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Home Murka - Alien In Skin - Alternative View
Home Murka - Alien In Skin - Alternative View

Video: Home Murka - Alien In Skin - Alternative View

Video: Home Murka - Alien In Skin - Alternative View

American ufologist Brad Stager is convinced that 20% of pets are real aliens. They look like two peas in a pod, similar to ordinary cats and dogs, but have much greater intellectual abilities

The ancestors of the animals were thrown to Earth more than 50 thousand years ago. The sensation was born after 20 years of painstaking research work. Having entered into a computer the results of a survey of several million American fans of four-legged friends, the scientist compiled a portrait of alien creatures.

Determining who lives near you is quite simple. The friendlier the animal is, the more likely it is that it is a "space agent". Their distinctive feature is an expressive look, sociability and a tendency to contact with people. Envoys from extraterrestrial civilizations have the ability to invade the dreams of their masters. If your pet dreamed against the background of a fantastic landscape, he will present his planet to you.

Quite often you can hear stories about how pets woke their owners in the middle of the night and thus saved them from an earthquake, a fire, or a gas burner that was not turned off. Individuals are able to lower blood pressure, relieve headaches, treat sciatica, or alleviate the suffering of arthritis patients. These are all representatives of the extraterrestrial race.

By the way, according to the testimony of another foreign authority in this area, Haydon Hugh, humanoids who work under the guise of human appearance are the exact opposite of cute animals. They dress tastelessly because, despite their high IQ, they cannot understand the stylistic diversity of earthlings. It is the aliens who wear striped jackets with speckled trousers, and tuxedos with frayed jeans. The humanoid lady is quite capable of painting her nails with typewriter putty.

Not among humanoids and gourmets: they eat fried potatoes with spoons. Their sense of humor is also, to put it mildly, peculiar. Not reacting to anecdotes, they are ready to roll with laughter when watching a popular science film. Their own witticisms can only cause normal people to smile tight.

They are incredibly secretive and even under torture do not admit that their child fell ill with a sore throat, and the faithful was repainted in red. They are often susceptible to sudden mood swings and attacks of incomprehensible fear when near electromagnetic devices. If you suspect someone, you can ask him to heat a pizza in the microwave, a real humanoid will leave the kitchen in panic.

Steiger estimates that there are several million aliens living in the States alone. However, all zaslanets are in a completely peaceful mood and do not pose any danger to others.

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