Mysterious Hallucinations In Oregon - Alternative View

Mysterious Hallucinations In Oregon - Alternative View
Mysterious Hallucinations In Oregon - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Hallucinations In Oregon - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Hallucinations In Oregon - Alternative View
Video: Strange Interaction With A Park Ranger While Searching For A Missing Person 2024, June

The emergency department of a Bay Area hospital in the small American town of Coose Bay has been quarantined after five people began to experience severe hallucinations of mysterious origin.


It all started when a 54-year-old woman working as a home nurse called the police by phone, saying that seven or eight people were trying to rip the roof off her car, which was parked outside. The woman was beside herself with fear, but the police squad rushed to the call did not find anyone. The car, of course, also had no damage. The police left, but soon the frightened woman called the rescue service again and reported the attack by the same intruders.

The police returned, searched the house and combed the block, but found nothing suspicious. Then they decided to take the woman to the nearest hospital, suspecting that she was sick and suffering from severe hallucinations. Soon after, one of the officers began to see otherworldly beings and hear mysterious voices, after which he himself went to the hospital in an ambulance.


A little later, his partner, who was also taken by an ambulance to the emergency room of a Bay Area hospital, also experienced severe hallucinations. A 78-year-old woman, who was being looked after by a nurse, went there too - she was suddenly overcome by mysterious hallucinations. After that, the military intervened and sent a detachment of special forces to combat chemical and biological weapons to the house, which was visited by all participants in the events.

Experts turned the house upside down, but found nothing suspicious. In the hospital, five people suffering from hallucinations were quarantined and carefully examined by all possible methods, but no psychotropic substances were found in the blood or biological fluids. None of them have ever suffered from a mental or neurological illness and have experienced hallucinations for the first time.

Cars, appliances and clothing were tested for potential hallucinogens, but nothing suspicious was found. During the investigation, it was established that all the participants in the incident exchanged with each other only a touch of the hand, before starting to experience mysterious visions and hearing voices. So far, doctors and detectives have absolutely no versions of what happened, but the investigation will continue.

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