fires appeared, tracing the air like shooting stars, accompanied by sparks and a characteristic crack. The horn rotated on the table, which was evident from the sparkling lights. Then he climbed up and floated across the room, staying under the ceiling for eight minutes and performing complex maneuvers. After that, the megaphone flew between the legs of the chair on which Alan was sitting, and with a knock sank onto the table, where it rotated and trembled for several more minutes, until it stopped.

Several minutes passed in complete silence, then Manu, through Diana, announced that the spirits had taken under the patronage of a group of spiritists and through them they were working out a new technology of communication with the world of the living using a substance called ectoplasm.

The results are achieved by using the interaction of spiritual energy and the energy of the Earth, the latter being taken from both those who sit in the room and from natural reservoirs that exist in the form of "columns" in various places on the Earth.

Such a "column" of earthly energy passes right in the middle of the table in the basement of Diana's house. In order to produce phenomena perceptible in the physical world, such as the appearance of lights, sounds, and even more the materialization of various objects, it is necessary to mix certain types of energy in certain proportions.

It is this mixture that gives rise to ectoplasm. Only the spirit can accomplish this task. Manu did it for a group of spiritualists in Norfolk. Experiments with ectoplasm are very dangerous. There are cases when mediums died during sessions from burns. Such an effect can be caused by the inept actions of someone present. For example, in no case should a light be turned on during a spiritualistic session.

All this information, received from a member of a spiritualist group, Patrick McKenna considers extremely interesting. In his opinion, it is high time for the scientific community to start studying ectoplasm in order to understand the physical nature of the mysterious substance. True, such a study is hardly easy to carry out, because the appearance in a room filled with ectoplasm of any person who is not a member of a spiritualist group causes distortions of the energy field, the ectoplasm becomes uncontrollable and can kill someone present.

S. Mikhailov

“Interesting newspaper. Magic and mysticism №16 2013