Callsigns From Parallel Worlds - Alternative View

Callsigns From Parallel Worlds - Alternative View
Callsigns From Parallel Worlds - Alternative View

Video: Callsigns From Parallel Worlds - Alternative View

Video: Callsigns From Parallel Worlds - Alternative View
Video: Parallel Worlds Probably Exist. Here’s Why 2024, October

Since the birth of science, philosophers, psychologists, ecologists and representatives of other branches of knowledge have been discussing the possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence. Different ideas are expressed. For example, some talk about a single mind of the Universe, others - about the consciousness of not only protein, but also inorganic matter. But the most popular are the themes of other civilizations, aliens and UFOs.

Surely the famous English writer Jonathan Swift had to observe the flight of the "saucer". He not only described it (naturally, with elements of fiction) in his "Gulliver's Travel", calling it the country of Laputa, but also "sent" it there for the duration of the main character of the work.

And here is a relatively recent description of the UFO phenomenon, contained in the report of the famous Russian philosopher, artist and writer Nicholas Roerich about the Tibetan expedition, compiled in 1927: “Sunny cloudless morning - the clear blue sky sparkles. A huge dark kite is rushing through our camp, and we are watching it. What is it? White balloon? Airplane? Three powerful binoculars were brought from the tents. We observe a voluminous spheroidal body, sparkling in the sun, clearly visible in the blue sky. It moves very fast. We then notice how it changes direction more to the southwest and hides behind the Humboldt snow chain. The whole camp is watching the unusual phenomenon, and the lamas are whispering “The Sign of Shambhala”. Here is one more name for the UFO phenomenon besides “Laputu”.

Today, “flying saucers” have accumulated so many names that it is difficult even to list them. But science cannot understand this phenomenon. There are only hypotheses. Well, let's say that the cosmites arrive on Earth and even live among us. But who are they? Relics from time immemorial? Our contemporaries? There are even assumptions that these are people who came to us on a time machine from the future. The most popular version is that these are beings from parallel worlds, which in an unknown way penetrate to us. What is more correct? Science fiction writers provide many answers to this question. And surely among their answers there are, if not correct, then at least close to the truth. But again, what kind? Scientific expertise is needed here. And science is silent, because it is obliged to rely only on facts, and not on hypotheses.

Poltergeist belongs to the same category of anomalous phenomena, in which objects spontaneously move, and people are exposed to unknown forces. Sometimes it even becomes a headache for municipal authorities. For example, not so long ago, in one of the districts of Moscow, tenants were issued a warrant for a new apartment, since they were tortured by the poltergeist on the old one.

There are also plenty of scientific hypotheses about poltergeist. So, Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kaznacheev suggests that in those cases when people see suddenly appearing in space, say, hands or creatures in full growth (lying, walking, standing on the water, dressed in overalls, glowing, etc.) then this is nothing more than a manifestation of the movement of unexplored fields, that is, also a form of life, but non-protein, like ours, but different. And these other life forms, when meeting with us, create images of abnormal, strange, and even frightening phenomena and events. And people experience similar effects everywhere and on a daily basis.

The idea of the academician is clear. But then what about the abductions of earthlings by cosmites? By the way, the famous ufologist Vladimir Azhazha considers such abductions to be a common and almost mass practice of aliens. And the American scientist Thomas Bullard even compiled a kind of statistics. He studied 270 cases of abductions and came to the conclusion that 44 percent of them were committed in uninhabited places, 35 percent - during hiking, fishing, hunting, and in 21 percent of cases, people were abducted directly from their own bedroom.

Often the abducted are returned. Here is the story of a resident of the village of Protvino near Moscow. One day at about nine o'clock in the evening she was returning home. Suddenly, two tall figures appeared in front of her, as it seemed to her - female. Strangers offered to fly in a spacecraft that was nearby. The intrigued dugout agreed. The device turned out to be a dome about two and a half meters high, in which there was another creature, apparently a man. He sat at what looked like a control panel. The flight lasted less than half an hour, and then a resident of Protvin was landed at the launch site … And thousands of such evidence accumulated.

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Ever since people began to think, they are constantly asking questions: who are they, why are they here and what are they moving towards? Neither history, nor philosophy, nor other sciences provide comprehensive answers to these questions. Therefore, it is quite natural that from contacts with other civilizations mankind expects not only walks on comfortable UFOs, but above all the expansion of ideas about oneself and the Universe and, in general, the multiplication of knowledge. This, in particular, explains the increased interest in the so-called contactees, that is, to people who have the ability to mentally exit into the astral plane and receive from there, according to them, information of extraterrestrial origin. Why does contacting remain the lot of the elite? On this score, experts at the Moscow Center for Ufology and Anomalous Phenomena have the opinion that the point here is in the peculiarities of the thought process of individuals. This process itself has not been solved by science, although it is precisely established that all living beings think in images. Aliens have these images of a completely different nature than ours. But for some earthlings, they in some part coincide with aliens - hence the mental contacts.

But this is about the exchange of mental information. And when a person comes into contact with the material space, he sometimes has to revise his worldview and set new goals for himself. And how not to reconsider? From the very beginning of the existence of fantastic literature, writers of this genre have frightened people with all sorts of horror stories. And life, no, no, and even surpasses their unexpected forecasts. When is Apollo 2? sat on the moon and Neil Armstrong stepped on its surface, his excited voice was heard in the dynamics: “Damn it, I would like to know what this is ?! Spaceships are in front of us on the other side of the crater. They are huge and watching us.” Stories about alien settlements on the Moon were also published in connection with the flight of the American ships Apollo 12 ?, which accompanied an unknown object, and Apollo 13 ?,whose fuel tank the aliens just blew up. These messages were printed with reference to such a reputable organization as the NASA information service.

All this the official science traditionally tried to present as falsification for the sake of sensation. But, as always, it is not reasoned. In any case, the same Vladimir Azhazha insists that ufology is a new scientific direction with its own goals, objectives and research subject. Indeed, science has the right to engage in any subject of research, including UFOs. Let us recall at least the persecution of medieval alchemists. And already in the XX century, science was forced to admit (albeit with a creak) that their search for the philosopher's stone gave a powerful impetus to the development of chemistry. So it is with UFOs.