Earth Angel - Maybe It Is You? - Alternative View

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Earth Angel - Maybe It Is You? - Alternative View
Earth Angel - Maybe It Is You? - Alternative View

Video: Earth Angel - Maybe It Is You? - Alternative View

Video: Earth Angel - Maybe It Is You? - Alternative View
Video: Earth Angel - Marvin Berry & The Starlighters (HQ) 2024, June

We all know that the heavenly Angels - Guardian Angels are watching over our life, helping us, protecting us. We do not see them, but we feel their care, participation in our life, important clues, boundless love.

And what was my surprise when I learned that, besides the Heavenly Angels, there are Earth Angels living on our planet, among us.

What are they? How do you recognize them?

Or maybe I came to Earth with the mission of the Earth Angel. How do you know about this?

We, earthly people, came here from other worlds, invisible and not always clear to us. And we call these worlds our home.

Our Souls on Earth need to solve a lot of problems, enrich themselves with valuable experience, learn to sympathize, endure, sympathize.

Learn to love yourself and any living creature, be it a small ant, a kitten or a person. The Earth Angels have another, no less important mission - serving and helping the whole world.


Promotional video:

If you consider yourself a black sheep in this life, imagine that you were born on some unknown planet N and want to return there, home, you can be one of the representatives of the Earth Angels.

If you help other people, acquaintances and strangers, love to teach, heal, are tolerant, treat any person with respect and love, regardless of their social status and appearance, then most likely you belong to the world of Earth Angels.

If you look much younger than your passport age, imagine that your body is a temporary shelter for the Soul, you can be an Incarnated Angel, Elemental, Alien, Sage.

Wise men

Sages as characters from fairy tales, fantastic stories. They can be sorcerers, magicians, shamans, witches, priestesses.

They are characterized by a high degree of intuition and deep wisdom. Sages can be recognized not only by their appearance, penetrating eyes, but also by flowing, loose clothes that reflect the spirit of past incarnations.

Sages have a heavy energy, in life they play the role of mentors, can engage in magical practices, perform various miracles.

Since childhood, they have shown extrasensory abilities, are interested in esotericism, study astrology, magic, alchemy.

The main mission of the Sages is to help the people of the Earth. Sages are well aware of events on the Sun, Moon, and other planets, they react sharply to lunar cycles. But on Earth they feel confident and comfortable as well.


Incarnated Aliens

The mission of the Incarnated Aliens is to bring goodness and love to those people, to those places where there is a Spiritual need. They are able to reduce feelings of anger, hatred, anger and rage, they are ready at any cost to prevent the threat of nuclear war.

Incarnated Aliens are not performing their task for the sake of recognition and praise.

They are often inconspicuous, shy, humble, very hardworking, great performers. With a smile on their lips and love in their hearts, they act for the good of humanity.

Aliens feel uncomfortable in human society, they want to quickly return to their world, to their planet. They are attracted by technical progress, novelties of computer technology.

They are interested in space travel, science fiction, UFOs, aliens. Show ability for physiotherapy, chiropractic, massage, design, construction.

But a special gift from aliens is the ability to Reiki. It is believed that they brought this healing technique with them from the constellation of the Pleiades.


Incarnated Elementals

If you have met among your entourage people who look like slender unicorns, fantastic elves, gentle fairies or mischievous gnomes, then you are familiar with the Incarnated Elementals.

Red-haired, with freckles and a delicate blush, they only seem calm and balanced. Their sensitive nervous system leads to incontinence of feelings, passion, extraordinary actions.

Elementals can have addictions, rarely follow a routine. They love jokes, fun, eccentric humor, sometimes angry, offensive. But that is their purpose.

The world becomes brighter with the Elementals. They laugh not only at others, but at themselves. They take offense at people who hurt the Earth, and love those who think environmentally, protect all living things and our planet.

Elementals are clowns, optimists in life. They achieve good results in the field of mass media, entertainment, music, literature, dance, yoga.

Elementals are sensitive to all living things, protect nature.


Earth Angels

Incarnated Angels - Servants of Light, come to the earthly world to live their lives in human embodiment.

They have cute, attractive faces, small plump lips like cupids, expressive eyes that radiate love.

The life mission of these Angels is to help people. Therefore, it is not for nothing that they choose professions related to serving humanity.

They make good teachers, healers, medical professionals, healers, consultants in various fields of knowledge.

Incarnated Angels can in any person consider his hidden possibilities, help to realize talents, reveal the true, divine essence.

Very often they become companions, companions of people who have bad habits and addictions.

Earth Angels try to heal such people (alcoholics, drug addicts), help them realize their purpose and get very upset when they feel rejection and resistance.


They are so consumed with their mission of helping and healing others that they often fail to say no.

Trying to do everything on their own for another person, they begin to suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome and the feeling that they are simply being used.

If their "ward" does not seek to change for the better, the Angels start to get sick, they develop chronic fatigue, and muscle pains appear.

But still, until their last earthly moment, the Angels try to fulfill their mission to perfection.

So who am I? What type of Earth Angels can I be?

Plunging into my past incarnations, I saw myself more than once in the constellations Perseus and the Pleiades, I was on other planets that are still unknown to me. Received Reiki energy, healed myself and others.

Ritual dances were danced by the sacrificial fire. I lived my life in the body of a shaman tambourine and a witch … Therefore, I assume that I belong to the mixed type. I have the traits of Incarnated Aliens and Sages.

This article is based on materials from the book "Earth Angels" by Doreen Verche.

Natalia Ivanova